
时间:2022-09-03 21:21:28

I am uploading an excel file to the tomcat server. Which is saving inside my eclipse directory D:\workspace_Eclipse\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\wtpwebapps\StatusPortal\Job_doc\abc.xls

我正在将一个excel文件上传到tomcat服务器。哪个保存在我的eclipse目录D:\ workspace_Eclipse \ .metadata \ .plugins \ org.eclipse.wst.server.core \ tmp1 \ wtpwebapps \ StatusPortal \ Job_doc \ abc.xls

When ever i am accessing this file its giving me file not found Exception \Job_doc\abc.xls. Its could not able to find the path which is i am giving while accessing the file like \Job_doc\abc.xls

当我访问这个文件时,它给我的文件找不到Exception \ Job_doc \ abc.xls。它无法找到我在访问文件时给出的路径,如\ Job_doc \ abc.xls

I am giving the path \Job_doc\abc.xls while accessing.

我在访问时给出路径\ Job_doc \ abc.xls。

2 个解决方案



This is because you are using a relative path. Eclipse will use the current working directory to be a temp location for deploying the webapp. So the file is uploaded to the folder relative to this path (This happens when you start the app from eclipse Run On Server. Define your paths as static constants(May be you can use absolute paths for testing). After testing you can use the relative paths on production deployment.

这是因为您使用的是相对路径。 Eclipse将使用当前工作目录作为部署webapp的临时位置。因此,文件被上传到相对于此路径的文件夹(当您从eclipse Run On Server启动应用程序时会发生这种情况。将路径定义为静态常量(可能您可以使用绝对路径进行测试)。测试后您可以使用生产部署的相对路径。

Still, you can do alternate way. Dont use the integrated tomcat server of Eclipse. Use a standalone server, use the descriptor file to link the webapp in workspace to tomcat. After the save, just reload the app in tomcat manager and try.




Try reading your file using ClassLoader as below:


   InputStream inputStream = 
   BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream ));

If you want to get the File object, then try as below:


  URI uri = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/Job_doc/abc.xls").toURI();
  File file = new File(uri);



This is because you are using a relative path. Eclipse will use the current working directory to be a temp location for deploying the webapp. So the file is uploaded to the folder relative to this path (This happens when you start the app from eclipse Run On Server. Define your paths as static constants(May be you can use absolute paths for testing). After testing you can use the relative paths on production deployment.

这是因为您使用的是相对路径。 Eclipse将使用当前工作目录作为部署webapp的临时位置。因此,文件被上传到相对于此路径的文件夹(当您从eclipse Run On Server启动应用程序时会发生这种情况。将路径定义为静态常量(可能您可以使用绝对路径进行测试)。测试后您可以使用生产部署的相对路径。

Still, you can do alternate way. Dont use the integrated tomcat server of Eclipse. Use a standalone server, use the descriptor file to link the webapp in workspace to tomcat. After the save, just reload the app in tomcat manager and try.




Try reading your file using ClassLoader as below:


   InputStream inputStream = 
   BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream ));

If you want to get the File object, then try as below:


  URI uri = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/Job_doc/abc.xls").toURI();
  File file = new File(uri);