declare @f1 varchar(8000),@f2 varchar(8000),@f3 varchar(8000), @f4 varchar(8000)
select @f1='',@f2='',@f3='', @f4=''
select @f1=@f1+',['+ltrim(itemId)+']='''+[型号]+''''
from (select * from
(select i.itemid, 型号=(b.Name ++ i.xh), 图像=i.ImageIndex, c.UnitCost, c.ListPrice
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[CO] c, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[brand] b, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[item] i where c.ItemId=i.itemid and i.itemid in (35,3530) and i.brandid=b.brandid and c.UnitCost>0 and c.ListPrice>0) a) aabb
exec('select Id号=''型号'''+@f1
+' union all select ''图像'''+@f2
+' union all select ''UnitCost'''+@f3
+' union all select ''ListPrice'''+@f4
union all
select * from
(select ipv.Name ipvn, ipv.ItemId, ip.Name ipn
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter_Value IPV, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter IP,[5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_ParameterCa c where ipv.itemId in (35,36) and ipv.ParameterId=ip.Parameterid and ip.ParameterCaId=c.ParameterCaId) bb
pivot (max(ipvn) for itemid in ([35],[3530])) ba
运行时提示:关键字 'union' 附近有语法错误。
4 个解决方案
exec('select Id号=''型号'''+@f1
+' union all select ''图像'''+@f2
+' union all select ''UnitCost'''+@f3
+' union all select ''ListPrice'''+@f4
+' union all
select * from
(select ipv.Name ipvn, ipv.ItemId, ip.Name ipn
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter_Value IPV, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter IP,[5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_ParameterCa c where ipv.itemId in (35,36) and ipv.ParameterId=ip.Parameterid and ip.ParameterCaId=c.ParameterCaId) bb
pivot (max(ipvn) for itemid in ([35],[3530])) ba')
declare @f1 varchar(8000),@f2 varchar(8000),@f3 varchar(8000), @f4 varchar(8000)
select @f1='',@f2='',@f3='', @f4=''
select @f1=@f1+',['+ltrim(itemId)+']='''+[型号]+''''
from (select * from
(select i.itemid, 型号=(b.Name ++ i.xh), 图像=i.ImageIndex, c.UnitCost, c.ListPrice
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[CO] c, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[brand] b, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[item] i where c.ItemId=i.itemid and i.itemid in (35,3530) and i.brandid=b.brandid and c.UnitCost>0 and c.ListPrice>0) a) aabb
exec('select Id号=''型号'''+@f1
+' union all select ''图像'''+@f2
+' union all select ''UnitCost'''+@f3
+' union all select ''ListPrice'''+@f4
+' union all
select * from
(select ipv.Name ipvn, ipv.ItemId, ip.Name ipn
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter_Value IPV, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter IP,[5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_ParameterCa c where ipv.itemId in (35,36) and ipv.ParameterId=ip.Parameterid and ip.ParameterCaId=c.ParameterCaId) bb
pivot (max(ipvn) for itemid in ([35],[3530])) ba')
exec('select Id号=''型号'''+@f1
+' union all select ''图像'''+@f2
+' union all select ''UnitCost'''+@f3
+' union all select ''ListPrice'''+@f4
+' union all
select * from
(select ipv.Name ipvn, ipv.ItemId, ip.Name ipn
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter_Value IPV, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter IP,[5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_ParameterCa c where ipv.itemId in (35,36) and ipv.ParameterId=ip.Parameterid and ip.ParameterCaId=c.ParameterCaId) bb
pivot (max(ipvn) for itemid in ([35],[3530])) ba')
declare @f1 varchar(8000),@f2 varchar(8000),@f3 varchar(8000), @f4 varchar(8000)
select @f1='',@f2='',@f3='', @f4=''
select @f1=@f1+',['+ltrim(itemId)+']='''+[型号]+''''
from (select * from
(select i.itemid, 型号=(b.Name ++ i.xh), 图像=i.ImageIndex, c.UnitCost, c.ListPrice
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[CO] c, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[brand] b, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].[item] i where c.ItemId=i.itemid and i.itemid in (35,3530) and i.brandid=b.brandid and c.UnitCost>0 and c.ListPrice>0) a) aabb
exec('select Id号=''型号'''+@f1
+' union all select ''图像'''+@f2
+' union all select ''UnitCost'''+@f3
+' union all select ''ListPrice'''+@f4
+' union all
select * from
(select ipv.Name ipvn, ipv.ItemId, ip.Name ipn
from [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter_Value IPV, [5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_Parameter IP,[5oujkruasdsdjuejhfk].[dbo].Item_ParameterCa c where ipv.itemId in (35,36) and ipv.ParameterId=ip.Parameterid and ip.ParameterCaId=c.ParameterCaId) bb
pivot (max(ipvn) for itemid in ([35],[3530])) ba')