I was writing a C++/CLI wrapper for using some umnmanaged C++ code in a visual basic project . This is the code
我正在编写一个C ++ / CLI包装器,用于在visual basic项目中使用一些umnmanaged C ++代码。这是代码
#pragma once
#include "E:\ARDUINO DLL\UnManagedSystemProfile\UnManagedSystemProfile\SystemProfile.h"
#include "E:\ARDUINO DLL\UnManagedSystemProfile\UnManagedSystemProfile\SystemProfile.cpp"
using namespace System;
namespace MSystemProfile {
public ref class SystemProfile
SysProfileInterface * System;
enum class ConversionDirection:int
enum class MemoryUnits:int
double getVolume();
void setVolume(float volume);
void setScreenBrightness(int brightnessvalue);
int getCurrentBatteryLife();
bool isLowOnPower();
bool isCharged();
bool isCharging();
bool CheckFreeSpace(LPCTSTR lpDirectoryName);
DWORD64 getFreeSpaceAvailable(LPCTSTR lpDirectoryname);
DWORDLONG totalVirtualMemory();
DWORDLONG usedVirtualMemory();
SIZE_T myVirtualMemoryUse();
DWORDLONG totalRam();
DWORDLONG usedRam();
SIZE_T myRamUse();
float BtoKB(float data, MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float BtoMB(float data, MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float BtoGB(float data, MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float KBtoMB(float data, MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float KBtoGB(float data,MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float MBtoGB(float data, MemoryUnitConverter::ConversionDirection direction);
float convertTo(MemoryUnitConverter::MemoryUnits sourceunit,MemoryUnitConverter::MemoryUnits destinationunit, float data);
In this there are two functions namely
bool CheckFreeSpace(LPCTSTR lpDirectoryName);
DWORD64 getFreeSpaceAvailable(LPCTSTR lpDirectoryname);
When i built them and refrenced in a visual basic project the following error came
It said that Error 3 'CheckFreeSpace' has a return type that is not supported or parameter types that are not supported.
I understood that maybe VB.net does not support LPCTRSTR type but now how can i solve this problem.
Also another problem is that if C++/CLI supports LPCTRSTR then why not VB.net.
另一个问题是如果C ++ / CLI支持LPCTRSTR那么为什么不是VB.net。
Thank you in advance.
2 个解决方案
The type LPCTSTR is a C/C++ type created by Microsoft for use in Windows API. Since C++/CLI is a C++ code, with managed extensions, it cans resolve LPCTSTR type without errors. VB.Net, however, is a managed code and cans "see" only managed types, which don't include LPCTSTR.
LPCTSTR类型是Microsoft创建的用于Windows API的C / C ++类型。由于C ++ / CLI是带有托管扩展的C ++代码,因此它可以无错误地解析LPCTSTR类型。但是,VB.Net是一个托管代码,只能“查看”托管类型,不包括LPCTSTR。
To pass parameters from/to unmanaged code, you may use the MarshalAs attribute. In VB.Net the function declaration would be:
<DllImport("<your's dll>", CharSet := CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError := true)>
Friend Shared Function CheckFreeSpace(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPCStr)> lpDirectoryName as string) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)> Boolean;
You can read more information about marshaling here.
I solved the problem by taking the argument to the function as system::String and as Hans said, marshalled it to std:: string using standard Marshall function given as a Microsoft example and called the c. Str() function in it to get a char*. Also I changed my character set to multibyte to solve the problem.
我通过将函数的参数作为system :: String来解决问题,正如汉斯所说,使用标准Marshall函数将其编组为std :: string,作为Microsoft示例给出并称为c。 Str()函数在其中获取char *。我还将我的字符集更改为多字节以解决问题。
The type LPCTSTR is a C/C++ type created by Microsoft for use in Windows API. Since C++/CLI is a C++ code, with managed extensions, it cans resolve LPCTSTR type without errors. VB.Net, however, is a managed code and cans "see" only managed types, which don't include LPCTSTR.
LPCTSTR类型是Microsoft创建的用于Windows API的C / C ++类型。由于C ++ / CLI是带有托管扩展的C ++代码,因此它可以无错误地解析LPCTSTR类型。但是,VB.Net是一个托管代码,只能“查看”托管类型,不包括LPCTSTR。
To pass parameters from/to unmanaged code, you may use the MarshalAs attribute. In VB.Net the function declaration would be:
<DllImport("<your's dll>", CharSet := CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError := true)>
Friend Shared Function CheckFreeSpace(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPCStr)> lpDirectoryName as string) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)> Boolean;
You can read more information about marshaling here.
I solved the problem by taking the argument to the function as system::String and as Hans said, marshalled it to std:: string using standard Marshall function given as a Microsoft example and called the c. Str() function in it to get a char*. Also I changed my character set to multibyte to solve the problem.
我通过将函数的参数作为system :: String来解决问题,正如汉斯所说,使用标准Marshall函数将其编组为std :: string,作为Microsoft示例给出并称为c。 Str()函数在其中获取char *。我还将我的字符集更改为多字节以解决问题。