ajax post request is No'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'标头出现在请求的资源上。

时间:2022-08-28 15:06:12

I'm just making an ajax post request and I'm getting an error like:

我只是发一个ajax post请求,我收到的错误如下:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://xxx.com?redirect_uri=http://www.example.com. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://example.com' is therefore not allowed access.


And here I can see there is nothing different from my response domain and request domain except "www", so does "www" also cause this issue?


2 个解决方案



The problem is because you are making a cross-domain AJAX request, which prevented by browser security - see the Same Origin Policy.

问题是因为您正在制作跨域AJAX请求,这会阻止浏览器安全性 - 请参阅同源策略。

The request is expecting you to be making a request to a CORS enabled domain, hence why it is complaining about the non-existant header.


You either need to change your request to jsonp type, or use a server-side proxy to get the data.




When requesting data from external website it is always best to not do it in ajax , but if you have to do it an ajax have a internal page which makes a call with server side code and call that page with ajax.




The problem is because you are making a cross-domain AJAX request, which prevented by browser security - see the Same Origin Policy.

问题是因为您正在制作跨域AJAX请求,这会阻止浏览器安全性 - 请参阅同源策略。

The request is expecting you to be making a request to a CORS enabled domain, hence why it is complaining about the non-existant header.


You either need to change your request to jsonp type, or use a server-side proxy to get the data.




When requesting data from external website it is always best to not do it in ajax , but if you have to do it an ajax have a internal page which makes a call with server side code and call that page with ajax.
