ada 图形编辑器 - GNAT GPL

时间:2021-07-16 02:21:32
The GNAT GPL and SPARK GPL Editions are made available to the free software developers by AdaCore. They are not intended for professional development, and AdaCore makes NO WARRANTY on them.
The software on this page is made available under the Free Software licenses documented in the packages, typically the GNU General Public License (GPL).
GNAT and SPARK technology is also available in a professional, fully supported version. To find out which version is right for you, review the Technology comparison chart.

ada 图形编辑器 - GNAT GPL

ada 学习视频 来之 YouTube

GNAT GPL 2007(xp+) x86 Windows (32 bits)

GNAT GPL 2015(xp+) x86 Windows (32 bits)

GNAT GPL 2016(win7+) x86 Windows (32 bits)


官方提供不同操作系统的 GNAT GPL


目前最新 ada gcc 编译器版本是 6.1.0
