Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.

时间:2022-09-03 19:59:11

在windows 7+IIS7.0+VS2005的环境下调试web程序。编译的时候提示这么一个错误。没有想到是一个很弱智的错误。

Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.


后面我改成添加应用程序,也就是Add Application.程序就立马通过了编译。因为这两个菜单弹出的界面都差不多一样。因此犯了一个原则性的错误。