使用ASP实现长期运行任务的进度条。净MVC 2 AsyncController

时间:2022-09-03 20:03:46

After reading the documentation on AsyncControllers in ASP.NET MVC 2, I am wondering what's the best way to implement an ajax progress bar in this scenario. It seems a bit odd that the tutorial does not cover this at all.

在阅读了关于ASP中的异步控制器的文档之后。NET MVC 2,我想知道在这个场景中实现ajax进度条的最佳方式是什么。这似乎有点奇怪,教程根本没有涵盖这一点。

I guess implementing an AJAX progress bar involves requires additional action method that returns the status of the current task. However, I am not sure about the best way to exchange information on the status of the task between worker threads and that action method.


My best idea so far was to put information on the curent progress into the Session dictionary along with a unique id, and share that id with the client so that it can poll the status. But perhaps there is a much easier way that I did not notice.


What's the best way to do this?






1 个解决方案



Very interesting question! Actually it seems that it is not a task for AsyncController. Async controllers are designed for long-running single-HTTP-query operations at server-side. When you are using async action, this could only help you to release ASP.Net worker thread during some long-running operation(s) and allow it to serve other requests while operation is performed. But from client-side point of view it doesn't matter, is this async controller or not. For client this is just single HTTP request.

很有趣的问题!实际上,它似乎不是异步控制器的任务。异步控制器是为服务器端长时间运行的单http -查询操作而设计的。当您使用异步操作时,这只能帮助您释放ASP。在一些长时间运行的操作期间,Net worker线程允许它在执行操作时为其他请求提供服务。但是从客户端的角度来看,这并不重要,这是异步控制器还是非异步控制器。对于客户端,这只是一个HTTP请求。

You need to redesign this using some long-running queries service in your application. Here is example of controller, that could serve such workflow:


public class LongOperationsController : Controller
    public ActionResult StartOperation(OperationData data)
        Guid operationId = Guid.NewGuid(); // unique identifier for your operation
        OperationsService.DoStartOperation(operationId, data); // service starts to perform operation using separate thread
        return new JsonResult(operationId); // operation id should be sent to client to allow progress monitoring

    public ActionResult GetOperationStatus(Guid operationId) 
        var status = OperationsService.GetStatus(operationId); // this method returns some object, that describes status of operation (e.g. progress, current task etc.)
        return new JsonResult(status); // returning it to client

    public ActionResult GetOperationResult(Guid operationId)
        var result = OperationsService.GetOperationResult(operationId); // this should throw exception if operation is not yet completed
        return new JsonResult(result);

    public ActionResult ClearOperation(Guid operationId)
        OperationsService.ClearOperationResult(operationId); // we should delete operation result if it was handled by client
        return true;

And here are client-side code, that could interact with this controller:


var operationId;
function startOperation(data) {
    $.post('/LongOperations/StartOperation', data, function(response) {
        operationId = response; // store operationId
        startOperationMonitoring(); // start
    }, 'json');

function startOperationMonitoring() {
    // todo : periodically call updateOperationStatus() to check status at server-side

function updateOperationStatus() {
    // todo : get result of GetOperationStatus action from controller 
    // todo : if status is 'running', update progress bar with value from server, if 'completed' - stop operation monitoring and call finishOperation()

function finishOperation() {
    // todo : get result of GetOperationResult action from controller and update UI
    // todo : call ClearOperation action from controller to free resources

This is very basic concept, there are some missed items here, but I hope you will get the main idea. Also it's up to you how to design components of this system, for example:


  • use singleton for OperationsService, or not;
  • 是否使用单例操作服务;
  • where and how long operation result should be stored (DB? Cache? Session?);
  • 操作结果应该存储在何处和多长时间(DB?缓存吗?会话?);
  • is it really required to manually release resources and what to do when client stopped to monitor operation (user closed browser) etc.
  • 真的需要手动释放资源吗?当客户端停止监视操作(用户关闭浏览器)时该怎么做?

Best luck!




Very interesting question! Actually it seems that it is not a task for AsyncController. Async controllers are designed for long-running single-HTTP-query operations at server-side. When you are using async action, this could only help you to release ASP.Net worker thread during some long-running operation(s) and allow it to serve other requests while operation is performed. But from client-side point of view it doesn't matter, is this async controller or not. For client this is just single HTTP request.

很有趣的问题!实际上,它似乎不是异步控制器的任务。异步控制器是为服务器端长时间运行的单http -查询操作而设计的。当您使用异步操作时,这只能帮助您释放ASP。在一些长时间运行的操作期间,Net worker线程允许它在执行操作时为其他请求提供服务。但是从客户端的角度来看,这并不重要,这是异步控制器还是非异步控制器。对于客户端,这只是一个HTTP请求。

You need to redesign this using some long-running queries service in your application. Here is example of controller, that could serve such workflow:


public class LongOperationsController : Controller
    public ActionResult StartOperation(OperationData data)
        Guid operationId = Guid.NewGuid(); // unique identifier for your operation
        OperationsService.DoStartOperation(operationId, data); // service starts to perform operation using separate thread
        return new JsonResult(operationId); // operation id should be sent to client to allow progress monitoring

    public ActionResult GetOperationStatus(Guid operationId) 
        var status = OperationsService.GetStatus(operationId); // this method returns some object, that describes status of operation (e.g. progress, current task etc.)
        return new JsonResult(status); // returning it to client

    public ActionResult GetOperationResult(Guid operationId)
        var result = OperationsService.GetOperationResult(operationId); // this should throw exception if operation is not yet completed
        return new JsonResult(result);

    public ActionResult ClearOperation(Guid operationId)
        OperationsService.ClearOperationResult(operationId); // we should delete operation result if it was handled by client
        return true;

And here are client-side code, that could interact with this controller:


var operationId;
function startOperation(data) {
    $.post('/LongOperations/StartOperation', data, function(response) {
        operationId = response; // store operationId
        startOperationMonitoring(); // start
    }, 'json');

function startOperationMonitoring() {
    // todo : periodically call updateOperationStatus() to check status at server-side

function updateOperationStatus() {
    // todo : get result of GetOperationStatus action from controller 
    // todo : if status is 'running', update progress bar with value from server, if 'completed' - stop operation monitoring and call finishOperation()

function finishOperation() {
    // todo : get result of GetOperationResult action from controller and update UI
    // todo : call ClearOperation action from controller to free resources

This is very basic concept, there are some missed items here, but I hope you will get the main idea. Also it's up to you how to design components of this system, for example:


  • use singleton for OperationsService, or not;
  • 是否使用单例操作服务;
  • where and how long operation result should be stored (DB? Cache? Session?);
  • 操作结果应该存储在何处和多长时间(DB?缓存吗?会话?);
  • is it really required to manually release resources and what to do when client stopped to monitor operation (user closed browser) etc.
  • 真的需要手动释放资源吗?当客户端停止监视操作(用户关闭浏览器)时该怎么做?

Best luck!
