First of all, everything was working fine for several months:
When I tried to debug a web app with Visual Studio 2005 and Internet Explorer 7, I just click "Start Debugging", a IE window opened and the process was attached to the debugger.
当我尝试使用Visual Studio 2005和Internet Explorer 7调试Web应用程序时,我只需单击“开始调试”,打开IE窗口并将该过程附加到调试器。
But after I installed IE 8, the process was not attached automatically. I had to attach manually to be able to debug anything.
但是在安装IE 8之后,该进程没有自动附加。我必须手动附加才能调试任何东西。
Then I discovered that to make it work correctly I had to close all other instances of IE 8 before start to debug. But I did not need to do this with IE 7.
然后我发现为了使它正常工作,我必须在开始调试之前关闭IE 8的所有其他实例。但我不需要用IE 7做这个。
I have Windows Vista Enterprise and everything is up to date.
我有Windows Vista Enterprise,一切都是最新的。
Is this the correct behavior? If it is not, what I have to do to debug a web app without having to close any other IE 8 instances?
这是正确的行为吗?如果不是,我必须做什么来调试Web应用程序而不必关闭任何其他IE 8实例?
1 个解决方案
The problem is caused by IE8 creating new processes for each new tab. This is the solution
1) Open RegEdit
2) Browse to HKEY_LOCALMACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Main
2)浏览到HKEY_LOCALMACHINE - > SOFTWARE - > Microsoft - > Internet Explorer - > Main
3) Add a dword under this key called TabProcGrowth
4) Set TabProcGrowth to 0
Check out this link for the full details from Brad Sullivan
有关Brad Sullivan的详细信息,请查看此链接
In summary: IE8 creates a new process for each tab. The VS2005 debugger doesn't know which process to attach to, and so doesn't attach to anything. The solution is to stop IE8 creating new process for each tab. Brad mentions that this problem is found on older versions of the VS debugger, but does not say if it works properly in VS2008 or VS2010.
总结:IE8为每个选项卡创建一个新进程。 VS2005调试器不知道要附加到哪个进程,因此不会附加到任何进程。解决方案是停止IE8为每个选项卡创建新进程。 Brad提到在早期版本的VS调试器上发现了这个问题,但没有说它是否在VS2008或VS2010中正常工作。
Edit: If you are using Vista you need to turn off IE "Protected Mode" which is a checkbox on the Security Tab under Tools -> Internet Options.
编辑:如果您使用的是Vista,则需要关闭IE“保护模式”,这是“工具” - >“Internet选项”下“安全”选项卡上的复选框。
The problem is caused by IE8 creating new processes for each new tab. This is the solution
1) Open RegEdit
2) Browse to HKEY_LOCALMACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet Explorer -> Main
2)浏览到HKEY_LOCALMACHINE - > SOFTWARE - > Microsoft - > Internet Explorer - > Main
3) Add a dword under this key called TabProcGrowth
4) Set TabProcGrowth to 0
Check out this link for the full details from Brad Sullivan
有关Brad Sullivan的详细信息,请查看此链接
In summary: IE8 creates a new process for each tab. The VS2005 debugger doesn't know which process to attach to, and so doesn't attach to anything. The solution is to stop IE8 creating new process for each tab. Brad mentions that this problem is found on older versions of the VS debugger, but does not say if it works properly in VS2008 or VS2010.
总结:IE8为每个选项卡创建一个新进程。 VS2005调试器不知道要附加到哪个进程,因此不会附加到任何进程。解决方案是停止IE8为每个选项卡创建新进程。 Brad提到在早期版本的VS调试器上发现了这个问题,但没有说它是否在VS2008或VS2010中正常工作。
Edit: If you are using Vista you need to turn off IE "Protected Mode" which is a checkbox on the Security Tab under Tools -> Internet Options.
编辑:如果您使用的是Vista,则需要关闭IE“保护模式”,这是“工具” - >“Internet选项”下“安全”选项卡上的复选框。