
时间:2022-10-11 19:58:45

Write a program that sums the sequence of integers as well as the smallest in the sequence. Assume that the first integer read with scanf specifies the number of values remaining to be entered. For example the sequence entered:


Input: 5 100 350 400 550 678

输入:5 100 350 400 550 678

Output: The sum of the sequence of integers is: 2078


Input: 5 40 67 9 13 98

输入:5 40 67 9 13 98

Output: The smallest of the integers entered is: 9


This is a daily problem I am working on but by looking at this, Isnt 5 the smallest integer? I have no idea how to write this program. Appreciate any help

这是我正在研究的日常问题,但通过观察,Isnt 5是最小的整数?我不知道如何编写这个程序。感谢任何帮助

8 个解决方案


First thing, the 5 is not considered part of the list, it's the count for the list. Hence it shouldn't be included in the calculations.


Since this is homework, here's the pseudo-code. Your job is to understand the pseudo-code first (run it through your head with sample inputs) then turn this into C code and try to get it compiling and running successfully (with those same sample inputs).


I would suggest the sample input of "2 7 3" (two items, those being 7 and 3) as a good start point since it's small and the sum will be 10, smallest 3.

我建议将样本输入“2 7 3”(两个项目,即7和3)作为一个良好的起点,因为它很小,总和将是10,最小3。

If you've tried to do that for more than a day, then post your code into this question as an edit and we'll see what we can do to help you out.


get a number into quantity
set sum to zero
loop varying index from 1 to quantity
    get a number into value
    add value to sum
    if index is 1
        set smallest to value
        if value is less than smallest
            set smallest to value
output "The sum of the sequence of integers is: ", sum
output "The smallest of the integers entered is: ", smallest

Stack Overflow seems to be divided into three camps, those that will just give you the code, those that will tell you to push off and do your own homework and those, like me, who would rather see you educated - by the time you hit the workforce, I hope to be retired so you won't be competing with me :-).

Stack Overflow似乎分为三个阵营,那些只会给你代码的那些,那些会告诉你推卸并做自己的功课,以及那些像我一样宁愿看到你受过教育的人 - 当你点击时劳动力,我希望退休,所以你不会与我竞争:-)。

And before anyone picks holes in my algorithm, this is for education. I've left at least one gotcha in it to help train the guy - there may be others and I will claim I put them there intentionally to test him :-).

在任何人在我的算法中选择漏洞之前,这是用于教育。我已经留下了至少一个问题来帮助训练那个人 - 可能还有其他人我会声称我故意将他们放在那里测试他:-)。


Robert, after your (very good) attempt which I've already commented on, this is how I'd modify your code to do the task (hand yours in of course, not mine). You can hopefully see how my comments modify the code to reach this solution:


#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argCount, char *argVal[]) {
    int i;              // General purpose counter.
    int smallNum;       // Holds the smallest number.
    int numSum;         // Holds the sum of all numbers.
    int currentNum;     // Holds the current number.
    int numCount;       // Holds the count of numbers.

    // Get count of numbers and make sure it's in range 1 through 50.

    printf ("How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? ");
    scanf ("%d", &numCount);
    if ((numCount < 1) || (numCount > 50)) {
        printf ("Invalid count of %d.\n", numCount);
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter %d numbers then press enter after each entry:\n",

    // Set initial sum to zero, numbers will be added to this.

    numSum = 0;

    // Loop, getting and processing all numbers.

    for (i = 0; i < numCount; i++) {

        // Get the number.

        printf("%2d> ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &currentNum);

        // Add the number to sum.

        numSum += currentNum;

        // First number entered is always lowest.

        if (i == 0) {
            smallNum = currentNum;
        } else {
            // Replace if current is smaller.

            if (currentNum < smallNum) {
                smallNum = currentNum;

    // Output results.

    printf ("The sum of the numbers is: %d\n", numSum);
    printf ("The smallest number is:    %d\n", smallNum);

    return 0;

And here is the output from your sample data:


pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 5

Enter 5 numbers then press enter after each entry:
 1> 100
 2> 350
 3> 400
 4> 550
 5> 678
The sum of the numbers is: 2078
The smallest number is:    100

pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 5

Enter 5 numbers then press enter after each entry:
 1> 40
 2> 67
 3> 9
 4> 13
 5> 98
The sum of the numbers is: 227
The smallest number is:    9

pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 0
Invalid count of 0.

[fury]$ ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 51
Invalid count of 51.

By the way, make sure you always add comments to your code. Educators love that sort of stuff. So do developers that have to try to understand your code 10 years into the future.




Assume that the first integer read with scanf specifies the number of values remaining to be entered


so it's not part of the sequence...


for the rest, it's your homework (and C...)

其余的,这是你的作业(和C ...)


No. 5 is the number of integers you have to read into the list.



Jeebus, I'm not doing your homework for you, but...


Have you stopped to scratch this out on paper and work out how it should work? Write some pseudo-code and then transcribe to real code. I'd have thought:


  • Read integer
  • Loop that many times ** Read more integers ** Add ** Find Smallest
  • 循环多次**阅读更多整数**添加**查找最小值

IF you're in C look at INT_MAX - that will help out finding the smallest integer.

如果您在C中查看INT_MAX - 这将有助于找到最小的整数。


Since the list of integers is variable, I'd be tempted to use strtok to split the string up into individual strings (separate by space) and then atoi to convert each number and sum or find minimum on the fly.




First you read the number of values (ie. 5), then create an array of int of 5 elements, read the rest of the input, split them and put them in the array (after converting them to integers).


Then do a loop on the array to get the sum of to find the smallest value.


Hope that helps



wasn[']t looking for you guys to do the work


Cool. People tend to take offense when you dump the problem text at them and the problem text is phrased in an imperative form ("do this! write that! etc.").


You may want to say something like "I'm stuck with a homework problem. Here's the problem: write a [...]. I don't understand why [...]."



#include <stdio.h>

main ()
    int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, i;
    int smallestnumber=0;
    int sum=0;
    int numbers[50];
    int count;
    num1 = 0;
    num2 = 0;
    num3 = 0;
    num4 = 0;
    num5 = 0;
    num6 = 0;

    printf("How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? ");
    scanf("%d", &count);

    printf("\nEnter %d numbers then press enter after each entry:  \n", count);

    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
        printf("%2d> ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &numbers[i]);
        sum +=  numbers[i];

    smallestnumber = numbers[0];
    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
        if ( numbers[i] < smallestnumber)
            smallestnumber = numbers[i];

    printf("the sum of the numbers is: %d\n", sum);
    printf("The smallest number is: %d", smallestnumber);


First thing, the 5 is not considered part of the list, it's the count for the list. Hence it shouldn't be included in the calculations.


Since this is homework, here's the pseudo-code. Your job is to understand the pseudo-code first (run it through your head with sample inputs) then turn this into C code and try to get it compiling and running successfully (with those same sample inputs).


I would suggest the sample input of "2 7 3" (two items, those being 7 and 3) as a good start point since it's small and the sum will be 10, smallest 3.

我建议将样本输入“2 7 3”(两个项目,即7和3)作为一个良好的起点,因为它很小,总和将是10,最小3。

If you've tried to do that for more than a day, then post your code into this question as an edit and we'll see what we can do to help you out.


get a number into quantity
set sum to zero
loop varying index from 1 to quantity
    get a number into value
    add value to sum
    if index is 1
        set smallest to value
        if value is less than smallest
            set smallest to value
output "The sum of the sequence of integers is: ", sum
output "The smallest of the integers entered is: ", smallest

Stack Overflow seems to be divided into three camps, those that will just give you the code, those that will tell you to push off and do your own homework and those, like me, who would rather see you educated - by the time you hit the workforce, I hope to be retired so you won't be competing with me :-).

Stack Overflow似乎分为三个阵营,那些只会给你代码的那些,那些会告诉你推卸并做自己的功课,以及那些像我一样宁愿看到你受过教育的人 - 当你点击时劳动力,我希望退休,所以你不会与我竞争:-)。

And before anyone picks holes in my algorithm, this is for education. I've left at least one gotcha in it to help train the guy - there may be others and I will claim I put them there intentionally to test him :-).

在任何人在我的算法中选择漏洞之前,这是用于教育。我已经留下了至少一个问题来帮助训练那个人 - 可能还有其他人我会声称我故意将他们放在那里测试他:-)。


Robert, after your (very good) attempt which I've already commented on, this is how I'd modify your code to do the task (hand yours in of course, not mine). You can hopefully see how my comments modify the code to reach this solution:


#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argCount, char *argVal[]) {
    int i;              // General purpose counter.
    int smallNum;       // Holds the smallest number.
    int numSum;         // Holds the sum of all numbers.
    int currentNum;     // Holds the current number.
    int numCount;       // Holds the count of numbers.

    // Get count of numbers and make sure it's in range 1 through 50.

    printf ("How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? ");
    scanf ("%d", &numCount);
    if ((numCount < 1) || (numCount > 50)) {
        printf ("Invalid count of %d.\n", numCount);
        return 1;
    printf("\nEnter %d numbers then press enter after each entry:\n",

    // Set initial sum to zero, numbers will be added to this.

    numSum = 0;

    // Loop, getting and processing all numbers.

    for (i = 0; i < numCount; i++) {

        // Get the number.

        printf("%2d> ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &currentNum);

        // Add the number to sum.

        numSum += currentNum;

        // First number entered is always lowest.

        if (i == 0) {
            smallNum = currentNum;
        } else {
            // Replace if current is smaller.

            if (currentNum < smallNum) {
                smallNum = currentNum;

    // Output results.

    printf ("The sum of the numbers is: %d\n", numSum);
    printf ("The smallest number is:    %d\n", smallNum);

    return 0;

And here is the output from your sample data:


pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 5

Enter 5 numbers then press enter after each entry:
 1> 100
 2> 350
 3> 400
 4> 550
 5> 678
The sum of the numbers is: 2078
The smallest number is:    100

pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 5

Enter 5 numbers then press enter after each entry:
 1> 40
 2> 67
 3> 9
 4> 13
 5> 98
The sum of the numbers is: 227
The smallest number is:    9

pax> ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 0
Invalid count of 0.

[fury]$ ./qq
How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? 51
Invalid count of 51.

By the way, make sure you always add comments to your code. Educators love that sort of stuff. So do developers that have to try to understand your code 10 years into the future.




Assume that the first integer read with scanf specifies the number of values remaining to be entered


so it's not part of the sequence...


for the rest, it's your homework (and C...)

其余的,这是你的作业(和C ...)


No. 5 is the number of integers you have to read into the list.



Jeebus, I'm not doing your homework for you, but...


Have you stopped to scratch this out on paper and work out how it should work? Write some pseudo-code and then transcribe to real code. I'd have thought:


  • Read integer
  • Loop that many times ** Read more integers ** Add ** Find Smallest
  • 循环多次**阅读更多整数**添加**查找最小值

IF you're in C look at INT_MAX - that will help out finding the smallest integer.

如果您在C中查看INT_MAX - 这将有助于找到最小的整数。


Since the list of integers is variable, I'd be tempted to use strtok to split the string up into individual strings (separate by space) and then atoi to convert each number and sum or find minimum on the fly.




First you read the number of values (ie. 5), then create an array of int of 5 elements, read the rest of the input, split them and put them in the array (after converting them to integers).


Then do a loop on the array to get the sum of to find the smallest value.


Hope that helps



wasn[']t looking for you guys to do the work


Cool. People tend to take offense when you dump the problem text at them and the problem text is phrased in an imperative form ("do this! write that! etc.").


You may want to say something like "I'm stuck with a homework problem. Here's the problem: write a [...]. I don't understand why [...]."



#include <stdio.h>

main ()
    int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, i;
    int smallestnumber=0;
    int sum=0;
    int numbers[50];
    int count;
    num1 = 0;
    num2 = 0;
    num3 = 0;
    num4 = 0;
    num5 = 0;
    num6 = 0;

    printf("How many numbers will be entered (max 50)? ");
    scanf("%d", &count);

    printf("\nEnter %d numbers then press enter after each entry:  \n", count);

    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
        printf("%2d> ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &numbers[i]);
        sum +=  numbers[i];

    smallestnumber = numbers[0];
    for (i=0; i < count; i++) {
        if ( numbers[i] < smallestnumber)
            smallestnumber = numbers[i];

    printf("the sum of the numbers is: %d\n", sum);
    printf("The smallest number is: %d", smallestnumber);