[WPF系列]-DataBinding 绑定计算表达式

时间:2022-08-31 17:38:09





Width="{Binding  RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=ActualWidth,
Converter={StaticResource MathConverter},


Width="{Binding ElementName=RootWindow, Path=ActualWidth,
Converter={StaticResource MathConverter},



// Does a math equation on the bound value.
// Use @VALUE in your mathEquation as a substitute for bound value
// Operator order is parenthesis first, then Left-To-Right (no operator precedence)
public class MathConverter : IValueConverter
private static readonly char[] _allOperators = new[] { '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '(', ')' }; private static readonly List<string> _grouping = new List<string> { "(", ")" };
private static readonly List<string> _operators = new List<string> { "+", "-", "*", "/", "%" }; #region IValueConverter Members public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
// Parse value into equation and remove spaces
var mathEquation = parameter as string;
mathEquation = mathEquation.Replace(" ", "");
mathEquation = mathEquation.Replace("@VALUE", value.ToString()); // Validate values and get list of numbers in equation
var numbers = new List<double>();
double tmp; foreach (string s in mathEquation.Split(_allOperators))
if (s != string.Empty)
if (double.TryParse(s, out tmp))
// Handle Error - Some non-numeric, operator, or grouping character found in string
throw new InvalidCastException();
} // Begin parsing method
EvaluateMathString(ref mathEquation, ref numbers, 0); // After parsing the numbers list should only have one value - the total
return numbers[0];
} public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
} #endregion // Evaluates a mathematical string and keeps track of the results in a List<double> of numbers
private void EvaluateMathString(ref string mathEquation, ref List<double> numbers, int index)
// Loop through each mathemtaical token in the equation
string token = GetNextToken(mathEquation); while (token != string.Empty)
// Remove token from mathEquation
mathEquation = mathEquation.Remove(0, token.Length); // If token is a grouping character, it affects program flow
if (_grouping.Contains(token))
switch (token)
case "(":
EvaluateMathString(ref mathEquation, ref numbers, index);
break; case ")":
} // If token is an operator, do requested operation
if (_operators.Contains(token))
// If next token after operator is a parenthesis, call method recursively
string nextToken = GetNextToken(mathEquation);
if (nextToken == "(")
EvaluateMathString(ref mathEquation, ref numbers, index + 1);
} // Verify that enough numbers exist in the List<double> to complete the operation
// and that the next token is either the number expected, or it was a ( meaning
// that this was called recursively and that the number changed
if (numbers.Count > (index + 1) &&
(double.Parse(nextToken) == numbers[index + 1] || nextToken == "("))
switch (token)
case "+":
numbers[index] = numbers[index] + numbers[index + 1];
case "-":
numbers[index] = numbers[index] - numbers[index + 1];
case "*":
numbers[index] = numbers[index] * numbers[index + 1];
case "/":
numbers[index] = numbers[index] / numbers[index + 1];
case "%":
numbers[index] = numbers[index] % numbers[index + 1];
numbers.RemoveAt(index + 1);
// Handle Error - Next token is not the expected number
throw new FormatException("Next token is not the expected number");
} token = GetNextToken(mathEquation);
} // Gets the next mathematical token in the equation
private string GetNextToken(string mathEquation)
// If we're at the end of the equation, return string.empty
if (mathEquation == string.Empty)
return string.Empty;
} // Get next operator or numeric value in equation and return it
string tmp = "";
foreach (char c in mathEquation)
if (_allOperators.Contains(c))
return (tmp == "" ? c.ToString() : tmp);
tmp += c;
} return tmp;




MathConverter - How to Do Math in XAML



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