Install (WinGraphviz_v1.xx.x.msi)
Download Binary File:"WinGraphviz_v1.xx.x.msi" on your local file system.
Run "WinGraphviz_v1.xx.x.msi"
- Complete
Install (
Download Binary File:"" on your local file system.
If you install previous version WinFraphviz ,uninstall and delete it on your system
Unzip the file to the system dicroty "\[Windows]\SYSTEM32"
Open a Command Window
if your windows is Win98/me then run "regserver.exe WinGraphviz.dll" to regist it on your system
if your windows is WinNT/2000/XP then run "regsvr32.exe WinGraphviz.dll" to regist it on your system
- Complete
Uninstall (WinGraphviz_v1.xx.x.msi)
Uninstall from control panel
- Complete
Uninstall (
Open a Command Window
Goto the system dicroty "\[Windows]\SYSTEM32"
if your windows is Win98/me then run "regserver.exe WinGraphviz.dll /u" to unregist it on your system
if your windows is WinNT/2000/XP then run "regsvr32.exe WinGraphviz.dll /u" to unregist it on your system
Delete WinGraphviz.dll
- Complete
WINGRAPHVIZLib.DOT my_Dot = new WINGRAPHVIZLib.DOT(); if(my_Dot.Validate(textBox.Text)==true) { WINGRAPHVIZLib.BinaryImage bi=my_Dot.ToEMF(textBox.Text); UCOMIStream iStream = null; ComStream.CreateStreamOnHGlobal(0, false, out iStream); bi.Dump((WINGRAPHVIZLib.IStream) iStream); ComStream comStream = new ComStream(ref iStream); // comStream must reset to position 0 if use Metafile, But needn't if use Bitmap, Why? comStream.Position = 0; Metafile mf = new Metafile(comStream); pictureBox.Height = mf.Height; pictureBox.Width = mf.Width; this.Height = mf.Height; this.Width = mf.Width; pictureBox.Image = mf; }具体例子见本人的资源下载: