
时间:2022-09-06 12:09:25

I am declaring an array of void pointers. Each of which points to a value of arbitary type.
void **values; // Array of void pointers to each value of arbitary type

我声明了一个空指针数组。每一个都指向任意类型的值。void * *值;//空指针的数组,指向任意类型的每个值

Initializing values as follows:


    values = (void**)calloc(3,sizeof(void*));
    //can initialize values as: values = new void* [3];
    int ival = 1;
    float fval = 2.0;
    char* str = "word";
    values[0] = (void*)new int(ival);
    values[1] = (void*)new float(fval);
    values[2] = (void*)str;

    //Trying to Clear the memory allocated
    //Error: *** glibc detected *** simpleSQL: free(): invalid pointer: 0x080611b4
    //Core dumped
    delete[] values*;
    //warning: deleting 'void*' is undefined
    //Similar Error.

Now how do I free/delete the memory allocated for values ( the array of void pointers)?


7 个解决方案



You have 3 things that are dynamically allocated that need to be freed in 2 different ways:


delete reinterpret_cast<int*>( values[0]);    
delete reinterpret_cast<float*>( values[1]);

free( values); // I'm not sure why this would have failed in your example, 
               //    but it would have leaked the 2 items that you allocated 
               //    with new

Note that since str is not dynamically allocated it should not (actually cannot) be freed.


A couple of notes:


  • I'm assuming that the sizeof(void) was meant to be sizeof(void*) since what you have won't compile
  • 我假设sizeof(void)应该是sizeof(void*),因为您所拥有的不会编译
  • I'm not going to say anything about your seemingly random casting except that it looks like code that ready for disaster in general
  • 我不会说任何关于你的随机选择的东西,除了它看起来像为灾难做好准备的代码



I suspect the issue is with the way that you allocated values: values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void)). That should be sizeof(void *) rather than just sizeof(void).

我怀疑问题在于您分配值的方式:values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void))。应该是sizeof(void *)而不是sizeof(void)。

sizeof(void) may be zero or something else that makes no sense, so you're not really allocating any memory to begin with... it's just dumb luck that the assignments work, and then the error pops up when you try to deallocate the memory.


EDIT: You're also asking for trouble by alternating between C++-style new/delete with C-style malloc/free. It is okay to use them both as long as you don't delete something you malloc'ed or free something you new'ed, but you're going to mix them up in your head if you go like this.




This is the perfect situation for the boost::any class
Also you may want to consider using a vector rather than allocating your own memory.


std::vector<boost::any>   data;
boost::any i1 = 1; // add integer

boost::any f1 = 1.0; // add double

data.push_back("PLOP"); // add a char *

std:: cout << boost::any_cast<int>(data[0]) + boost::any_cast<double>(data[1])
           << std::endl;

Going back to your original code the main problem was:


values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void));

// This should  have been
void** values = (void**)calloc(3,sizeof(void*));

// Freeing the members needs care as you need to cast them
// back to the correct type before you release the memory.

// now you can free the array with

Also note: Though it is not illegal to use both new/delete and calloc/free in the same piece of code it is frowned upon. Mainly because it is easy to get things mixed up and that could potentially be fatal.




You're mixing new and *alloc(). That's a no-no, and can lead to undefined results.




I'm not sure why you are using new if you're doing things in C (referencing the tag here).


I would malloc the individual pieces of the array I need and then free them when I'm done I suppose. You can't free something you didn't first malloc. You also can't delete a void pointer.




Note that you're also not deleting values[0] and values[1] which is a memory leak, Yet by your design you can't free values[2] since its a pointer into you .data section.




You'd have to keep track of how many void* were originally calloc'd, and iterate over them, free-ing each one, then free the original values variable.


darn formatting... (the preview is working fine).


int ct = 3;
values = (void*)calloc(ct,sizeof(void));
//can initialize values as: values = new void* [3];
int ival = 1;
float fval = 2.0;
char* str = "word";
values[0] = (void*)new int(ival);
values[1] = (void*)new float(fval);
values[2] = (void*)str;

for ( int i = 0; i < ct; i++ ) [
    delete( values[i] );
free( values );



You have 3 things that are dynamically allocated that need to be freed in 2 different ways:


delete reinterpret_cast<int*>( values[0]);    
delete reinterpret_cast<float*>( values[1]);

free( values); // I'm not sure why this would have failed in your example, 
               //    but it would have leaked the 2 items that you allocated 
               //    with new

Note that since str is not dynamically allocated it should not (actually cannot) be freed.


A couple of notes:


  • I'm assuming that the sizeof(void) was meant to be sizeof(void*) since what you have won't compile
  • 我假设sizeof(void)应该是sizeof(void*),因为您所拥有的不会编译
  • I'm not going to say anything about your seemingly random casting except that it looks like code that ready for disaster in general
  • 我不会说任何关于你的随机选择的东西,除了它看起来像为灾难做好准备的代码



I suspect the issue is with the way that you allocated values: values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void)). That should be sizeof(void *) rather than just sizeof(void).

我怀疑问题在于您分配值的方式:values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void))。应该是sizeof(void *)而不是sizeof(void)。

sizeof(void) may be zero or something else that makes no sense, so you're not really allocating any memory to begin with... it's just dumb luck that the assignments work, and then the error pops up when you try to deallocate the memory.


EDIT: You're also asking for trouble by alternating between C++-style new/delete with C-style malloc/free. It is okay to use them both as long as you don't delete something you malloc'ed or free something you new'ed, but you're going to mix them up in your head if you go like this.




This is the perfect situation for the boost::any class
Also you may want to consider using a vector rather than allocating your own memory.


std::vector<boost::any>   data;
boost::any i1 = 1; // add integer

boost::any f1 = 1.0; // add double

data.push_back("PLOP"); // add a char *

std:: cout << boost::any_cast<int>(data[0]) + boost::any_cast<double>(data[1])
           << std::endl;

Going back to your original code the main problem was:


values = (void*)calloc(3,sizeof(void));

// This should  have been
void** values = (void**)calloc(3,sizeof(void*));

// Freeing the members needs care as you need to cast them
// back to the correct type before you release the memory.

// now you can free the array with

Also note: Though it is not illegal to use both new/delete and calloc/free in the same piece of code it is frowned upon. Mainly because it is easy to get things mixed up and that could potentially be fatal.




You're mixing new and *alloc(). That's a no-no, and can lead to undefined results.




I'm not sure why you are using new if you're doing things in C (referencing the tag here).


I would malloc the individual pieces of the array I need and then free them when I'm done I suppose. You can't free something you didn't first malloc. You also can't delete a void pointer.




Note that you're also not deleting values[0] and values[1] which is a memory leak, Yet by your design you can't free values[2] since its a pointer into you .data section.




You'd have to keep track of how many void* were originally calloc'd, and iterate over them, free-ing each one, then free the original values variable.


darn formatting... (the preview is working fine).


int ct = 3;
values = (void*)calloc(ct,sizeof(void));
//can initialize values as: values = new void* [3];
int ival = 1;
float fval = 2.0;
char* str = "word";
values[0] = (void*)new int(ival);
values[1] = (void*)new float(fval);
values[2] = (void*)str;

for ( int i = 0; i < ct; i++ ) [
    delete( values[i] );
free( values );