时间:2022-08-29 22:57:09

I publish technical books, in print, PDF, and Kindle/MOBI, with EPUB on the way.

我发布了EPUB技术书籍,印刷版,PDF版和Kindle / MOBI版。

The Kindle does not support monospace fonts, which are kinda useful for source code listings. The only way to do monospace fonts is to convert the text (Java source, HTML, XML, etc.) into JPEG images. More specifically, due to pagination issues, a given input ASCII file needs to be split into slices of ~6 lines each, with each slice turned into a JPEG, so listings can span a screen. This is a royal pain.


My current mechanism to do that involves:


  1. Running expand to set a consistent 2-space tab size, which pipes to...
  2. 运行展开以设置一致的2空格选项卡大小,其中包含...

  3. a2ps, which pipes to...
  4. a2ps,管道......

  5. A small Perl snippet to add a "%%LanguageLevel: 3\n" line, which pipes to...
  6. 一个小的Perl片段,用于添加“%% LanguageLevel:3 \ n”行,其中包含...

  7. ImageMagick's convert, to take the (E)PS and make a JPEG out it, with an appropriate background, cropped to 575x148+5+28, etc.
  8. ImageMagick的转换,取(E)PS并用适当的背景制作JPEG,裁剪为575x148 + 5 + 28等。

That used to work 100% of the time. It now works 95% of the time. The rest of the time, I get convert: geometry does not contain image errors, which I cannot seem to get rid of, in part because I don't understand what the problem is.


Before this process, I used to use a pretty-print engine (source-highlight) to get HTML out of the source code...but then the only thing I could find to convert the HTML into JPEGs was to automate screen-grabs from an embedded Gecko engine. Reliability stank, which is why I switched to my current mechanism.

在此过程之前,我曾经使用漂亮的打印引擎(源代码突出显示)从源代码中获取HTML ...但是我唯一可以找到的将HTML转换为JPEG的方法是自动化屏幕抓取嵌入式Gecko引擎。可靠性发臭,这就是我切换到现有机制的原因。

So, if you were you, and you needed to turn source listings into JPEG images, in an automated fashion, how would you do it? Bonus points if it offers some sort of pretty-print process (e.g., bolded keywords)!


Or, if you know what typically causes convert: geometry does not contain image, that might help. My current process is ugly, but if I could get it back to 100% reliability, that'd be just fine for now.


Thanks in advance!


5 个解决方案


You might consider html2ps and then imagemagick's convert.


A thought: if your target (Kindle?) supports PNG, use that in preference to JPEG for this text rendering.



html2ps is an excellent program -- I used it to produce a 1300-page book once, but it's overkill if you just want plain text -> postscript. Consider enscript instead.

html2ps是一个优秀的程序 - 我曾经用它来制作一本1300页的书,但是如果你只想要纯文本 - > postscript就太过分了。请考虑使用enscript。


Because the question of converting HTML to JPG has been answered, I will offer a suggestion on the pretty printer. I've found Pygments to be pretty awesome. It supports different themes and has lexers for pretty much any language out there (they advertise the fact that it even highlights brainfuck). There's a command line tool and it's available on most Linux distros.



Your Linux distribution may include pango-view and an assortment of fonts. This works on my FC6 system:


pango-view --font=DejaVuLGCSansMono --dpi=200 --output=/tmp/text.jpg -q /tmp/text

You'll need to identify a monospaced font that is installed on your system. Look around /usr/share/fonts/.

您需要识别系统上安装的等宽字体。环顾/ usr / share / fonts /。

Pango supports Unicode.


Leave off the -q while you're experimenting, it'll display to a window instead of to a file.



Don't use jpeg. It's optimized for photographs and does a terrible job with text and line art. Use gif or png instead. My understanding is that gif is now patent-free, so I would just use that.



You might consider html2ps and then imagemagick's convert.


A thought: if your target (Kindle?) supports PNG, use that in preference to JPEG for this text rendering.



html2ps is an excellent program -- I used it to produce a 1300-page book once, but it's overkill if you just want plain text -> postscript. Consider enscript instead.

html2ps是一个优秀的程序 - 我曾经用它来制作一本1300页的书,但是如果你只想要纯文本 - > postscript就太过分了。请考虑使用enscript。


Because the question of converting HTML to JPG has been answered, I will offer a suggestion on the pretty printer. I've found Pygments to be pretty awesome. It supports different themes and has lexers for pretty much any language out there (they advertise the fact that it even highlights brainfuck). There's a command line tool and it's available on most Linux distros.



Your Linux distribution may include pango-view and an assortment of fonts. This works on my FC6 system:


pango-view --font=DejaVuLGCSansMono --dpi=200 --output=/tmp/text.jpg -q /tmp/text

You'll need to identify a monospaced font that is installed on your system. Look around /usr/share/fonts/.

您需要识别系统上安装的等宽字体。环顾/ usr / share / fonts /。

Pango supports Unicode.


Leave off the -q while you're experimenting, it'll display to a window instead of to a file.



Don't use jpeg. It's optimized for photographs and does a terrible job with text and line art. Use gif or png instead. My understanding is that gif is now patent-free, so I would just use that.

