.NET Core R2安装及示例教程
Install for Windows - Visual Studio 2015
Download Visual Studio 2015
Make sure you have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 installed.
Download Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3
Or just download Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 if you already have Visual Studio 2015 installed.
Install the .NET Core tools preview for Visual Studio
.NET Core tools add support for .NET Core projects in Visual Studio 2015.
Create a new .NET Core project
Click on File / New project and select the project template C# / .NET Core / Console application (.NET Core).
Add some code
Write some code in your Main method.
Run your application
Click on the menu item Debug / Start debugging to launch and debug your new .NET Core application from Visual Studio.
And you're ready!
You now have .NET core running on your machine!
Visit the .NET Documentation to get access to additional tutorials, samples and the full .NET Core documentation.
前几天.NET Core发布了.NET Core 1.0.1 R2 预览版,之前想着有时间尝试下.NET Core。由于各种原因,就没有初试。刚好,前几天看到.NET Core发布新版本了,决定要去一探究竟。于是乎,就立马去官网查找相关的信息,为初探做准备。
本人使用的是Windows 10 64位系统,安装过Visual Studio 2015,如果没有安装,请先安装。
进入.NET Core官网,进入下载页面1,进入下载页面2,下载所需的安装文件。 需要下载的文件:
- .NET Core Installer(RC2)
- .NET Core SDK Installer(Preview 1)
- Windows (Server Hosting)
- DotNetCore.1.0.0.RC2-VS2015Tools
- NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio
.NET Core 1.0.3 SDK - Installer | .NET Core 1.0.3 SDK - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core on Docker | |
Visual Studio 2015 Tools (Preview 2) | x64 / x86 .exe | |
Visual Studio 2017 Tools (Preview 3) | Installing .NET Core tools in Visual Studio 2017 Installing .NET Core RC3 tools for all other platforms |
.NET Core 1.0.3 runtime - Installer | .NET Core 1.0.3 runtime - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
Windows Server Hosting | x64 / x86 .exe | - |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core on Docker |
.NET Core 1.1 SDK - Installer | .NET Core 1.1 SDK - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Docker | |
Visual Studio 2015 Tools (Preview 2) * | x64 / x86 .exe | |
Visual Studio 2017 Tools (Preview 3) * | Installing .NET Core tools in Visual Studio 2017 Installing .NET Core RC3 tools for all other platforms |
(*) Visual Studio tools include .NET Core 1.0.1. To add .NET Core 1.1 support you need to also install the .NET Core 1.1 runtime.
.NET Core 1.1 runtime - Installer | .NET Core 1.1 runtime - Binaries Only | |
Windows | x64 / x86 .exe | x64 / x86 .zip |
Windows Server Hosting | x64 / x86 .exe | - |
macOS | x64 .pkg | x64 .tar.gz |
Linux | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Linux | |
Docker | Installing .NET Core 1.1 on Docker |
Step-by-step instructions
Windows系统直接下载安装文件即可。 Windows (Server Hosting)的作用相当于iis,是.NET Core Web项目的服务宿主程序,即可以直接使用Server Hosting运行Web项目。
安装.NET Core
提示:请先卸载.NET Core之前的版本,否则会报错。
报错信息: The project is configured to use .NET Core SDK version 1.0.0-preview1-002702 which is not installed or cannot be found under the path C:\Program Files\dotnet\bin. These components are required to build and run this project. NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp
安装.NET Core SDK
安装Server Hosting
安装.NET Core VS2015Tools
安装NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio
双击下载的NuGet.Tools.vsix,选择同意协议,然后点击"Insteall"安装,等待安装结束。 NuGet Manager extension for Visual Studio Download
示例有控制台程序和ASP.NET Core Web程序。
.NET Core控制台程序
打开Visual Studio 2015,新建一个项目:文件-新建-项目
在左侧模板选择.NET Core,右侧选择控制台应用程序(.NET Core)。 输入名称NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp
,点击"确定"按钮。 OK,.NET Core控制台应用程序创建完成。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NetCoreR2.Sample.ConsoleApp
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello .NET Core 1.0.0 R2 Console App!");
ASP.NET Core Web项目
在上面的解决方案上新建一个ASP.NET Core Web项目:添加-新建项目
选择ASP.NET Core Web Application(.NET Core),点击"确定",创建项目。
选择Web 应用程序
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
// For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=397860
namespace NetCoreR2.Sample.WebApp.Controllers
public class HelloController : Controller
// GET: /<controller>/
public IActionResult Index()
ViewData["Msg"] = "Hello .NET Core 1.0.0 R2 Asp.Net Core MVC App!";
return View();
ViewData["Title"] = "Hello Index Page";
本文就介绍到这里。 如有疑问请联系我。