Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 37631 Accepted: 10872 Description
输入第一行是两个整数M,N(1 <= N <= 100),依次表示地位等级差距限制和物品的总数。接下来按照编号从小到大依次给出了N个物品的描述。每个物品的描述开头是三个非负整数P、L、X(X < N),依次表示该物品的价格、主人的地位等级和替代品总数。接下来X行每行包括两个整数T和V,分别表示替代品的编号和"优惠价格"。Output
输出最少需要的金币数。Sample Input
1 4 10000 3 2 2 8000 3 5000 1000 2 1 4 200 3000 2 1 4 200 50 2 0Sample Output
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int intMax = numeric_limits<int>::max(); int main() { //freopen("D://input.txt","r",stdin); int i,j, k, ii; int m, n; cin >> m >> n; //cout << m << " " << n << endl; int **arr_map = new int*[n]; ; i < n; ++i) { arr_map[i] = new int[n]; ; j < n; ++j) arr_map[i][j] = intMax; } int *arr_p = new int[n]; int *arr_L = new int[n]; int p,L,x; ; i < n; ++i) { cin >> p >> L >> x; arr_p[i] = p; arr_L[i] = L; int t,v; ; j < x; ++j) { cin >> t >> v; arr_map[t - ][i] = v; } } //for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) //{ // for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) cout << arr_map[j][k] << " "; // cout << endl; //} //cout << endl; ]; int *arr_d = new int[n]; bool *arr_m = new bool[n]; int **arr_map2 = new int*[n]; ; i < n; ++i) arr_map2[i] = new int[n]; ; i < n; ++i) { ; ii <= m; ++ii) { int l_bettom = arr_L[i] - m + ii; int l_top = arr_L[i] + ii; ; j < n; ++j) memcpy(arr_map2[j], arr_map[j], sizeof(int) * n); ; j < n; ++j) { /*if(abs(arr_L[j] - arr_L[i]) > m) { for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) { arr_map2[k][j] = intMax; arr_map2[j][k] = intMax; } }*/ if(arr_L[j] < l_bettom || arr_L[j] > l_top) { ; k < n; ++k) { arr_map2[k][j] = intMax; arr_map2[j][k] = intMax; } } } //for(j = 0; j < n; ++j) //{ // for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) cout << arr_map2[j][k] << " "; // cout << endl; //} //cout << endl; memcpy(arr_d, arr_map2[i], sizeof(int) * n); memset(arr_m, ,sizeof(bool) * n); arr_d[i] = ; arr_m[i] = true; ; j < n; ++j) { int min_d = intMax; int idx_d; ; k < n; ++k) { if(!arr_m[k] && min_d > arr_d[k]) { min_d = arr_d[k]; idx_d = k; } } if(min_d == intMax) break; arr_m[idx_d] = true; ; k < n; ++k) { if(!arr_m[k] && arr_map2[idx_d][k] != intMax && min_d + arr_map2[idx_d][k] < arr_d[k]) { arr_d[k] = min_d + arr_map2[idx_d][k]; } } //for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) cout << arr_d[k] << " "; //cout << endl; } ] != intMax && min_p > arr_d[] + arr_p[i]) min_p = arr_d[] + arr_p[i]; } } cout << min_p << endl; ; i < n; ++i) delete [] arr_map2[i]; delete [] arr_map2; delete [] arr_m; delete [] arr_d; delete [] arr_L; delete [] arr_p; ; i < n; ++i) delete [] arr_map[i]; delete [] arr_map; ; }
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