UnableToResolveError:无法解析模块`./ node_modules / react-native / packager / src / components` React Native

时间:2022-09-04 10:06:43

I'm building an app using React Native and I got this error.

我正在使用React Native构建应用程序,我收到了此错误。

I tried to clear cache and install packages again, but still having issues.


This is the error message from terminal.


UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): UnableToResolveError: Unable to resolve module ./node_modules/react-native/packager/src/components from /Users/andy/Downloads/testapp/index.ios.js: Directory /Users/andy/Downloads/testapp/node_modules/react-native/packager/src/components doesn't exist

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning:未处理的承诺拒绝(拒绝ID:2):UnableToResolveError:无法解析来自/Users/andy/Downloads/testapp/index.ios.js的模块./node_modules/react-native/packager/src/components:目录/用户/ andy / Downloads / testapp / node_modules / react-native / packager / src / components不存在

And below is the screenshot of iOS simulator.UnableToResolveError:无法解析模块`./ node_modules / react-native / packager / src / components` React Native


Can anyone please help me?


2 个解决方案



Are you by any chance using babel-plugin-module-resolver as one of your dependencies? Do you happen to have a directory called src with a subdirectory called components? If so I think you might have run into a similar issue that I run into recently, that the app should really look into src/components for the components while it is looking into the wrong path (under node_modules).

您是否有机会使用babel-plugin-module-resolver作为您的依赖项之一?你碰巧有一个名为src的目录,其子目录名为components吗?如果是这样,我认为你可能遇到了我最近遇到的类似问题,应用程序在查看错误的路径时(在node_modules下)应该真正查看组件的src / components。

We were able to temporarily solve the problem by running npm start -- --reset-cache, then refreshing the simulator 2 to 3 times afterwards, although we're now looking into getting rid of bable-plugin-module-resolver altogether.

我们能够通过运行npm start - --reset-cache暂时解决问题,然后刷新模拟器2到3次,尽管我们现在正在考虑完全摆脱bable-plugin-module-resolver。

Here is a related issue: https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver/issues/138




Seems like there is something wrong with how you are importing your "Root" file. Check the current hierarchy and check your relative path to import Root file.




Are you by any chance using babel-plugin-module-resolver as one of your dependencies? Do you happen to have a directory called src with a subdirectory called components? If so I think you might have run into a similar issue that I run into recently, that the app should really look into src/components for the components while it is looking into the wrong path (under node_modules).

您是否有机会使用babel-plugin-module-resolver作为您的依赖项之一?你碰巧有一个名为src的目录,其子目录名为components吗?如果是这样,我认为你可能遇到了我最近遇到的类似问题,应用程序在查看错误的路径时(在node_modules下)应该真正查看组件的src / components。

We were able to temporarily solve the problem by running npm start -- --reset-cache, then refreshing the simulator 2 to 3 times afterwards, although we're now looking into getting rid of bable-plugin-module-resolver altogether.

我们能够通过运行npm start - --reset-cache暂时解决问题,然后刷新模拟器2到3次,尽管我们现在正在考虑完全摆脱bable-plugin-module-resolver。

Here is a related issue: https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver/issues/138




Seems like there is something wrong with how you are importing your "Root" file. Check the current hierarchy and check your relative path to import Root file.
