Many system administrators make a practice of using GNU Screen or tmux to manage jobs running in the terminal. If you have a long-running job that you want to "detach" from the terminal, you can simply use your terminal multiplexer to do it. But what if you don't use tmux or Screen, or you just forgot? For those times, there's nohup and disown.
Have a long-running job you want to "detach" from the terminal? Don't use tmux or Screen? If you haven't started the job yet, nohup is an easy to use option, and if you must stop a job in the middle, there's disown.
If you haven't started the job yet, there's nohup. Short for "no hangup," nohup will detach the program from the current shell and send its output to nohup.out. If you quit the shell or whatever, the process will continue to run until it completes.
Ah, but what if you forget to use nohup, or if you didn't expect to be leaving the computer but get called away? Then there's disown.
The use of disown is a bit more complex. While the command is running, use Ctrl-z to stop it and then use bg to put it in the background. Then you'll use disown %n where n is the job number (jobspec). And, of course, you can find the job number using the jobs command. Run jobs again to verify that the job has been detached -- and you can use ps or top to verify that the job is actually still running.
Linux 将进程放入后台执行,解决网络,ssh断开导致进程结束(nohup, setsid, &;, disown)
Linux 将进程放入后台执行,解决网络,ssh断开导致进程结束(nohup, setsid, &, disown) 1.nohup 命令 我们知道,当用户注销(logout)或者网络断开 ...
Linux运行与控制后台进程的方法:nohup, setsid, &;, disown, screen
我们经常会碰到这样的问题,用ssh登录了远程的Linux服务器,运行了一些耗时较长的任务,结果却由于网络等的不稳定导致任务中途失败.这是由于在用户注销(logout)或者网络断开时,终端会收到 HUP ...
让进程在后台可靠运行的几种方法 nohup,setsid,&;,disown,CTRL-z ,screen
让进程在后台可靠运行的几种方法 几年前在developerWorks上面看到的文章,感觉非常实用,又简单整理了一下,转到这里,希望给看到的人带来一些帮助.文中提到的nohup和subshell方式一直 ...
Linux 系统命令
1.ctrl+z 让正在运行的任务暂停运行, 然后可用 bg %jobId使之后台运行,相当于: 命令 & 2. jobs -l 查看任务 3. echo $$ 查看当前进程 4.nohup ...
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最近在Quora上看到一个问答题目,关于在高效率Linux用户节省时间Tips. 将该题目的回答进行学习总结,加上自己的一些经验,记录如下,方便自己和大家参考. 下面介绍的都是一些命令行工具,这些工具 ...
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申明: 文章所述观点与不论什么组织或个人无关,仅代表我个人观点,如有不正确,还望批评指正. 概述: 从毕业到如今,在GIS这条路上也算是摸爬滚打4.5年了.说长也不长,说短也不短.在这4.5年的时间里 ...