我可以在VS2008上使用C ++来定位CE 4.2或CE 5.0

时间:2022-09-01 09:47:14

I am developing for a SH4 based device that can run either CE 4.2 or CE 5.0. As per my previous question, I can target these devices using the Standard SDKs under embedded visual C++ 4.0, but I cannot debug over ActiveSync.

我正在开发基于SH4的设备,可以运行CE 4.2或CE 5.0。根据我之前的问题,我可以使用嵌入式Visual C ++ 4.0下的标准SDK来定位这些设备,但我无法通过ActiveSync进行调试。

I have also loaded Visual Studio 2008 (SP1), but cannot load these SDKs up, and hence cannot target my device. Is there any way of doing so, or is anyone aware of any other third party debugger I could use.

我还加载了Visual Studio 2008(SP1),但无法加载这些SDK,因此无法定位我的设备。有没有办法这样做,或者是否有人知道我可以使用的任何其他第三方调试器。

The application is C++ / MFC.

该应用程序是C ++ / MFC。

1 个解决方案


This may or may not fix your first problem, but go to the properties page for your project, and click the Devices tab. Uncheck the "Deploy the latest version of the .Net Compact Framework ... " checkbox. It's been awhile since I worked with WinCE, but I seem to remember that having this box checked prevented debugging (the app runs fine from the IDE, but the breakpoints show up as open red circles and they never get hit.

这可能会也可能不会解决您的第一个问题,但请转到项目的属性页面,然后单击“设备”选项卡。取消选中“部署最新版本的.Net Compact Framework ...”复选框。自从我使用WinCE以来已经有一段时间了,但我似乎记得检查过这个盒子会阻止调试(应用程序从IDE运行良好,但断点显示为开放的红色圆圈,它们永远不会被击中。

I have no answer to your second question, sorry.



This may or may not fix your first problem, but go to the properties page for your project, and click the Devices tab. Uncheck the "Deploy the latest version of the .Net Compact Framework ... " checkbox. It's been awhile since I worked with WinCE, but I seem to remember that having this box checked prevented debugging (the app runs fine from the IDE, but the breakpoints show up as open red circles and they never get hit.

这可能会也可能不会解决您的第一个问题,但请转到项目的属性页面,然后单击“设备”选项卡。取消选中“部署最新版本的.Net Compact Framework ...”复选框。自从我使用WinCE以来已经有一段时间了,但我似乎记得检查过这个盒子会阻止调试(应用程序从IDE运行良好,但断点显示为开放的红色圆圈,它们永远不会被击中。

I have no answer to your second question, sorry.
