// RegConfig.h: interface for the CRegConfig class. // Written by Alexander Hritonenkov on march 19, 2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_REGCONFIG_H__7E051819_5CAA_4E49_99F2_0236B42086A4__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_REGCONFIG_H__7E051819_5CAA_4E49_99F2_0236B42086A4__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "atlbase.h" class CRegConfig { public: void SetRegKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strKey); // Sets registry key to keep settings in void Load(); // Loads settings from registry void Save(); // Saves settings to registry CRegConfig(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strKey); // Constructor that sets registry key to keep settings in CRegConfig(); // Default constructor virtual ~CRegConfig(); // Destructor (empty) protected: HKEY m_hKey; // Parent key descriptor CString m_strKey; // Our key full name CRegKey m_rKey; virtual void TransferAllData(BOOL bSave)=0; // Data transfering function void Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, CString &strValue); // Function to load/save string data void Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, DWORD &dwValue); // Function to load/save DWORD data void Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, CByteArray &bValue); // Function to load/save binary data }; #endif // !defined(AFX_REGCONFIG_H__7E051819_5CAA_4E49_99F2_0236B42086A4__INCLUDED_)
// RegConfig.cpp: implementation of the CRegConfig class. // Written by Alexander Hritonenkov on march 19, 2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "config.h" #include "RegConfig.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CRegConfig::CRegConfig(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strKey) { SetRegKey(hKey, strKey); } CRegConfig::CRegConfig() { m_hKey=NULL; m_strKey=""; } CRegConfig::~CRegConfig() { } void CRegConfig::SetRegKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strKey) { m_hKey=hKey; m_strKey=strKey; } void CRegConfig::Save() { if(m_rKey.Create(m_hKey, m_strKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { TransferAllData(TRUE); m_rKey.Close(); } } void CRegConfig::Load() { if(m_rKey.Create(m_hKey, m_strKey)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { TransferAllData(FALSE); m_rKey.Close(); } } void CRegConfig::Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, DWORD &dwValue) { if(bSave) m_rKey.SetValue(dwValue, strValueName); else m_rKey.QueryValue(dwValue, strValueName); } void CRegConfig::Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, CString &strValue) { if(bSave) m_rKey.SetValue(strValue, strValueName); else { DWORD dwLen; LPTSTR lpStr; if(m_rKey.QueryValue(NULL, strValueName, &dwLen)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { lpStr=strValue.GetBuffer(dwLen+1); m_rKey.QueryValue(lpStr, strValueName, &dwLen); strValue.ReleaseBuffer(dwLen); } } } void CRegConfig::Transfer(BOOL bSave, LPCTSTR strValueName, CByteArray &bValue) { DWORD dwLen, dwType; LPBYTE lpData; if(bSave) { dwLen=bValue.GetSize(); lpData=bValue.GetData(); RegSetValueEx(m_rKey.m_hKey, strValueName, 0, REG_BINARY, lpData, dwLen); } else { dwType=REG_BINARY; if(RegQueryValueEx(m_rKey.m_hKey, strValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwLen)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { bValue.RemoveAll(); bValue.SetSize(dwLen); lpData=bValue.GetData(); RegQueryValueEx(m_rKey.m_hKey, strValueName, NULL, &dwType, lpData, &dwLen); } } }
// MyRegConfig.h: interface for the CMyRegConfig class. // Written by Alexander Hritonenkov on march 19, 2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_MYREGCONFIG_H__9F26EC5C_AE0B_4259_A4B4_A09A40FB89D7__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_MYREGCONFIG_H__9F26EC5C_AE0B_4259_A4B4_A09A40FB89D7__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "RegConfig.h" class CMyRegConfig : public CRegConfig { public: CMyRegConfig(); virtual ~CMyRegConfig(); // data members DWORD m_dwValue1; DWORD m_dwValue2; CString m_strValue; CByteArray m_bData; protected: virtual void TransferAllData(BOOL bSave); // overrided pure virtual function for perform saving and loading data }; #endif // !defined(AFX_MYREGCONFIG_H__9F26EC5C_AE0B_4259_A4B4_A09A40FB89D7__INCLUDED_)
// MyRegConfig.cpp: implementation of the CMyRegConfig class. // Written by Alexander Hritonenkov on march 19, 2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "config.h" #include "MyRegConfig.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMyRegConfig::CMyRegConfig() : CRegConfig(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\test") { // set default values for our settings // they are used on first start (if data is not present in registry) m_dwValue1=100; m_dwValue2=200; m_strValue="Sample string"; Load(); // you can add automatic load of config on construction } CMyRegConfig::~CMyRegConfig() { Save(); // you can add automatic save of config on destruction } void CMyRegConfig::TransferAllData(BOOL bSave) { // add Transfer() function for each data member in your class Transfer(bSave, "Value1", m_dwValue1); Transfer(bSave, "Value2", m_dwValue2); Transfer(bSave, "String", m_strValue); Transfer(bSave, "Data", m_bData); }
void CConfigDlg::OnBtnOk() { SaveData(); OnOK(); } void CConfigDlg::LoadData() { SetDlgItemInt(ID_VAL1, m_Config.m_dwValue1, 0); SetDlgItemInt(ID_VAL2, m_Config.m_dwValue2, 0); SetDlgItemText(ID_STRING, m_Config.m_strValue); LPCTSTR lpStr=(LPCTSTR)m_Config.m_bData.GetData(); if(lpStr!=NULL) { SetDlgItemText(ID_BINARY, lpStr); } } void CConfigDlg::SaveData() { m_Config.m_dwValue1=GetDlgItemInt(ID_VAL1, NULL, 0); m_Config.m_dwValue2=GetDlgItemInt(ID_VAL2, NULL, 0); GetDlgItemText(ID_STRING, m_Config.m_strValue); CString str; GetDlgItemText(ID_BINARY, str); m_Config.m_bData.RemoveAll(); m_Config.m_bData.SetSize(str.GetLength()+1); memcpy(m_Config.m_bData.GetData(), (LPCTSTR)str, str.GetLength()); }