
时间:2022-09-01 10:23:02

I am unsure about this, but this question might be related to Memory leak in batch for loop?.


I have the following trivial batch script:


@echo off
cmd.exe /c cls
echo hello
goto label

When this script runs on a Windows7 32-bit installation, it behaves well. But when I run it on the few Windows7 64-bit machines that I have access to, it slowly and apparently irrevocably eats up all system memory - as seen in the Windows task manager. The memory stays in use after closing the window that executes the above batch lines.

当此脚本在Windows7 32位安装上运行时,它表现良好。但是,当我在我可以访问的几台Windows7 64位计算机上运行它时,它慢慢地显然不可挽回地占用了所有系统内存 - 正如Windows任务管理器中所见。关闭执行上述批处理行的窗口后,内存保持使用状态。

Is this happening to other people? If not, do you know what could cause this? Other installed software on the system?


I have the same behavior if I do a


while True: os.system('cls')

loop in a Python-X/Y shell. It seems to be linked to the creation of a sub process. If I change the above from cmd.exe /c cls to just cls, I do not get a memory leak. I ran into this problem because I ported a Python script from Linux that repeatedly does a clear screen for a statistics display, implemented for Windows as shown in Clear the screen in python.

循环在Python-X / Y shell中。它似乎与创建子流程有关。如果我将上面的内容从cmd.exe / c cls更改为只是cls,我就不会出现内存泄漏。我遇到了这个问题,因为我从Linux移植了一个Python脚本,它反复为统计显示屏幕显示,为Windows实现,如清除python中的屏幕所示。

1 个解决方案



I ran it on my x64 machine and it works ok, it does start to struggle as time goes but I wouldn't call it a memory leak, if anything it just hammers the CPU when it spikes.


It could just be struggling to keep up with the commands depending on the performance of the computer. I added in a timeout for a second, now cmd is much happier and showing less than 1MB RAM consumption.


Try just adjusting this to your needs, or find middle ground where you get the speed and the performance, just give cmd a break :)


@echo off
cmd.exe /c cls
echo hello
timeout /t 1 >nul
goto label



I ran it on my x64 machine and it works ok, it does start to struggle as time goes but I wouldn't call it a memory leak, if anything it just hammers the CPU when it spikes.


It could just be struggling to keep up with the commands depending on the performance of the computer. I added in a timeout for a second, now cmd is much happier and showing less than 1MB RAM consumption.


Try just adjusting this to your needs, or find middle ground where you get the speed and the performance, just give cmd a break :)


@echo off
cmd.exe /c cls
echo hello
timeout /t 1 >nul
goto label