完整代码已上传, ,此处做些简单解释,还须要大家自己思考动手。废话不多说,贴上带代码
/** 生成迷宫类
* @date 2015-07-10
* @edit
* @version 1
class Maze{ // Maze Create private $_w; private $_h; private $_grids; private $_walkHistory; private $_walkHistory2; private $_targetSteps; // Construct public function Maze() { $this->_w = 6; $this->_h = 6; $this->_grids = array(); } // 设置迷宫大小 public function set($width = 6, $height = 6) { if ( $width > 0 ) $this->_w = $width; if ( $height > 0 ) $this->_h = $height; return $this; } // 取到迷宫 public function get() { return $this->_grids; } // 生成迷宫 public function create() { $this->_init(); return $this->_walk(rand(0, count($this->_grids) -1 )); } // 获取死胡同点 public function block($n = 0, $rand = false) { $l = count($this->_grids); for( $i = 1; $i < $l; $i++ ) { $v = $this->_grids[$i]; if ( $v == 1 || $v == 2 || $v == 4 || $v == 8 ) { $return[] = $i; } } // 随机取点 if ( $rand ) shuffle($return); if ( $n == 0 ) return $return; if ( $n == 1 ) { return array_pop($return); } else { return array_slice($return, 0, $n); } } /** 生成迷宫的系列函数 */ private function _walk($startPos) { $this->_walkHistory = array(); $this->_walkHistory2 = array(); $curPos = $startPos; while ($this->_getNext0() != -1) { $curPos = $this->_step($curPos); if ( $curPos === false ) break; } return $this; } private function _getTargetSteps($curPos) { $p = 0; $a = array(); $p = $curPos - $this->_w; if ($p > 0 && $this->_grids[$p] === 0 && ! $this->_isRepeating($p)) { array_push($a, $p); } else { array_push($a, -1); } $p = $curPos + 1; if ($p % $this->_w != 0 && $this->_grids[$p] === 0 && ! $this->_isRepeating($p)) { array_push($a, $p); } else { array_push($a, -1); } $p = $curPos + $this->_w; if ($p < count($this->_grids) && $this->_grids[$p] === 0 && ! $this->_isRepeating($p)) { array_push($a, $p); } else { array_push($a, -1); } $p = $curPos - 1; if (($curPos % $this->_w) != 0 && $this->_grids[$p] === 0 && ! $this->_isRepeating($p)) { array_push($a, $p); } else { array_push($a, -1); } return $a; } private function _noStep() { $l = count($this->_targetSteps); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i ++) { if ($this->_targetSteps[$i] != -1) return false; } return true; } private function _step($curPos) { $this->_targetSteps = $this->_getTargetSteps($curPos); if ( $this->_noStep() ) { if ( count($this->_walkHistory) > 0 ) { $tmp = array_pop($this->_walkHistory); } else { return false; } array_push($this->_walkHistory2, $tmp); return $this->_step($tmp); } $r = rand(0, 3); while ( $this->_targetSteps[$r] == -1) { $r = rand(0, 3); } $nextPos = $this->_targetSteps[$r]; $isCross = false; if ( $this->_grids[$nextPos] != 0) $isCross = true; if ($r == 0) { $this->_grids[$curPos] ^= 1; $this->_grids[$nextPos] ^= 4; } elseif ($r == 1) { $this->_grids[$curPos] ^= 2; $this->_grids[$nextPos] ^= 8; } elseif ($r == 2) { $this->_grids[$curPos] ^= 4; $this->_grids[$nextPos] ^= 1; } elseif ($r == 3) { $this->_grids[$curPos] ^= 8; $this->_grids[$nextPos] ^= 2; } array_push($this->_walkHistory, $curPos); return $isCross ? false : $nextPos; } private function _isRepeating($p) { $l = count($this->_walkHistory); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i ++) { if ($this->_walkHistory[$i] == $p) return true; } $l = count($this->_walkHistory2); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i ++) { if ($this->_walkHistory2[$i] == $p) return true; } return false; } private function _getNext0() { $l = count($this->_grids); for ($i = 0; $i <= $l; $i++ ) { if ( $this->_grids[$i] == 0) return $i; } return -1; } private function _init() { $this->_grids = array(); for ($y = 0; $y < $this->_h; $y ++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $this->_w; $x ++) { array_push($this->_grids, 0); } } return $this; } }
/** 寻路算法
* @date 2015-07-10
* @edit
* @version 1
class AStar{ // A-star private $_open; private $_closed; private $_start; private $_end; private $_grids; private $_w; private $_h; // Construct public function AStar(){ $this->_w = null; $this->_h = null; $this->_grids = null; } public function set($width, $height, $grids) { $this->_w = $width; $this->_h = $height; $this->_grids = $grids; return $this; } // 迷宫中寻路 public function search($start = false, $end = false) { return $this->_search($start, $end); } /** 自己主动寻路 - A-star 算法 */ public function _search($start = false, $end = false) { if ( $start !== false ) $this->_start = $start; if ( $end !== false ) $this->_end = $end; $_sh = $this->_getH($start); $point['i'] = $start; $point['f'] = $_sh; $point['g'] = 0; $point['h'] = $_sh; $point['p'] = null; $this->_open[] = $point; $this->_closed[$start] = $point; while ( 0 < count($this->_open) ) { $minf = false; foreach( $this->_open as $key => $maxNode ) { if ( $minf === false || $minf > $maxNode['f'] ) { $minIndex = $key; } } $nowNode = $this->_open[$minIndex]; unset($this->_open[$minIndex]); if ( $nowNode['i'] == $this->_end ) { $tp = array(); while( $nowNode['p'] !== null ) { array_unshift($tp, $nowNode['p']); $nowNode = $this->_closed[$nowNode['p']]; } array_push($tp, $this->_end); break; } $this->_setPoint($nowNode['i']); } $this->_closed = array(); $this->_open = array(); return $tp; } private function _setPoint($me) { $point = $this->_grids[$me]; // 全部可选方向入队列 if ( $point & 1 ) { $next = $me - $this->_w; $this->_checkPoint($me, $next); } if ( $point & 2 ) { $next = $me + 1; $this->_checkPoint($me, $next); } if ( $point & 4 ) { $next = $me + $this->_w; $this->_checkPoint($me, $next); } if ( $point & 8 ) { $next = $me - 1; $this->_checkPoint($me, $next); } } private function _checkPoint($pNode, $next) { if ( $this->_closed[$next] ) { $_g = $this->_closed[$pNode]['g'] + $this->_getG($next); if ( $_g < $check['g'] ) { $this->_closed[$next]['g'] = $_g; $this->_closed[$next]['f'] = $this->_closed[$next]['g'] + $this->_closed[$next]['h']; $this->_closed[$next]['p'] = $pNode; } } else { $point['p'] = $pNode; $point['h'] = $this->_getH($next); $point['g'] = $this->_getG($next); $point['f'] = $point['h'] + $point['g']; $point['i'] = $next; $this->_open[] = $point; $this->_closed[$next] = $point; } } private function _getG($point) { return abs($this->_start - $point); } private function _getH($point) { return abs($this->_end - $point); } }
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【Javascript + Vue】实现随机生成迷宫图片
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