
时间:2022-09-01 17:14:33

I'm working on a method to get some data from MySQL database using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. The listCurrentRecords should return List of Objects types of either Customer, Product and SalesOrder from database. The objectType is defined from the parameter passed inside the method (1 || 2 || 3) and it is defined earlier in the class as public variable.

我正在研究一种方法,使用NamedParameterJdbcTemplate从MySQL数据库中获取一些数据。listCurrentRecords应该从数据库返回客户、产品和SalesOrder的对象类型列表。objectType是从方法内部传递的参数(1 || 2 ||)定义的,它在类的前面被定义为public变量。

public static final int TYPE_PRODUCT = 1;
public static final int TYPE_CUSTOMER = 2;
public static final int TYPE_SALESORDER = 3;

The method is provided below.


public static List<Object> listCurrentRecords(int objectType)

    // PRODUCT 
    if ( objectType == 1 ){


    else if ( objectType ==  2 ){


    else if ( objectType ==  3 ){


    return null; 
    // return new ArrayList<Object>();

Say, the objectType == 2, then it will require to grab some data from the Customer table using getMyCustomer method ( same goes for the Product and SalesOrder, they will use their separate methods ) as following,

例如,objectType == 2,然后需要使用getMyCustomer方法从Customer表中获取一些数据(产品和SalesOrder也是如此,它们将使用各自的方法),如下所示,

public static List<Customer> getMyCustomer(){

    return jdbc.query("select * from Customer", new RowMapper<Customer>() {

        public Customer mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {

            Customer customer = new Customer();

            customer.setName( rs.getString("Name"));
            customer.setAddress( rs.getNString("Address"));
            customer.setPhone1(rs.getNString("Phone 1"));
            customer.setPhone2(rs.getNString("Phone 2"));

            customer.setCreditLimit(rs.getDouble("Credit Limit"));
            customer.setCurrentCredit(rs.getDouble("Current Credit"));

            return customer;

Inside the else if ( objectType == 2 ){ } I would like to call getMyCustomer method and get List<Customer> there. However, the return type of the method listCurrentRecords is List<Object>. How to convert from List<Customer> to List<Object>. I provided the pseudo code as following,

在else if (objectType == 2){}中,我想调用getMyCustomer方法并在那里获取List 。但是,方法listCurrentRecords的返回类型是List 。如何将List 转换为List 。我提供的伪代码如下,

   // customer 
    else if ( objectType ==  2 ){

         List<Customer> myCustomer =  getMyCustomer();
         // how to convert ***myCustomer*** to List<Object> ?

I appreciate some assistance of how to write it properly in Java.


3 个解决方案



Since you want the Object type (remember generics are a compile time type checking feature), you can use addAll or the constructor that takes a second List. Like


List<Object> myCustomer = new ArrayList<>(getMyCustomer());


List<Object> al = new ArrayList<>();
// ...



I would probably do


List<Object> myCustomer = new ArrayList<>(getMyCustomer());

This creates a new list by iterating over the original, so could be slow depending on the size of the list.


If this is a problem, an alternative is to do


List<Object> myCustomer = Collections.unmodifiableList(getMyCustomer());

This version works by wrapping the original list. If you do it this way you will not be able to call any methods that modify the list (add, set, remove, clear etc).




Another alternative approach you may consider apart from other answers which construct a new List<Object> base on your List<Customer>

除了在列表 上构造新列表 的其他答案之外,您还可以考虑另一种方法

Your listCurrentRecords(int objectType) is under your control anyway, if there are no reason of really need to return List<Object>, you may simply change it to public static List<?> listCurrentRecords(int objectType).

无论如何,您的listCurrentRecords(int objectType)在您的控制之下,如果没有必要返回List,您可以将其改为public static List listCurrentRecords(int objectType)。

Actually it is not a very good idea to use wildcard in return type. Let's take one step further, why don't make listCurrentRecords return the proper list instead? For example, instead of passing in an integer, pass in the Class of the type of data you want, e.g.


public static <T> List<T> listCurrentRecords(Class<T> dataType)

so the caller can receive a proper list of, for example, Customer by

因此,调用者可以收到适当的列表,例如,Customer by

List<Customer> = listCurrentRecords(Customer.class)



Since you want the Object type (remember generics are a compile time type checking feature), you can use addAll or the constructor that takes a second List. Like


List<Object> myCustomer = new ArrayList<>(getMyCustomer());


List<Object> al = new ArrayList<>();
// ...



I would probably do


List<Object> myCustomer = new ArrayList<>(getMyCustomer());

This creates a new list by iterating over the original, so could be slow depending on the size of the list.


If this is a problem, an alternative is to do


List<Object> myCustomer = Collections.unmodifiableList(getMyCustomer());

This version works by wrapping the original list. If you do it this way you will not be able to call any methods that modify the list (add, set, remove, clear etc).




Another alternative approach you may consider apart from other answers which construct a new List<Object> base on your List<Customer>

除了在列表 上构造新列表 的其他答案之外,您还可以考虑另一种方法

Your listCurrentRecords(int objectType) is under your control anyway, if there are no reason of really need to return List<Object>, you may simply change it to public static List<?> listCurrentRecords(int objectType).

无论如何,您的listCurrentRecords(int objectType)在您的控制之下,如果没有必要返回List,您可以将其改为public static List listCurrentRecords(int objectType)。

Actually it is not a very good idea to use wildcard in return type. Let's take one step further, why don't make listCurrentRecords return the proper list instead? For example, instead of passing in an integer, pass in the Class of the type of data you want, e.g.


public static <T> List<T> listCurrentRecords(Class<T> dataType)

so the caller can receive a proper list of, for example, Customer by

因此,调用者可以收到适当的列表,例如,Customer by

List<Customer> = listCurrentRecords(Customer.class)