在当前Visual Studio解决方案的上下文中打开文件。

时间:2022-01-30 19:53:33

I am working on a project which supports arbitrary code in various forms (User Controls, custom Server Pages, etc.), so sometimes I will download or receive a file that I want to view or modify quickly. But, when this file does not reside within the Solution hierarchy, the syntax highlighting and Intellisense for the custom namespaces/classes I've created do not work and in fact show as errors.


So, how do I configure Visual Studio in such a way that any file I open will open in the context of the current Solution, as if I opened it in a subdirectory of the Project root folder?

那么,如何配置Visual Studio,使我打开的任何文件都能在当前解决方案的上下文中打开,就像我在Project root文件夹的子目录中打开一样?

1 个解决方案



In previous versions of Windows, I worked around this by creating a symlink (with Windows's mklink command) within the Project folder to my download/temporary location, and then opening the files after navigating to them through the symlink.




In previous versions of Windows, I worked around this by creating a symlink (with Windows's mklink command) within the Project folder to my download/temporary location, and then opening the files after navigating to them through the symlink.
