
时间:2022-09-02 12:40:24

I am creating some OSGi bundles. They register services and also get (and of course use) each other's services.


I decided to use ServiceTracker instead of Declarative Services.

我决定使用ServiceTracker而不是Declarative Services。

As I was searching for information about this I found two approach of tracking services.


The first one is creating an own tracker class for each service, which extends the ServiceTracker class and overrides the methods that need to be overridden. Then in the activator class creating a new instance of this tracker class giving the bundle context to it and open it for tracking.


The other approach is creating a tracker class for each service, which implements the ServiceTrackerCustomizer interface and overrides the methods that need to be overridden. Then in the activator class creating a new instance of the ServiceTracker class giving to it the bundle context, the name of the service that needs to be tracked and a new instance of our customizer class. Then open it for tracking.


Are there any differences between the two approaches? I would say no. In the ServiceTracker javadoc I can see that the ServiceTracker class also implements the ServiceTrackerCustomizer interface.

这两种方法之间有什么不同吗?我会说不。在ServiceTracker javadoc中,我可以看到ServiceTracker类还实现了ServiceTrackerCustomizer接口。

Could you please tell me the pros and cons on both the approaches? Thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案


Here are my reasons:


Sub-class ServiceTracker if


  • You want to hard-code the constructor parameters of the super class. E.g.: Hardcode the type or filter. In this case it would not look nice if all of the users should know what filter the tracker should be instantiated with
  • 您想要对超类的构造函数参数进行硬编码。例如:硬编码类型或过滤器。在这种情况下,如果所有用户都应该知道应该实例化跟踪器的过滤器,那就不好看了

  • You want to override (wrap) open, close or other functions of ServiceTracker
  • 您想要覆盖(换行)ServiceTracker的打开,关闭或其他功能

  • You want to extend the functionality of ServiceTracker. E.g.: By having an implementation that pre-filters service objects based on Java Generics equality
  • 您想要扩展ServiceTracker的功能。例如:通过具有基于Java Generics相等性预过滤服务对象的实现

Implement the interface if:


  • You expect to switch to other ServiceTracker implementation in the future. ServiceTracker is an add-on for OSGi core, it is only part of the core spec since 5.0.0. Other, more effective implementations can be created in the future
  • 您希望将来切换到其他ServiceTracker实现。 ServiceTracker是OSGi核心的附加组件,它只是5.0.0以来核心规范的一部分。将来可以创建其他更有效的实现

  • You do not want to decide which constructors you want to override as the parameters are flexible from the view point of your business logic. Probably there will be more constructors of the standard ServiceTracker class in the future. If you sub-class it, your class will not support those constructors
  • 您不希望决定要覆盖哪些构造函数,因为从业务逻辑的角度来看,参数是灵活的。未来可能会有更多标准ServiceTracker类的构造函数。如果对它进行子类化,则您的类将不支持这些构造函数

  • You want to sub-class from another class in the implementation of ServiceTrackerCustomizer
  • 您希望在ServiceTrackerCustomizer的实现中从另一个类中进行子类化

Do not use ServiceTracker directly if


  • Declarative Services or other Component Model helps you writing cleaner and more stable code
  • 声明性服务或其他组件模型可帮助您编写更清晰,更稳定的代码


In over 12 years of developing with OSGi I don't think I have ever written a single ServiceTrackerCustomizer. IMHO it's just more convenient to directly subclass ServiceTracker and leave the customizer parameter null.


One simple reason it's easier to subclass is that you don't need to provide an implementation of the modifiedService method, which is rarely needed.


Functionally, however, the result will be the same so it's very much a personal preference.



Here are my reasons:


Sub-class ServiceTracker if


  • You want to hard-code the constructor parameters of the super class. E.g.: Hardcode the type or filter. In this case it would not look nice if all of the users should know what filter the tracker should be instantiated with
  • 您想要对超类的构造函数参数进行硬编码。例如:硬编码类型或过滤器。在这种情况下,如果所有用户都应该知道应该实例化跟踪器的过滤器,那就不好看了

  • You want to override (wrap) open, close or other functions of ServiceTracker
  • 您想要覆盖(换行)ServiceTracker的打开,关闭或其他功能

  • You want to extend the functionality of ServiceTracker. E.g.: By having an implementation that pre-filters service objects based on Java Generics equality
  • 您想要扩展ServiceTracker的功能。例如:通过具有基于Java Generics相等性预过滤服务对象的实现

Implement the interface if:


  • You expect to switch to other ServiceTracker implementation in the future. ServiceTracker is an add-on for OSGi core, it is only part of the core spec since 5.0.0. Other, more effective implementations can be created in the future
  • 您希望将来切换到其他ServiceTracker实现。 ServiceTracker是OSGi核心的附加组件,它只是5.0.0以来核心规范的一部分。将来可以创建其他更有效的实现

  • You do not want to decide which constructors you want to override as the parameters are flexible from the view point of your business logic. Probably there will be more constructors of the standard ServiceTracker class in the future. If you sub-class it, your class will not support those constructors
  • 您不希望决定要覆盖哪些构造函数,因为从业务逻辑的角度来看,参数是灵活的。未来可能会有更多标准ServiceTracker类的构造函数。如果对它进行子类化,则您的类将不支持这些构造函数

  • You want to sub-class from another class in the implementation of ServiceTrackerCustomizer
  • 您希望在ServiceTrackerCustomizer的实现中从另一个类中进行子类化

Do not use ServiceTracker directly if


  • Declarative Services or other Component Model helps you writing cleaner and more stable code
  • 声明性服务或其他组件模型可帮助您编写更清晰,更稳定的代码


In over 12 years of developing with OSGi I don't think I have ever written a single ServiceTrackerCustomizer. IMHO it's just more convenient to directly subclass ServiceTracker and leave the customizer parameter null.


One simple reason it's easier to subclass is that you don't need to provide an implementation of the modifiedService method, which is rarely needed.


Functionally, however, the result will be the same so it's very much a personal preference.
