Simple Example.
When I'm editing CSS. I want to Find all "backgrounds" regardless of the number sequence, so I'm using .*
Find background: #.*;
~ ~ ~的例子:找到背景:#。*;
(Found 4 Matches)
Line12: background: #111111;
Line12:背景:# 111111;
Line24: background: #222222;
Line24:背景:# 222222;
Line36: background: #333333;
Line36:背景:# 333333;
Line48: background: #444444;
Line48:背景:# 444444;
"Found (#) of lines matching"
Great, works perfect!
(The next part is the where I'm having trouble)
Now I want to Replace, or in this case wrap all these lines with /* */, without removing the individual numbers.
(To remove certain backgrounds, when I'm done editing the page.)
现在我想要替换,或者在这种情况下,用/* */包装所有这些行,而不删除单独的数字。(删除某些背景,当我完成编辑页面。)
Replace With /* background: #.*; */
~~~例子:替换为/*背景:#.*;* /
Doesn't give me this:
Line12: /* background: #111111; */
Line12:/ *背景:# 111111;* /
Line24: /* background: #222222; */
Line24:/ *背景:# 222222;* /
Line36: /* background: #333333; */
Line36:/ *背景:# 333333;* /
Line48: /* background: #444444; */
Line48:/ *背景:# 444444;* /
Instead, it give me this:
Line12: /* background: #.*; */
Line12:/ *背景:#。*;* /
Line24: /* background: #.*; */
Line24:/ *背景:#。*;* /
Line36: /* background: #.*; */
Line36:/ *背景:#。*;* /
Line48: /* background: #.*; */
Line48:/ *背景:#。*;* /
I can't figure out how to keep the numbers (regardless of the variety of combinations) from changing in the code and only add /* around the code */
2 个解决方案
Change your search to something little less reliant on having one space (say you hit tab on one or two).
And for your replace, use:
/* \1 */
What you were failing to do was to capture the matched value to reuse in your replace regex. The () in the search will store in a parameter which can be used as \1.
您没有做的是捕获匹配的值以便在replace regex中重用。搜索中的()将存储一个可以用作\1的参数。
Search pattern: background: #([0-9]+);
搜索模式:背景:#([0 - 9]+);
Replace: /* background: #\1 */
替换:/*背景:#\1 */
([0-9]+) will match the numbers and save it in a group \1. You can re-use \1 in the "Replace" input.
Change your search to something little less reliant on having one space (say you hit tab on one or two).
And for your replace, use:
/* \1 */
What you were failing to do was to capture the matched value to reuse in your replace regex. The () in the search will store in a parameter which can be used as \1.
您没有做的是捕获匹配的值以便在replace regex中重用。搜索中的()将存储一个可以用作\1的参数。
Search pattern: background: #([0-9]+);
搜索模式:背景:#([0 - 9]+);
Replace: /* background: #\1 */
替换:/*背景:#\1 */
([0-9]+) will match the numbers and save it in a group \1. You can re-use \1 in the "Replace" input.