测试自定义View的onMeasure / onLayout / onDraw方法有什么好方法?

时间:2022-09-06 18:47:19

I just wrote a custom View class that, among other things, allows a developer to easily set borders (e.g. setBorderWidth, setBorderColor, setBorderWidthLeft, etc.). I did this by overriding onMeasure/onDraw and I want to test that the View properly draws these borders.

我刚刚编写了一个自定义View类,除其他外,它允许开发人员轻松设置边框(例如setBorderWidth,setBorderColor,setBorderWidthLeft等)。我通过覆盖onMeasure / onDraw来做到这一点,我想测试View正确绘制这些边框。

Ideally, I want something at a higher level than a unit test: basically I want to enforce that if I set borders, they are drawn as expected; if I don't set them they aren't drawn; if I change them, the new borders are drawn and the old ones are no longer visible. This allows me to know that my view is working at a high level.


Things I've considered:


  1. Taking the view in isolation with Robolectric and calling onDraw manually with a mock Canvas (doesn't test invalidation though)
  2. 将视图与Robolectric隔离并使用模拟Canvas手动调用onDraw(但不测试失效)

  3. Making an Activity test case and somehow saving a screenshot of the Activity and analyzing it programmatically.
  4. 制作一个Activity测试用例并以某种方式保存Activity的屏幕截图并以编程方式对其进行分析。

Neither of these seem great to me, but I'm leaning towards 2). Any other ideas?


1 个解决方案



For testing onDraw, onLayout and onMeasurescreenshots-tests-for-android is considerable option.




For testing onDraw, onLayout and onMeasurescreenshots-tests-for-android is considerable option.
