ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

时间:2022-08-28 18:32:27

Setting up Code First Migrations for Model Changes--为模型更改做数据库迁移。


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)



ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

4,在程序包管理器控制台中,输入:Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext

(注意: MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext    项目名.Models.项目数据上下文)


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


using MvcMovie.Models;


 protected override void Seed(MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext context)
context.Movies.AddOrUpdate( i => i.Title,
new Movie
Title = "When Harry Met Sally",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1989-1-11"),
Genre = "Romantic Comedy",
Price = 7.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters ",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1984-3-13"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 8.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters 2",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1986-2-23"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 9.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Rio Bravo",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1959-4-15"),
Genre = "Western",
Price = 3.99M
); }

7.Code First Migrations calls the Seed method after every migration (that is, calling update-database in the Package Manager Console), and this method updates rows that have already been inserted, or inserts them if they don't exist yet.



 context.Movies.AddOrUpdate(i => i.Title,
new Movie
Title = "When Harry Met Sally",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1989-1-11"),
Genre = "Romantic Comedy",
Rating = "PG",
Price = 7.99M




10.看一下这句代码吧:context.Movies.AddOrUpdate(i => i.Title,这第一个传到AddOrUpdate方法的参数,指定了一个属性,用来检查是否已经存在相同的行数据,对于我这个项目来说,我这个Title,可以做为这个属性,因为它在List中每次都是唯一的;This code assumes that titiles are unique. If you manually add a duplicate title, you'll get the following exception the next time you perform a migration.

     Sequence contains more than one element 我们假想Title是唯一的,如果你手动添加了重复的Title,你将会在下次数据库迁移的时候,报一个错误,了解更多,请参考链接的文章,哈哈,纯人工翻译的哦。因为博主喜欢英语,所以还是看外国人的资料学习编程了。MSDN很不错的,
For more information about the AddOrUpdate method, see Take care with EF 4.3 AddOrUpdate Method..


12.The next step is to create a DbMigration class for the initial migration. This migration creates a new database, that's why you deleted the movie.mdf file in a previous step.


add-migration Initial


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

14.Code First Migrations creates another class file in the Migrations folder (with the name {DateStamp}_Initial.cs ), and this class contains code that creates the database schema. The migration filename is pre-fixed with a timestamp to help with ordering. Examine the {DateStamp}_Initial.cs file, it contains the instructions to create the Movies table for the Movie DB. When you update the database in the instructions below, this {DateStamp}_Initial.cs file will run and create the the DB schema. Then the Seed method will run to populate the DB with test data.

这段话的意思是:Code First迁移,在Migration文件下,创建了另外一个类(类的文件名称是:时间_Initiaal.cs),并且这个类包含了创建数据库的代码。这个文件以时间的命名方式便于排序管理。检查这个文件,它包含了怎么为MovieDB创建Moviess数据库表。当你按照下面的指令(等会我在控制器管理控制台中输入的指定),更新数据库的时候,这个文件会执行,并且创建数据库,然后这个Seed方法,也将会执行,为数据库生成测试数据。

ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


 namespace MvcMovie.Migrations
using System;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations; public partial class Initial : DbMigration
public override void Up()
c => new
ID = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true),
Title = c.String(),
ReleaseDate = c.DateTime(nullable: false),
Genre = c.String(),
Price = c.Decimal(nullable: false, precision: , scale: ),
.PrimaryKey(t => t.ID); } public override void Down()


 namespace MvcMovie.Migrations
using MvcMovie.Models;
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Linq; internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
} protected override void Seed(MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext context)
context.Movies.AddOrUpdate(i => i.Title,
new Movie
Title = "When Harry Met Sally",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1989-1-11"),
Genre = "Romantic Comedy",
Price = 7.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters ",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1984-3-13"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 8.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters 2",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1986-2-23"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 9.99M
}, new Movie
Title = "Rio Bravo",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1959-4-15"),
Genre = "Western",
Price = 3.99M




ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

If you get an error that indicates a table already exists and can't be created, it is probably because you ran the application after you deleted the database and before you executed update-database. In that case, delete theMovies.mdf file again and retry the update-database command. If you still get an error, delete the migrations folder and contents then start with the instructions at the top of this page (that is delete the Movies.mdf file then proceed to Enable-Migrations).



ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)



ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


17.Because you've added a new field to the Movie class, you also need to update the the binding white list so this new property will be included. Update the bind attribute for Create and Edit action methods to include the Ratingproperty:


[Bind(Include = "ID,Title,ReleaseDate,Genre,Price,Rating")]

18.You also need to update the view templates in order to display, create and edit the new Rating property in the browser view.

Open the \Views\Movies\Index.cshtml file and add a <th>Rating</th> column heading just after the Price column. Then add a <td> column near the end of the template to render the @item.Rating value. Below is what the updated Index.cshtml view template looks like:

你同样需要去更新视图模板为了在新增和编辑的时候,去显示你刚才添加的字段。  打开\Views\Movies\Index.cshtml文件,在Price字段后面,去新增一个<th>Rating</th>列标题,然后在这个视图模板的后面,写上要显示的数据 @item.Rating,具体看图片所示;

ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

19.Next, open the \Views\Movies\Create.cshtml file and add the Rating field with the following highlighed markup. This renders a text box so that you can specify a rating when a new movie is created.

这句话的意思是:打开\Views\Movies\Create.cshtml 新增页面,添加Rating字段,使用下面的高亮显示的代码,这会生成一个文本框,所以在新增的时候,你可以指定一个Rating就可以添加到数据库中了。


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)



ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

20.You're seeing this error because the updated Movie model class in the application is now different than the schema of the Movie table of the existing database. (There's no Rating column in the database table.)



There are a few approaches to resolving the error:

  1. Have the Entity Framework automatically drop and re-create the database based on the new model class schema. This approach is very convenient early in the development cycle when you are doing active development on a test database; it allows you to quickly evolve the model and database schema together. The downside, though, is that you lose existing data in the database — so you don't want to use this approach on a production database! Using an initializer to automatically seed a database with test data is often a productive way to develope an application. For more information on Entity Framework database initializers, see Tom Dykstra's fantastic ASP.NET MVC/Entity Framework tutorial.
  2. Explicitly modify the schema of the existing database so that it matches the model classes. The advantage of this approach is that you keep your data. You can make this change either manually or by creating a database change script.
  3. Use Code First Migrations to update the database schema.




3.使用Code First Migration技术,来升级数据库。

这个教程,我们使用方法3,即Code First Migration技术来升级数据库。

22.Update the Seed method so that it provides a value for the new column. Open Migrations\Configuration.cs file and add a Rating field to each Movie object.


 namespace MvcMovie.Migrations
using MvcMovie.Models;
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Linq; internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
} protected override void Seed(MvcMovie.Models.MovieDBContext context)
context.Movies.AddOrUpdate(i => i.Title,
new Movie
Title = "When Harry Met Sally",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1989-1-11"),
Genre = "Romantic Comedy",
Price = 7.99M,
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters ",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1984-3-13"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 8.99M,
Rating = "PG"
}, new Movie
Title = "Ghostbusters 2",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1986-2-23"),
Genre = "Comedy",
Price = 9.99M,
Rating = "PG"
}, new Movie
Title = "Rio Bravo",
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Parse("1959-4-15"),
Genre = "Western",
Price = 3.99M,
Rating = "PG"

Code First Migration


add-migration Rating

23.The add-migration command tells the migration framework to examine the current movie model with the current movie DB schema and create the necessary code to migrate the DB to the new model. The name Rating is arbitrary and is used to name the migration file. It's helpful to use a meaningful name for the migration step.

When this command finishes, Visual Studio opens the class file that defines the new DbMIgration derived class, and in the Up method you can see the code that creates the new column.

这个add-migration Rating指令,告诉migration框架,用当前的MovieDB数据结构,去检查当前的movie model,为数据库迁移创建必要的代码。这个Rating字段用来写这个添加指令。使用有意义的名字,来进行这个步骤,是很有必要的。当这个指令完成后,VS打开这个类文件,并定义一个部分类,来继承DbMigration类。看代码就知道了:

ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


Build the solution, and then enter the update-database command in the Package Manager Console window.(这一步坑死我了,我忘记执行了)。




ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)

ASP.NET MVC5--为数据库新增字段(涉及数据库迁移技术)


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