
时间:2022-09-02 09:57:29

I have recently started using ReSharper which is a fantastic tool. Today I came across a naming rule for static fields, namely prefixing with an underscore ie.


private static string _myString;
  1. Is this really the standard way to name static variables? If so is it just personal preference and style, or does it have some sort of lower level impact? Eg Compilation JIT etc?
  2. 这真的是命名静态变量的标准方法吗?如果是这样的话,这只是个人喜好和风格,还是有某种低级别的影响?如JIT编译等等?
  3. Where does this style originate from? I have always associated it with C++, is that correct?
  4. 这种风格起源于哪里?我一直把它和c++联系在一起,对吗?

8 个解决方案



The Microsoft guidelines are silent about private fields, they are only concerned with publicly visible members.


Common conventions are camelCase, _camelCase and even sometimes the hangover from C++/MFC m_camelCase.

常见的约定是camelCase、_camelCase,有时甚至是c++ /MFC m_camelCase的遗留问题。

If you use camelCase without a prefix, your property backing fields will differ from the property name only in case, which is not a problem in C#, but won't work in a case-insensitive language like VB.NET.


So many people, including myself, like to use an underscore prefix so that the same standards can be used in all languages. In my experience, underscore is much more common than m_.




According to MSDN, use Pascal Case for static fields. I always chuckle when MSDN and StyleCop contradict each other :).


So if you are following MSDN standards, the correct way is:


private static string MyString;



It's actually the style for a private field, static or not. (At least in ReSharper)




According to StyleCop (and with the default settings), the correct way to name most fields (as specified below) is with a lowercase letter at the start.


SA1306: FieldNamesMustBeginWithLowerCaseLetter

... Field and variable names must begin with a lower-case letter, unless the field is public or internal, const, or non-private and readonly. In these cases, the field should begin with an upper-case letter.


See also SA1309: FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore.




The problem I have with the MSDN guideline (use Pascal case) is that it results in there being no distinction between a private static variable and a public (non-static) property. The same issue would arise for static properties - no distinction between static and non-static.


Perhaps this is deliberate?


One way out of this would be to use the same standard for statics as for non-statics but to always qualify use of statics by prefixing with the class name. It may be a few extra characters to type, but it makes the code more readable. For example:


public class Employee
    private static Int32 thresholdPercentage = 5;
    public static String TooMuchMessage = "Unacceptable pay rise - sorry!";

    private Decimal _salary = 0.0m;

    public void RaiseSalary(Int32 raiseAmountPercentage)  
        if (raiseAmountPercentage > Employee.thresholdPercentage)
            throw new ApplicationException(Employee.TooMuchMessage);

        _salary *= 1 + (raiseAmountPercentage / 100);




The convention is whatever your company's coding standards says it is.




1 - There is not definitive standard rule for variable names. There are C# compiler requirements for what's allowed and what's not allowed (ie, can't start with a number), but programming language style rules are generally left up to the programmers / organizations. ReSharper has pre-defined style rules; however, they are merely set up as defaults in a convention over configuration approach and are modifiable.

1 -变量名没有确定的标准规则。c#编译器对允许和不允许的内容有要求(例如,不能以数字开头),但是编程语言风格规则通常由程序员/组织决定。ReSharper有预定义的样式规则;然而,它们只是在配置方法的约定中设置为默认值,并且可以修改。

2 - You can take a look at this wikipedia article to see the history behind Camel Casing.

2 -你可以看看*上的这篇文章,看看骆驼罩背后的历史。



For static fields, I've settled on StaticUpperCamelCase (eg. StaticPersonCache) as it clearly sets it apart from an instance variable. This includes private static fields as well as static fields with other visibility modifiers.


For static variables it's less of a concern to me to indicate the public/private visibility through the name than it is to indicate how the variable operates among instances. Also, since there are not (and really should not be) many Static variables the 'Hugarian-like' modifier is not applied often.


Similarly, for thread static variables ([ThreadStatic] or ThreadLocal) the convention I use is TS_UpperCamelCase (eg. TS_Random). Once again, this "break" from norms conveys very important information that other developers might fail to see on first glance. The name is thus used as a cautionary flag, of sorts.


I use ReSharper and have adjusted the warnings/hints accordingly; most other naming conventions are left at the ReSharper default settings.


My selection of such "non standard" conventions for static/thread-static fields (note: Microsoft uses TS_ in some code in the .NET library) is because I've run into more than one 'quirk' due to misidentification of Static/ThreadStatic/Instance variables: that's much harder to do with StaticX, TS_X, _x.

对于静态/线程静态字段(注意:Microsoft在. net库中的一些代码中使用TS_),我之所以选择这种“非标准”约定,是因为由于对静态/线程静态/实例变量的错误识别,我遇到了不止一个“怪癖”:使用StaticX、TS_X和_x要困难得多。



The Microsoft guidelines are silent about private fields, they are only concerned with publicly visible members.


Common conventions are camelCase, _camelCase and even sometimes the hangover from C++/MFC m_camelCase.

常见的约定是camelCase、_camelCase,有时甚至是c++ /MFC m_camelCase的遗留问题。

If you use camelCase without a prefix, your property backing fields will differ from the property name only in case, which is not a problem in C#, but won't work in a case-insensitive language like VB.NET.


So many people, including myself, like to use an underscore prefix so that the same standards can be used in all languages. In my experience, underscore is much more common than m_.




According to MSDN, use Pascal Case for static fields. I always chuckle when MSDN and StyleCop contradict each other :).


So if you are following MSDN standards, the correct way is:


private static string MyString;



It's actually the style for a private field, static or not. (At least in ReSharper)




According to StyleCop (and with the default settings), the correct way to name most fields (as specified below) is with a lowercase letter at the start.


SA1306: FieldNamesMustBeginWithLowerCaseLetter

... Field and variable names must begin with a lower-case letter, unless the field is public or internal, const, or non-private and readonly. In these cases, the field should begin with an upper-case letter.


See also SA1309: FieldNamesMustNotBeginWithUnderscore.




The problem I have with the MSDN guideline (use Pascal case) is that it results in there being no distinction between a private static variable and a public (non-static) property. The same issue would arise for static properties - no distinction between static and non-static.


Perhaps this is deliberate?


One way out of this would be to use the same standard for statics as for non-statics but to always qualify use of statics by prefixing with the class name. It may be a few extra characters to type, but it makes the code more readable. For example:


public class Employee
    private static Int32 thresholdPercentage = 5;
    public static String TooMuchMessage = "Unacceptable pay rise - sorry!";

    private Decimal _salary = 0.0m;

    public void RaiseSalary(Int32 raiseAmountPercentage)  
        if (raiseAmountPercentage > Employee.thresholdPercentage)
            throw new ApplicationException(Employee.TooMuchMessage);

        _salary *= 1 + (raiseAmountPercentage / 100);




The convention is whatever your company's coding standards says it is.




1 - There is not definitive standard rule for variable names. There are C# compiler requirements for what's allowed and what's not allowed (ie, can't start with a number), but programming language style rules are generally left up to the programmers / organizations. ReSharper has pre-defined style rules; however, they are merely set up as defaults in a convention over configuration approach and are modifiable.

1 -变量名没有确定的标准规则。c#编译器对允许和不允许的内容有要求(例如,不能以数字开头),但是编程语言风格规则通常由程序员/组织决定。ReSharper有预定义的样式规则;然而,它们只是在配置方法的约定中设置为默认值,并且可以修改。

2 - You can take a look at this wikipedia article to see the history behind Camel Casing.

2 -你可以看看*上的这篇文章,看看骆驼罩背后的历史。



For static fields, I've settled on StaticUpperCamelCase (eg. StaticPersonCache) as it clearly sets it apart from an instance variable. This includes private static fields as well as static fields with other visibility modifiers.


For static variables it's less of a concern to me to indicate the public/private visibility through the name than it is to indicate how the variable operates among instances. Also, since there are not (and really should not be) many Static variables the 'Hugarian-like' modifier is not applied often.


Similarly, for thread static variables ([ThreadStatic] or ThreadLocal) the convention I use is TS_UpperCamelCase (eg. TS_Random). Once again, this "break" from norms conveys very important information that other developers might fail to see on first glance. The name is thus used as a cautionary flag, of sorts.


I use ReSharper and have adjusted the warnings/hints accordingly; most other naming conventions are left at the ReSharper default settings.


My selection of such "non standard" conventions for static/thread-static fields (note: Microsoft uses TS_ in some code in the .NET library) is because I've run into more than one 'quirk' due to misidentification of Static/ThreadStatic/Instance variables: that's much harder to do with StaticX, TS_X, _x.

对于静态/线程静态字段(注意:Microsoft在. net库中的一些代码中使用TS_),我之所以选择这种“非标准”约定,是因为由于对静态/线程静态/实例变量的错误识别,我遇到了不止一个“怪癖”:使用StaticX、TS_X和_x要困难得多。