
时间:2022-09-06 13:17:43

I have been trying to compare a string to another, or a string to a statement, but I can't find where the mistake is. I tried with the == but it didnt work, then i changed to .equals()


static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.print("En este programa calcularemos el area de una figura.\n" + 
              "Ingresa a continuacion que figura calcularemos.");
    String triangulo = "triangulo";
    String figura = scan.nextLine();
    if (figura.equals(triangulo)){
        System.out.print("Ingrese base y altura del triangulo.\n");
        double base = scan.nextDouble();
        double altura = scan.nextDouble();
        System.out.print("La altura es " + (base*altura)/2);

The idea here is to ask the user the name of the shape whose area will be calculated, and if it equals one of the different shapes I'm going to name, then it will use formula depending on the shape.


3 个解决方案


Replace this line: String figura = scan.nextLine();with String figura = scan.next();and your program will work: see image below

替换此行:String figura = scan.nextLine(); with String figura = scan.next();您的程序将起作用:请参见下图


Also see here the difference between Scanner.next() and Scanner.nextLine()



When I tried this program and entered triangulo as input it seems to work for me as it printed Ingrese base y altura del triangulo..Then enter the value for sides and it works. I think code is correct.

当我尝试这个程序并输入triangulo作为输入时,它似乎对我有用,因为它打印了Ingrese base y altura del triangulo ..然后输入两侧的值并且它有效。我认为代码是正确的。


You have to differentiate between compering the references and values. Using "==" means you are comparing references not values. The link here will describes what are the java methods to compares variables in general and in which cases you have to use them.



I hope this will answer your question.



Replace this line: String figura = scan.nextLine();with String figura = scan.next();and your program will work: see image below

替换此行:String figura = scan.nextLine(); with String figura = scan.next();您的程序将起作用:请参见下图


Also see here the difference between Scanner.next() and Scanner.nextLine()



When I tried this program and entered triangulo as input it seems to work for me as it printed Ingrese base y altura del triangulo..Then enter the value for sides and it works. I think code is correct.

当我尝试这个程序并输入triangulo作为输入时,它似乎对我有用,因为它打印了Ingrese base y altura del triangulo ..然后输入两侧的值并且它有效。我认为代码是正确的。


You have to differentiate between compering the references and values. Using "==" means you are comparing references not values. The link here will describes what are the java methods to compares variables in general and in which cases you have to use them.



I hope this will answer your question.
