
时间:2022-09-01 20:59:57

I have an ordered sequence like {1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9} I want to get first missing element(2 in the example) or max() if sequence contains no missing elements. Now I'm doing it like this:


public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IQueryable<T> enumerable, Func<T, bool> whereFunc, Func<T, int?> selectFunc)
    var regNums = enumerable.OrderBy(selectFunc).Where(whereFunc).ToArray();

    if (regNums.Count() == 0)
        return 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < regNums.Count(); i++)
        if (i + 1 != regNums[i])
            return regNums[i].Value + 1;

    return regNums.Last().Value + 1;

But i think there are much faster methods. Any suggestions?


8 个解决方案


Edit: I just noticed that enumerable is IQueryable<T> but selectFunc and whereFunc are of type Func<T, _>. This will cause the Enumerable versions of OrderBy and Where to be called, rather than using database calls. You probably want to switch them to Expression<Func<T, _>> instead.

编辑:我刚刚注意到可枚举是IQueryable 但selectFunc和whereFunc的类型为Func 。这将导致OrderBy的可枚举版本和Where调用,而不是使用数据库调用。您可能希望将它们切换为Expression >。 ,_>

If you don't want to order regNums first, here's a O(n) golf-style solution:


var max = regNums.Max(i => (int?)i) ?? 0;
return Enumerable.Range(1, max + 1)

By line:

  1. By casting to int?, Max will return null if regNums is empty, coalesced to 0.

    通过强制转换为int ?,如果regNums为空,则Max将返回null,并且合并为0。

  2. Build a sequence of all possible registers, including our next value if full.


  3. Subtract the current set of registers.


  4. Pick the lowest.



I'd probably look at something like below; the Where can be done outside (as can the selector to be honest):


If you expect to start at 1:


public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable,
    Func<T, int> selectFunc)
    int expected = 1;
    foreach (T item in enumerable) {
        if (selectFunc(item) != expected) return expected;
    return expected;

To start with the first item in the list:


public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable,
    Func<T, int> selectFunc)
    bool first = true;
    int prev = -1;
    foreach (T item in enumerable)
        int val = selectFunc(item);
        if(first) {
            prev = val;
            first = false;
        } else if (val != prev + 1) {
            return prev + 1;
        prev = val;
    return first ? 1 : prev + 1;

It isn't clear how you wanted to handle nulls, so I didn't. Note that this only iterates once, and doesn't buffer everything.



Assuming that your OrderBy and Where have already been applied:


int firstMissing = collection.TakeWhile((x, i) => x == ++i).LastOrDefault() + 1;


Suggestion: run your code through a profiler. Then you'll know where it is slow. Intuitively, the OrderBy is the slowest thing in this program. But intuitions about the slowest thing are often very, very wrong. Use a profiler.


Of course, you should also eliminate the massive inefficiencies in this program. Remember, Count() counts the sequence by re-enumerating it. Count() does not know that you have not changed the sequence since the last time you counted it! You probably want to store the count rather than recalculating it every time, or use Length, since you have an array.



Why not do something like a binary search?


Say you have a list 10 elements long. Read the first element. Then read the fifth element. If the fifth element isn't first element + 4 then you know there's a missing number, otherwise you know there isn't. Then just iterate like this until you find the first missing element, or reach the end of the list.


This of course assumes you know the size (which wasn't explicitly mentioned in the question), but you've converted to an array, so you should know.


O(log N) instead of O(n)

O(log N)代替O(n)


Assuming that the incoming sequence of values is already sorted, how about:


var upperBoundValue = values.Last() + 1;
var firstMissingItem = Enumerable.Range(1, upperBoundValue).Except(values).First();

If you are performing this operation iteratively, you can optimize the process by storing an index to the last place that you were in the sequence where you found a gap, and start the next iteration from there.



As mentioned, first use a profiler to find where it is slow. If the sequence is really big, and the ordering is slow, you can use radix sort, that is O(kn), where k is the max number of digits, and n is the number of elements in the sequence. Sorting algorithms based on comparison are usually O(n logn).

如上所述,首先使用分析器来查找它的慢速位置。如果序列非常大,并且排序很慢,则可以使用基数排序,即O(kn),其中k是最大位数,n是序列中元素的数量。基于比较的排序算法通常为O(n logn)。

This way the whole algorithm will be O(kn), which depending on n, is asymptotically faster, and consequently more scalable.



You put a LinqToSql tag in your question. I presume you are looking for a "first available" id, so that you can create a new record using this id. Consider turning IDENTITY on in the database instead.



Edit: I just noticed that enumerable is IQueryable<T> but selectFunc and whereFunc are of type Func<T, _>. This will cause the Enumerable versions of OrderBy and Where to be called, rather than using database calls. You probably want to switch them to Expression<Func<T, _>> instead.

编辑:我刚刚注意到可枚举是IQueryable 但selectFunc和whereFunc的类型为Func 。这将导致OrderBy的可枚举版本和Where调用,而不是使用数据库调用。您可能希望将它们切换为Expression >。 ,_>

If you don't want to order regNums first, here's a O(n) golf-style solution:


var max = regNums.Max(i => (int?)i) ?? 0;
return Enumerable.Range(1, max + 1)

By line:

  1. By casting to int?, Max will return null if regNums is empty, coalesced to 0.

    通过强制转换为int ?,如果regNums为空,则Max将返回null,并且合并为0。

  2. Build a sequence of all possible registers, including our next value if full.


  3. Subtract the current set of registers.


  4. Pick the lowest.



I'd probably look at something like below; the Where can be done outside (as can the selector to be honest):


If you expect to start at 1:


public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable,
    Func<T, int> selectFunc)
    int expected = 1;
    foreach (T item in enumerable) {
        if (selectFunc(item) != expected) return expected;
    return expected;

To start with the first item in the list:


public static int GetRegisterNumber<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable,
    Func<T, int> selectFunc)
    bool first = true;
    int prev = -1;
    foreach (T item in enumerable)
        int val = selectFunc(item);
        if(first) {
            prev = val;
            first = false;
        } else if (val != prev + 1) {
            return prev + 1;
        prev = val;
    return first ? 1 : prev + 1;

It isn't clear how you wanted to handle nulls, so I didn't. Note that this only iterates once, and doesn't buffer everything.



Assuming that your OrderBy and Where have already been applied:


int firstMissing = collection.TakeWhile((x, i) => x == ++i).LastOrDefault() + 1;


Suggestion: run your code through a profiler. Then you'll know where it is slow. Intuitively, the OrderBy is the slowest thing in this program. But intuitions about the slowest thing are often very, very wrong. Use a profiler.


Of course, you should also eliminate the massive inefficiencies in this program. Remember, Count() counts the sequence by re-enumerating it. Count() does not know that you have not changed the sequence since the last time you counted it! You probably want to store the count rather than recalculating it every time, or use Length, since you have an array.



Why not do something like a binary search?


Say you have a list 10 elements long. Read the first element. Then read the fifth element. If the fifth element isn't first element + 4 then you know there's a missing number, otherwise you know there isn't. Then just iterate like this until you find the first missing element, or reach the end of the list.


This of course assumes you know the size (which wasn't explicitly mentioned in the question), but you've converted to an array, so you should know.


O(log N) instead of O(n)

O(log N)代替O(n)


Assuming that the incoming sequence of values is already sorted, how about:


var upperBoundValue = values.Last() + 1;
var firstMissingItem = Enumerable.Range(1, upperBoundValue).Except(values).First();

If you are performing this operation iteratively, you can optimize the process by storing an index to the last place that you were in the sequence where you found a gap, and start the next iteration from there.



As mentioned, first use a profiler to find where it is slow. If the sequence is really big, and the ordering is slow, you can use radix sort, that is O(kn), where k is the max number of digits, and n is the number of elements in the sequence. Sorting algorithms based on comparison are usually O(n logn).

如上所述,首先使用分析器来查找它的慢速位置。如果序列非常大,并且排序很慢,则可以使用基数排序,即O(kn),其中k是最大位数,n是序列中元素的数量。基于比较的排序算法通常为O(n logn)。

This way the whole algorithm will be O(kn), which depending on n, is asymptotically faster, and consequently more scalable.



You put a LinqToSql tag in your question. I presume you are looking for a "first available" id, so that you can create a new record using this id. Consider turning IDENTITY on in the database instead.
