
时间:2022-09-01 23:21:34

In my programming class, we have tests and quizzes based on code samples that we must walk through and determine the final output. Usually they are tricky pieces of code and by the time I realize, I'm stuck in some random function and have no idea what I'm doing.


How do you properly run through code on paper? Keeping track of loops, variables, functions, everything, it's confusing to me.


For example, here is a past quiz we had, which I got 100% on but it took me forever and was very messy:


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class foo {
     char word[20];
     int qty;

     foo( ) { set(3, 5); }

     foo( int m, const char * s) { set(m, m+1);
                                   strcpy(word, s);       }

     foo(  const foo& a ) { cout << "... hahaha.1" << endl;
                qty = 3 + a.qty;
                strcpy( word, a.word );
                strcat( word, ".5.6.7" );
                cout << "... hahah.2" << endl;  }

     ~foo( ) { cout << qty << "," << word << "!!!" << endl; }

     void set(int a, int b){ qty = a + b;
                             strcpy( word, "summer" ); }
     void wow();

     void output(){ cout << word << "," << qty << endl;  }

void hello( foo& );
void greet( foo );

int main() {

     foo x, y(100, "QUIZ");

     greet( y );
     cout << "a.b.c.d.e." << endl;

     hello( x );

     cout << "...the end" << endl;
     return 0;

void foo::wow() { strcat(word,".1.2.3");
                  qty += 4;     }

void greet( foo g ) { cout << "...HI.1\n";
                      cout << "...HI.2\n"; }

void hello(foo & h) {  cout << "...hello.1" << endl;
                foo e;

                e = h;
                cout << "...hello.2\n"; }

2 个解决方案



Practise is the best way to understand code. When i'm trying to do exercise like this, i'm not trying to understand all the functions at the beginning. I'm starting from main and just go like debbuger line by line watching all the variables. If sth is confusing you, just write all variables on paper and mark their every change. However there is no way to learn reading and understanding code better and faster than training.




"Think like a computer"


You have a program and data the program is using.


You need to know where abouts in the program you are up to. This really needs to be a stack since when you call a method you have to know where to come back to when the method ends.


You need to keep track of each variable - of course variables can be local to a method call, so these are really a stack too, and that is where you have to be really careful to make sure you are changing the right instance of a local variable. Global variables are easy since there is only one copy, so you can put them in your stack, but just down the bottom.


To work on paper, it's easiest to put the bottom of the stack at the top of the page and grow the stack downwards. Remember that when a method returns, it's local variables no longer exist, so rub them out or mark the top of the stack in some way.


Things get even more fun if you are doing any multi threading...




Practise is the best way to understand code. When i'm trying to do exercise like this, i'm not trying to understand all the functions at the beginning. I'm starting from main and just go like debbuger line by line watching all the variables. If sth is confusing you, just write all variables on paper and mark their every change. However there is no way to learn reading and understanding code better and faster than training.




"Think like a computer"


You have a program and data the program is using.


You need to know where abouts in the program you are up to. This really needs to be a stack since when you call a method you have to know where to come back to when the method ends.


You need to keep track of each variable - of course variables can be local to a method call, so these are really a stack too, and that is where you have to be really careful to make sure you are changing the right instance of a local variable. Global variables are easy since there is only one copy, so you can put them in your stack, but just down the bottom.


To work on paper, it's easiest to put the bottom of the stack at the top of the page and grow the stack downwards. Remember that when a method returns, it's local variables no longer exist, so rub them out or mark the top of the stack in some way.


Things get even more fun if you are doing any multi threading...
