c++ primer plus 习题答案(5)

时间:2022-08-31 07:53:47


using namespace std; class Plorg{
char fullname[];
int CI;
Plorg(char *ar = "Plorga", int ct = );
void index();
void show()const;
}; Plorg::Plorg(char *ar, int ct){
strcpy(fullname, ar);
CI = ct;
} void Plorg::index(){
cout << "enter a number of CI\n";
cin >> CI;
} void Plorg::show()const{
cout << "fullname is " << this->fullname <<
" CI is " << (*this).CI << endl;
} int main(){
Plorg test1;
cout << "enter a line\n";
char ar[];
int ct;
cin.getline(ar, );
cout << "enter a number\n";
cin >> ct;
Plorg test2(ar, ct);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
test1.show(); system("pause");
return ;


#include<iostream> #ifndef _STONEWT_H
#define _STONEWT_H
class Stonewt{
static const int lbs_per_stn = ;
int stone;
double pds_left;
double pounds;
char mode;
Stonewt(double, char ch='P');
Stonewt(int, double, char ch='P');
void set(Stonewt &);
void mode_invert(char);
Stonewt operator+(const Stonewt & a)const
{return Stonewt(pounds + a.pounds); }
friend Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt &, const Stonewt &);
friend Stonewt operator*(double n, const Stonewt &);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Stonewt &);
}; #endif //方法:
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl; Stonewt::Stonewt(){
pds_left = pounds = stone = ;
mode = 'P';
} Stonewt::Stonewt(double a, char ch){
pounds = a;
stone = int(a / lbs_per_stn);
pds_left = pounds - stone*lbs_per_stn;
mode = ch;
} Stonewt::Stonewt(int a, double b, char ch){
pounds = a*lbs_per_stn + b;
stone = a + int(b / lbs_per_stn);
pds_left = pounds - stone*lbs_per_stn;
mode = ch;
} void Stonewt::set(Stonewt &a){
cout << "enter stone\n";
cin >> a.stone;
cout << "enter pounds\n";
cin >> a.pds_left;
a.pounds = a.stone*lbs_per_stn + a.pds_left;
cout << "enter a mode that you want to choice\n";
cin >> a.mode;
} Stonewt::~Stonewt(){ } Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt &a, const Stonewt &b){
Stonewt sum;
sum = a + b;
return sum;
} Stonewt operator*(double n, const Stonewt &a){
return Stonewt(n*a.pounds);
} std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Stonewt &t){
if (t.mode == 'P')
cout << "pounds is " << t.pounds;
else if (t.mode == 'S')
cout << "stone is " << t.stone << " pds_left is " << t.pds_left << endl;
else cout << "wrong choices\n";
return os;
} //驱动:
using std::cout;
using std::endl; int main(){
Stonewt ct(54.6, 'S');
Stonewt bt(, 56.3, 'P');
Stonewt at;
Stonewt dt = bt + ct;
Stonewt ft = bt - ct;
int n = ;
Stonewt gt = n*bt;
cout << ct << endl << bt << endl
<< dt << endl << ft << endl
<< gt << endl<<at; system("pause");
return ;


#include<iostream> #ifndef _COMPLEX_H
#define _COMPLEX_H using std::ostream;
using std::istream; namespace COMPLEX{
class Complex{
double real;
double imaginary;
Complex(double, double);
Complex operator+(const Complex &);
Complex operator-(const Complex &);
friend Complex operator*(const Complex &, const Complex &);
friend Complex operator*(const Complex &, const double);
friend Complex operator~(const Complex &);
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Complex &);
friend istream & operator>>(istream &, Complex &);
} #endif //方法:
using namespace std;
#include"stack.h" namespace COMPLEX{
real = imaginary = ;
} Complex::Complex(double a, double b){
real = a;
imaginary = b;
} Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex &a){
return Complex(real + a.real, imaginary + a.imaginary);
} Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex &a){
return Complex(real - a.real, imaginary - a.imaginary);
} Complex operator*(const Complex &a, const Complex &b){
return Complex(a.real*b.real - a.imaginary*b.imaginary, a.real*b.imaginary + a.imaginary*b.real);
} Complex operator*(const Complex &a, const double b){
return Complex(a.real*b, a.imaginary*b);
} Complex operator~(const Complex &a){
return Complex(a.real, -a.imaginary);
} ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const Complex &b){
cout << "(" << b.real << ", " << b.imaginary << "i)";
return os;
} istream & operator>>(istream &is, Complex &a){
if (is >> a.real){
is >> a.imaginary;
cout << "real: " << a.real << endl;
cout << "imaginary: " << a.imaginary << endl;
return is;
} //驱动:
using namespace std;
using namespace COMPLEX; int main(){
Complex a(3.0, 4.0);
Complex c;
cout << "enter a complex number(q to quit)\n";
while (cin>>c){
cout << "c is " << c << endl;
cout << "complex conjugate is " << ~c << endl;
cout << "a is " << a << endl;
cout << "a+c is " << a + c << endl;
cout << "a-c is " << a - c << endl;
cout << "a*c is " << a*c << endl;
cout << "2*c is " << c* << endl;
cout << "enter a complex number(q to quit)\n";
cout << "Done!\n";
return ;

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