// main.m
// cmdTry
// Created by Calos Chen on 2017/8/21.
// Copyright © 2017年 Calos Chen. All rights reserved.
// #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "class4.m"
#import "NSObject_class5.h" @class Fraction;
@interface Fraction : NSObject
int numberator;
int denominator;
NSString* name;
double price;
Fraction *myf; }
@property double price;
-(void) print;
-(void) setNumberator: (int)n;
-(void) setName: (NSString*)na;
-(void) setInfo: (int) id name:(NSString*)name; @end @implementation Fraction @synthesize price; -(void) print
name= [name getBy:23 andName:@"Ok"];//
NSLog(@"%i it is %@",numberator,name);
-(void) setNumberator:(int)n
-(void)setName:(NSString *)na{
} -(void) setInfo:(int)id name:(NSString *)na{
} @end //---- program section ---- int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
// insert code here...
NSLog(@"Hello, World!");
NSLog(@"who are you!");
NSNumber *xdd;
xdd=[NSNumber numberWithInt:45]; NSLog(@"why is it");
Fraction *myf= [[Fraction alloc] init];
[myf setName:@"calos"];
[myf print];
double price=myf->price; int a1=5;
float a2=3.23;
double a3=3.44;
char a4='c';
int a5=(int)a2;
for (int b=1; b<10;b++ ) {
double b1=myf.price;
BOOL isPrime=NO;
NSLog(@"%i %f %e %c %i %c %g %e",a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,isPrime,b1,price);
NSLog(@"end........"); //file write
NSFileManager* fm=[NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString* fname=@"a.txt";
NSFileHandle* fh=[NSFileHandle new];
NSData* data=nil;
NSCoder* coder=[NSCoder new];
[fm createFileAtPath:fname contents:nil attributes:nil];
if([fm isReadableFileAtPath:fname]){
[fh writeData:data];
[[fh initWithCoder:coder] writeData:data];
} // 初始化管理类
NSFileManager * manager = [NSFileManager
defaultManager]; // 路径
NSString * DirectoryPath = [NSHomeDirectory()
stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"/desktop/我的文件夹1/我的文件夹2"]; NSError * error =
if ([manager
error:&error] !=
YES) {
// NSString * str = [error localizedDescription];
}else {
// NSString * str = [error localizedDescription];
} //file handle NSFileHandle *inFile, *outFile;
NSData *buffer;
NSData* d1=[@"sss" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:@"test.txt" contents:d1 attributes:nil]; //打开testfile.txt文件用于读取操作
inFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:@"testfile.txt"]; if(inFile == nil)
NSLog(@"Open of testfile.txt for reading failed!");
return 1;
} //创建一个文件用于写数据(第一次是必要的)
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:@"testout.txt" contents:nil attributes:nil] ; //打开testout.txt文件用于写入操作
outFile = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:@"testout.txt"]; if(outFile == nil)
NSLog(@"Open of testout.txt for writing failed!");
return 2;
} //
[outFile truncateFileAtOffset:0]; //从inFile中读取数据,并将其写入到outFile中
buffer = [inFile readDataToEndOfFile]; [outFile writeData:buffer]; //关闭两个文件
[inFile closeFile];
[outFile closeFile]; return 0;
} //for today: 2017-08-21, I have read and practiced the first 153 pages of the object-c 2.0, now, I have known object-c classes and data types, and how to announce and implement the classes and class members, as well as functions in the class implementation. also property synthesize methods. loops.
//homework: implement a new class, and new interface and fill the class with members and all tangible members, then use all of them. @class declaration. So, write a console program with object-c.
目前可以使用 Object-c 的 file 处理, 可以操作目录,并读写文件, 控制台程序生成了正常的文件,感觉比较欣慰,文件处理也算蛮大的一步了,知道了一些 oc 常用的库处理,在渐渐地变熟练
[object-c 2.0 程序设计]object-c file handle (二)的更多相关文章
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