Given two integers L
and R
, find the count of numbers in the range [L, R]
(inclusive) having a prime number of set bits in their binary representation.
(Recall that the number of set bits an integer has is the number of 1
s present when written in binary. For example, 21
written in binary is 10101
which has 3 set bits. Also, 1 is not a prime.)
class Solution:
def countPrimeSetBits(self, L: int, R: int) -> int:
count_pr_num = 0
for i in range(L, R+1):
count_bits = 0
while i:
if i & 1 != 0:
count_bits += 1
i >>= 1
count_pr = 0
for j in range(2,count_bits):
if count_bits % j == 0:
count_pr += 1
if count_bits == 0 or count_bits == 1:
count_pr += 1
if count_pr == 0:
count_pr_num += 1
return count_pr_num
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