1)首先,我本地服务器,给本机安装的ecshop演示网站,配了一个虚拟主机地址:为 http://demo.ecshop.com
访问地址为: http://demo.ecshop.com/category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=0&price_max=0
猜想3:参数 filter_attr= 中的几个数字,一定代表着下面:颜色、屏幕大小 、手机制式、外观样式属性下,都选择了哪一些值了。
----> 带着这样一些疑问,那我们直接去研究一下ecshop是如何实现上面的多条件搜索功能啦。。。GO。。。
* 分析首页 商品分类页面category.php的实现方法
* ECSHOP 2.7.2 商品分类
define('IN_ECS', true);
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php');
if ((DEBUG_MODE & 2) != 2) {
$smarty->caching = true;
} //====> 请求地址栏:http://localhost/category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr=
//====> 1.获取分类id
/* 获得请求的分类 ID */
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
$cat_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
elseif (isset($_REQUEST['category'])) {
$cat_id = intval($_REQUEST['category']);
} else {
/* 如果分类ID为0,则返回首页 */
ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
} //====> 2.首先获取所有GET和POST中,可用于搜索的参数的值。
//====> 若没有此参数,则说明,并没有用此参数来搜索,默认要给它一个默认值。
/* 初始化分页信息 */
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && intval($_REQUEST['page']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
$size = isset($_CFG['page_size']) && intval($_CFG['page_size']) > 0 ? intval($_CFG['page_size']) : 10;
$brand = isset($_REQUEST['brand']) && intval($_REQUEST['brand']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['brand']) : 0;
$price_max = isset($_REQUEST['price_max']) && intval($_REQUEST['price_max']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['price_max']) : 0;
$price_min = isset($_REQUEST['price_min']) && intval($_REQUEST['price_min']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['price_min']) : 0;
$filter_attr_str = isset($_REQUEST['filter_attr']) ? htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['filter_attr'])) : '0';
$filter_attr_str = urldecode($filter_attr_str);
$filter_attr = empty($filter_attr_str) ? '' : explode('.', trim($filter_attr_str)); /* 排序、显示方式以及类型 */
$default_display_type = $_CFG['show_order_type'] == '0' ? 'list' : ($_CFG['show_order_type'] == '1' ? 'grid' : 'text');
$default_sort_order_method = $_CFG['sort_order_method'] == '0' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
$default_sort_order_type = $_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '0' ? 'goods_id' : ($_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '1' ? 'shop_price' : 'last_update'); $sort = (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['sort'])), array('goods_id', 'shop_price', 'last_update'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['sort']) : $default_sort_order_type;
$order = (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && in_array(trim(strtoupper($_REQUEST['order'])), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['order']) : $default_sort_order_method;
$display = (isset($_REQUEST['display']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['display'])), array('list', 'grid', 'text'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['display']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['display']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['display'] : $default_display_type);
$display = in_array($display, array('list', 'grid', 'text')) ? $display : 'text';
setcookie('ECS[display]', $display, gmtime() + 86400 * 7); /* 页面的缓存ID */
$cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($cat_id . '-' . $display . '-' . $sort .'-' . $order .'-' . $page . '-' . $size . '-' . $_SESSION['user_rank'] . '-' .
$_CFG['lang'] .'-'. $brand. '-' . $price_max . '-' .$price_min . '-' . $filter_attr_str)); /* 如果页面没有被缓存则重新获取页面的内容 */
if (!$smarty->is_cached('category.dwt', $cache_id)) {
//====> 3.把该栏目下的所有子栏目id获取,如果没有子栏目,则是自身。
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//====> RETURN:id=3 => g.cat_id IN ('3') 或 id=6 => g.cat_id IN ('6','8','9','11','7')
//====> 说明:ecshop的特点是,*栏目下也可以添加商品,所以会把*栏目id也放在数组里面
$children = get_children($cat_id); //====> 4.获得该分类的相关信息。如:分类名称、价格分级、筛选属性、父id
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//====> RETURN:Array ( [cat_name] => GSM手机 [keywords] => [cat_desc] => [style] => [grade] => 4 [filter_attr] => 185,189,173,178 [parent_id] => 1 )
$cat = get_cat_info($cat_id); //===> 5.如果有品牌筛选brand参数,那么获取出该品牌名称
//===> TABLE:ecs_brand
//===> SQL:SELECT brand_name FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_brand` WHERE brand_id = '1'
//====> RETURN:诺基亚
/* 赋值固定内容 */
if ($brand > 0) {
$sql = "SELECT brand_name FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand'). " WHERE brand_id = '$brand'";
$brand_name = $db->getOne($sql);
} else {
$brand_name = '';
} ///>>================开始---商品价格区间处理==================>>///
//===> 6.获取该分类cat的价格分级:
//===> ①如果价格分级=0,那么获取直接父类的价格分级。(Ⅰ如果父类价格也=0,那么就是不用价格分级 )
//===> ②如果价格分级!=0,那么就是自身的价格分级。
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//===> RETURN:$cat['grade']=4
/* 获取价格分级 */
if ($cat['grade'] == 0 && $cat['parent_id'] != 0) { // ==>如果价格分级为空,但是它还有上级分类,那么取直接上级的价格分级等数
$cat['grade'] = get_parent_grade($cat_id); //如果当前分类级别为空,取最近的上级分类
} //===> 7.对价格区间进行划分。 ecshop的划分方法,是根据算法来的,比较复杂。
//===> 如果价格分级>1,那么就执行价格区间划分
if ($cat['grade'] > 1) {
/* 需要价格分级 */ /*
价格范围(不含最大值) 分级数量级
0-0.1 0.001
0.1-1 0.01
1-10 0.1
10-100 1
100-1000 10
1000-10000 100
取整((最大值-最小值) / (价格分级数) / 数量级) * 数量级
6、查询数据库 可能存在问题:
*/ //===> 获得当前分类下商品价格的最大值、最小值
//===> 获得所有扩展分类属于指定分类的所有商品ID ,其中goods_id = 16的商品的扩展属于分类3
//===> TABLE:ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT min(g.shop_price) AS min, max(g.shop_price) as max FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g WHERE (g.cat_id IN ('5') OR g.goods_id IN ('8','16') ) AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1
//===> RETURN:Array ( [min] => 280.00 [max] => 5999.00 )
$sql = "SELECT min(g.shop_price) AS min, max(g.shop_price) as max ".
" FROM " . $ecs->table('goods'). " AS g ".
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 ';
$row = $db->getRow($sql); //===> 按照公式计算出最低价格和最高价格、以及价格跨度
// 取得价格分级最小单位级数,比如,千元商品最小以100为级数
$price_grade = 0.0001;
for($i=-2; $i<= log10($row['max']); $i++) {
$price_grade *= 10;
} //价格跨度
$dx = ceil(($row['max'] - $row['min']) / ($cat['grade']) / $price_grade) * $price_grade;
if($dx == 0) {
$dx = $price_grade;
} for($i = 1; $row['min'] > $dx * $i; $i ++); for($j = 1; $row['min'] > $dx * ($i-1) + $price_grade * $j; $j++);
$row['min'] = $dx * ($i-1) + $price_grade * ($j - 1); for(; $row['max'] >= $dx * $i; $i ++);
$row['max'] = $dx * ($i) + $price_grade * ($j - 1); //===>这里打印最高价格和最低价格:$row=>Array ( [min] => 200 [max] => 6200 )
//===>这里打印价格跨度:$dx = 1500 //===============先不做讨论↑↑↑==================// //===> 根据商品的价格、价格区间的最低价格、以及价格跨度,计算该商品价格属于哪一个区间内。
//===> 获取属于该价格区间内的商品的数量、获取sn则属于哪一个区间sn=0为200-1700、sn=1为1700-3200、sn=3为4700-6200。
//===> 因为没有商品价格属于第二区间,则不存在sn=2,那么3200-4700则没有任何商品
//===> TABLE:ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT (FLOOR((g.shop_price - 200) / 1500)) AS sn, COUNT(*) AS goods_num FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g WHERE (g.cat_id IN ('3') OR g.goods_id IN ('16') ) AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 GROUP BY sn
//===>RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [sn] => 0 [goods_num] => 6 ) [1] => Array ( [sn] => 1 [goods_num] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [sn] => 3 [goods_num] => 1 ) )
$sql = "SELECT (FLOOR((g.shop_price - $row[min]) / $dx)) AS sn, COUNT(*) AS goods_num ".
" FROM " . $ecs->table('goods') . " AS g ".
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 '.
" GROUP BY sn ";
$price_grade = $db->getAll($sql); //===> 根据价格等级price_grade,计算真正的价格区间。
//===> 方法build_uri()重要:要为每一个价格区间,生成一个url超链接,以备前台点击搜索用
//===> 并根据价格参数,判断该区间,是否是当前被搜索的区间
//===> 把价格区间,注入模板,供前台使用
//===> RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [sn] => 0 [goods_num] => 6 [start] => 0 [end] => 0 [price_range] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=0&price_max=0&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [sn] => 1 [goods_num] => 6 [start] => 200 [end] => 1700 [price_range] => 200 - 1700 [formated_start] => ¥200元 [formated_end] => ¥1700元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [sn] => 3 [goods_num] => 5 [start] => 1700 [end] => 3200 [price_range] => 1700 - 3200 [formated_start] => ¥1700元 [formated_end] => ¥3200元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=1700&price_max=3200&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [goods_num] => 1 [start] => 4700 [end] => 6200 [price_range] => 4700 - 6200 [formated_start] => ¥4700元 [formated_end] => ¥6200元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=4700&price_max=6200&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) )
foreach ($price_grade as $key=>$val) {
$temp_key = $key + 1;
$price_grade[$temp_key]['goods_num'] = $val['goods_num'];
$price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] = $row['min'] + round($dx * $val['sn']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['end'] = $row['min'] + round($dx * ($val['sn'] + 1));
$price_grade[$temp_key]['price_range'] = $price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] . ' - ' . $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'];
$price_grade[$temp_key]['formated_start'] = price_format($price_grade[$temp_key]['start']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['formated_end'] = price_format($price_grade[$temp_key]['end']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_grade[$temp_key]['start'], 'price_max'=> $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'], 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
/* 判断价格区间是否被选中 */
if (isset($_REQUEST['price_min']) && $price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] == $price_min && $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'] == $price_max) {
$price_grade[$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
else {
$price_grade[$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['start'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['end'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['price_range'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$price_grade[0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>0, 'price_max'=> 0, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
$price_grade[0]['selected'] = empty($price_max) ? 1 : 0;
$smarty->assign('price_grade', $price_grade);
///<<================结束---商品价格区间处理==================<</// ///>>================开始---商品品牌处理==================>>///
//====> ???db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat_id), array_keys(cat_list($cat_id, 0, false))))) . ")
//===> 品牌筛选功能:把该栏目下(其中包括扩展分类下的商品),所有商品的品牌获取,但不能重复。
//===> 品牌下有商品并且商品状态正常,才能把该品牌取出。没有商品的品牌不能取出
//===> TABLE:ecs_brand、ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT b.brand_id, b.brand_name, COUNT(*) AS goods_num FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_brand`AS b, `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `ecshop`.`ecs_goods_cat` AS gc ON g.goods_id = gc.goods_id WHERE g.brand_id = b.brand_id AND (g.cat_id IN ('3') OR gc.cat_id IN ('3') ) AND b.is_show = 1 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 GROUP BY b.brand_id HAVING goods_num > 0 ORDER BY b.sort_order, b.brand_id ASC
//===> RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [brand_id] => 1 [brand_name] => 诺基亚 [goods_num] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [brand_id] => 2 [brand_name] => 摩托罗拉 [goods_num] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [brand_id] => 3 [brand_name] => 多普达 [goods_num] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [brand_id] => 4 [brand_name] => 飞利浦 [goods_num] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [brand_id] => 5 [brand_name] => 夏新 [goods_num] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [brand_id] => 6 [brand_name] => 三星 [goods_num] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [brand_id] => 7 [brand_name] => 索爱 [goods_num] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [brand_id] => 9 [brand_name] => 联想 [goods_num] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [brand_id] => 10 [brand_name] => 金立 [goods_num] => 1 ) )
/* 品牌筛选 */
$sql = "SELECT b.brand_id, b.brand_name, COUNT(*) AS goods_num ".
"FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . "AS b, ".
$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g LEFT JOIN ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_cat') . " AS gc ON g.goods_id = gc.goods_id " .
"WHERE g.brand_id = b.brand_id AND ($children OR " . 'gc.cat_id ' . db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat_id), array_keys(cat_list($cat_id, 0, false))))) . ") AND b.is_show = 1 " .
" AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 ".
"GROUP BY b.brand_id HAVING goods_num > 0 ORDER BY b.sort_order, b.brand_id ASC";
$brands = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); //===> 把该分类下所有商品的品牌,组合成数组,给前台调用
//===> 方法build_uri()重要:要为每品牌,生成一个url超链接,以备前台点击搜索用
//===> 把数组注入模板文件
//====! 这样一种组织数组的方式,有它的缺陷:就是说不能够把每一个品牌下面的,商品的数量保存下来,同时也会有一些无用的数据,掺杂其中。
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [brand_id] => 1 [brand_name] => 全部 [goods_num] => 3 [url] => category.php?id=3&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [brand_id] => 2 [brand_name] => 诺基亚 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [brand_id] => 3 [brand_name] => 摩托罗拉 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=2&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [brand_id] => 4 [brand_name] => 多普达 [goods_num] => 2 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=3&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [brand_id] => 5 [brand_name] => 飞利浦 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=4&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [brand_id] => 6 [brand_name] => 夏新 [goods_num] => 2 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=5&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [brand_id] => 7 [brand_name] => 三星 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=6&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [brand_id] => 9 [brand_name] => 索爱 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=7&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [brand_id] => 10 [brand_name] => 联想 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=9&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [brand_name] => 金立 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=10&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) )
foreach ($brands AS $key => $val) {
$temp_key = $key + 1;
$brands[$temp_key]['brand_name'] = $val['brand_name'];
$brands[$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $cat_id, 'bid' => $val['brand_id'], 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=> $price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
/* 判断品牌是否被选中 */
if ($brand == $brands[$key]['brand_id']) {
$brands[$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
} else {
$brands[$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$brands[0]['brand_name'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$brands[0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $cat_id, 'bid' => 0, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=> $price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
$brands[0]['selected'] = empty($brand) ? 1 : 0;
$smarty->assign('brands', $brands);
///<<==================结束---商品品牌处理==================<</// ///>>==================开始---商品属性处理==================>>///
/* 属性筛选 */
$ext = ''; //商品查询条件扩展
if ($cat['filter_attr'] > 0) {
//===>需要筛选的属性,是人工在后台添加的,存放在ecs_category 表的中 filter_attr字段里面,格式如:185,189,120,190
//===>RETURN:Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 189 [2] => 173 [3] => 178 )
$cat_filter_attr = explode(',', $cat['filter_attr']); //提取出此分类的筛选属性 //===> 然后,对每一个属性(此属性是主属性,下面还有子属性),循环进行操作
//===> ①获取该属性的属性名
//===> ②获取该属性的所有子属性(子属性必须是有被商品在使用的,不然,不要将其显示出来)
//===> 意义:因为该属性涉及到搜索参数,如果该属性下本身没有商品,那么就没有显示出来的意义了。
//===> RETURN: Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 167 [attr_value] => 灰色 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 198 [attr_value] => 白色 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 197 [attr_value] => 金色 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 163 [attr_value] => 黑色 ) )
$all_attr_list = array();
foreach ($cat_filter_attr AS $key => $value) {
$sql = "SELECT a.attr_name FROM " . $ecs->table('attribute') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS ga, " . $ecs->table('goods') . " AS g WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ") AND a.attr_id = ga.attr_id AND g.goods_id = ga.goods_id AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND a.attr_id='$value'";
if($temp_name = $db->getOne($sql)) {
$all_attr_list[$key]['filter_attr_name'] = $temp_name; //获取该属性的所有子属性(子属性必须是有被商品在使用的,不然,不要将其显示出来)
//RETURN: Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 167 [attr_value] => 灰色 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 198 [attr_value] => 白色 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 197 [attr_value] => 金色 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 163 [attr_value] => 黑色 ) )
$sql = "SELECT a.attr_id, MIN(a.goods_attr_id ) AS goods_id, a.attr_value AS attr_value FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods') .
" AS g" .
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.goods_id = a.goods_id AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 '.
" AND a.attr_id='$value' ".
" GROUP BY a.attr_value";
$attr_list = $db->getAll($sql); //如果后台指定该分类下,用于搜索的属性的组数,是跟地址栏中filter_attr= 中0的个数是一样的,而且顺序都是一样的
//!这里要作循环,是因为避免属性为0或者空时,导致出错,因为直接把$filter_attr 赋值给 $temp_arrt_url_arr会出错。
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => 163 [1] => 216 [2] => 160 [3] => 186 )
$temp_arrt_url_arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cat_filter_attr); $i++) {
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$i] = !empty($filter_attr[$i]) ? $filter_attr[$i] : 0;
} //这里是该属性下,选择全部时的数组形式
//DATA:Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 216 [2] => 160 [3] => 186 )
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$key] = 0; //“全部”的信息生成
$temp_arrt_url = implode('.', $temp_arrt_url_arr);
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['attr_value'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=>$price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$temp_arrt_url), $cat['cat_name']);
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['selected'] = empty($filter_attr[$key]) ? 1 : 0; //循环计算子属性的相关数组:属性值,属性是否选择,属性的url
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 颜色 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 灰色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 白色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => 金色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [attr_value] => 黑色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 屏幕大小 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 1.75英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.0英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.2英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.6英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.8英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 手机制式 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => CDMA [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => GSM,850,900,1800,1900 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => GSM,900,1800,1900,2100 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 外观样式 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 滑盖 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 直板 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) ) ) )
foreach ($attr_list as $k => $v) {
$temp_key = $k + 1;
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$key] = $v['goods_id']; //为url中代表当前筛选属性的位置变量赋值,并生成以‘.’分隔的筛选属性字符串
$temp_arrt_url = implode('.', $temp_arrt_url_arr); $all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['attr_value'] = $v['attr_value'];
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=>$price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$temp_arrt_url), $cat['cat_name']); if (!empty($filter_attr[$key]) AND $filter_attr[$key] == $v['goods_id']) { //处理已被选择的子属性
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
else {
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$smarty->assign('filter_attr_list', $all_attr_list); /* 扩展商品查询条件 */
if (!empty($filter_attr)) {
$ext_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(b.goods_id) FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS b " . "WHERE ";
$ext_group_goods = array();
foreach ($filter_attr AS $k => $v) { // 查出符合所有筛选属性条件的商品id */
if (is_numeric($v) && $v !=0 ) {
$sql = $ext_sql . "b.attr_value = a.attr_value AND b.attr_id = " . $cat_filter_attr[$k] ." AND a.goods_attr_id = " . $v;
$ext_group_goods = $db->getColCached($sql);
$ext .= ' AND ' . db_create_in($ext_group_goods, 'g.goods_id');
///<<==================结束---商品属性处理==================/// //向模板,载入一些前台,必备的变量和常量
assign_template('c', array($cat_id)); //RETURN:Array ( [title] => 夏新_GSM手机_手机类型_ECSHOP演示站 - Powered by ECShop [ur_here] => 首页 > 手机类型 > GSM手机 > 夏新 )
$position = assign_ur_here($cat_id, $brand_name); $smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']); // 页面标题
$smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']); // 当前位置 $smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree($cat_id)); // 分类树
$smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help()); // 网店帮助
$smarty->assign('top_goods', get_top10()); // 销售排行
$smarty->assign('show_marketprice', $_CFG['show_marketprice']); //是否显示市场价
$smarty->assign('category', $cat_id);
$smarty->assign('brand_id', $brand);
$smarty->assign('price_max', $price_max);
$smarty->assign('price_min', $price_min);
$smarty->assign('filter_attr', $filter_attr_str);
$smarty->assign('feed_url', ($_CFG['rewrite'] == 1) ? "feed-c$cat_id.xml" : 'feed.php?cat=' . $cat_id); // RSS URL if ($brand > 0) {
$arr['all'] = array('brand_id' => 0,
'brand_name' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['all_goods'],
'brand_logo' => '',
'goods_num' => '',
'url' => build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id), $cat['cat_name'])
} else {
$arr = array();
} $brand_list = array_merge($arr, get_brands($cat_id, 'category'));
$smarty->assign('data_dir', DATA_DIR); //网站data目录
$smarty->assign('brand_list', $brand_list);
$smarty->assign('promotion_info', get_promotion_info()); //获取推荐信息 /* 调查 */
$vote = get_vote();
if (!empty($vote)) {
$smarty->assign('vote_id', $vote['id']);
$smarty->assign('vote', $vote['content']);
} //获取最热销、推荐和最热卖商品
$smarty->assign('best_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('best', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$smarty->assign('promotion_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('promote', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$smarty->assign('hot_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('hot', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$count = get_cagtegory_goods_count($children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext);
$max_page = ($count> 0) ? ceil($count / $size) : 1;
if ($page > $max_page) {
$page = $max_page;
} //获取该栏目下的所有商品
$goodslist = category_get_goods($children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext, $size, $page, $sort, $order); //判断选择了列表还是图片方式显示方式
if($display == 'grid') {
if(count($goodslist) % 2 != 0) {
$goodslist[] = array();
} $smarty->assign('goods_list', $goodslist); //注入商品列表
$smarty->assign('category', $cat_id); //注入分类id
$smarty->assign('script_name', 'category'); //注入该脚本的名称 assign_pager('category', $cat_id, $count, $size, $sort, $order, $page, '', $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $display, $filter_attr_str); // 分页
assign_dynamic('category'); // 动态内容
$smarty->display('category.dwt', $cache_id);
//====> 2.首先获取所有GET和POST中,可用于搜索的参数的值。
//====> 若没有此参数,则说明,并没有用此参数来搜索,默认要给它一个默认值。
/* 初始化分页信息 */
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && intval($_REQUEST['page']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
$size = isset($_CFG['page_size']) && intval($_CFG['page_size']) > 0 ? intval($_CFG['page_size']) : 10;
$brand = isset($_REQUEST['brand']) && intval($_REQUEST['brand']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['brand']) : 0;
$price_max = isset($_REQUEST['price_max']) && intval($_REQUEST['price_max']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['price_max']) : 0;
$price_min = isset($_REQUEST['price_min']) && intval($_REQUEST['price_min']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['price_min']) : 0;
$filter_attr_str = isset($_REQUEST['filter_attr']) ? htmlspecialchars(trim($_REQUEST['filter_attr'])) : '0';
$filter_attr_str = urldecode($filter_attr_str);
$filter_attr = empty($filter_attr_str) ? '' : explode('.', trim($filter_attr_str)); /* 排序、显示方式以及类型 */
$default_display_type = $_CFG['show_order_type'] == '0' ? 'list' : ($_CFG['show_order_type'] == '1' ? 'grid' : 'text');
$default_sort_order_method = $_CFG['sort_order_method'] == '0' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
$default_sort_order_type = $_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '0' ? 'goods_id' : ($_CFG['sort_order_type'] == '1' ? 'shop_price' : 'last_update'); $sort = (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['sort'])), array('goods_id', 'shop_price', 'last_update'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['sort']) : $default_sort_order_type;
$order = (isset($_REQUEST['order']) && in_array(trim(strtoupper($_REQUEST['order'])), array('ASC', 'DESC'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['order']) : $default_sort_order_method;
$display = (isset($_REQUEST['display']) && in_array(trim(strtolower($_REQUEST['display'])), array('list', 'grid', 'text'))) ? trim($_REQUEST['display']) : (isset($_COOKIE['ECS']['display']) ? $_COOKIE['ECS']['display'] : $default_display_type);
$display = in_array($display, array('list', 'grid', 'text')) ? $display : 'text';
setcookie('ECS[display]', $display, gmtime() + 86400 * 7);
//====> 3.把该栏目下的所有子栏目id获取,如果没有子栏目,则是自身。
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//====> RETURN:id=3 => g.cat_id IN ('3') 或 id=6 => g.cat_id IN ('6','8','9','11','7')
//====> 说明:ecshop的特点是,*栏目下也可以添加商品,所以会把*栏目id也放在数组里面
$children = get_children($cat_id); //====> 4.获得该分类的相关信息。如:分类名称、价格分级、筛选属性、父id
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//====> RETURN:Array ( [cat_name] => GSM手机 [keywords] => [cat_desc] => [style] => [grade] => 4 [filter_attr] => 185,189,173,178 [parent_id] => 1 )
$cat = get_cat_info($cat_id);
//===> 6.获取该分类cat的价格分级:
//===> ①如果价格分级=0,那么获取直接父类的价格分级。(Ⅰ如果父类价格也=0,那么就是不用价格分级 )
//===> ②如果价格分级!=0,那么就是自身的价格分级。
//===> TABLE:ecs_category
//===> RETURN:$cat['grade']=4
/* 获取价格分级 */
if ($cat['grade'] == 0 && $cat['parent_id'] != 0) { // ==>如果价格分级为空,但是它还有上级分类,那么取直接上级的价格分级等数
$cat['grade'] = get_parent_grade($cat_id); //如果当前分类级别为空,取最近的上级分类
} //===> 7.对价格区间进行划分。 ecshop的划分方法,是根据算法来的,比较复杂。
//===> 如果价格分级>1,那么就执行价格区间划分
if ($cat['grade'] > 1) {
/* 需要价格分级 */ /*
价格范围(不含最大值) 分级数量级
0-0.1 0.001
0.1-1 0.01
1-10 0.1
10-100 1
100-1000 10
1000-10000 100
取整((最大值-最小值) / (价格分级数) / 数量级) * 数量级
6、查询数据库 可能存在问题:
*/ //===> 获得当前分类下商品价格的最大值、最小值
//===> 获得所有扩展分类属于指定分类的所有商品ID ,其中goods_id = 16的商品的扩展属于分类3
//===> TABLE:ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT min(g.shop_price) AS min, max(g.shop_price) as max FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g WHERE (g.cat_id IN ('5') OR g.goods_id IN ('8','16') ) AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1
//===> RETURN:Array ( [min] => 280.00 [max] => 5999.00 )
$sql = "SELECT min(g.shop_price) AS min, max(g.shop_price) as max ".
" FROM " . $ecs->table('goods'). " AS g ".
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 ';
$row = $db->getRow($sql); //===> 按照公式计算出最低价格和最高价格、以及价格跨度
// 取得价格分级最小单位级数,比如,千元商品最小以100为级数
$price_grade = 0.0001;
for($i=-2; $i<= log10($row['max']); $i++) {
$price_grade *= 10;
} //价格跨度
$dx = ceil(($row['max'] - $row['min']) / ($cat['grade']) / $price_grade) * $price_grade;
if($dx == 0) {
$dx = $price_grade;
} for($i = 1; $row['min'] > $dx * $i; $i ++); for($j = 1; $row['min'] > $dx * ($i-1) + $price_grade * $j; $j++);
$row['min'] = $dx * ($i-1) + $price_grade * ($j - 1); for(; $row['max'] >= $dx * $i; $i ++);
$row['max'] = $dx * ($i) + $price_grade * ($j - 1); //===>这里打印最高价格和最低价格:$row=>Array ( [min] => 200 [max] => 6200 )
//===>这里打印价格跨度:$dx = 1500 //===============先不做讨论↑↑↑==================// //===> 根据商品的价格、价格区间的最低价格、以及价格跨度,计算该商品价格属于哪一个区间内。
//===> 获取属于该价格区间内的商品的数量、获取sn则属于哪一个区间sn=0为200-1700、sn=1为1700-3200、sn=3为4700-6200。
//===> 因为没有商品价格属于第二区间,则不存在sn=2,那么3200-4700则没有任何商品
//===> TABLE:ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT (FLOOR((g.shop_price - 200) / 1500)) AS sn, COUNT(*) AS goods_num FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g WHERE (g.cat_id IN ('3') OR g.goods_id IN ('16') ) AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 GROUP BY sn
//===>RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [sn] => 0 [goods_num] => 6 ) [1] => Array ( [sn] => 1 [goods_num] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [sn] => 3 [goods_num] => 1 ) )
$sql = "SELECT (FLOOR((g.shop_price - $row[min]) / $dx)) AS sn, COUNT(*) AS goods_num ".
" FROM " . $ecs->table('goods') . " AS g ".
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 '.
" GROUP BY sn ";
$price_grade = $db->getAll($sql); //===> 根据价格等级price_grade,计算真正的价格区间。
//===> 方法build_uri()重要:要为每一个价格区间,生成一个url超链接,以备前台点击搜索用
//===> 并根据价格参数,判断该区间,是否是当前被搜索的区间
//===> 把价格区间,注入模板,供前台使用
//===> RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [sn] => 0 [goods_num] => 6 [start] => 0 [end] => 0 [price_range] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=0&price_max=0&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [sn] => 1 [goods_num] => 6 [start] => 200 [end] => 1700 [price_range] => 200 - 1700 [formated_start] => ¥200元 [formated_end] => ¥1700元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [sn] => 3 [goods_num] => 5 [start] => 1700 [end] => 3200 [price_range] => 1700 - 3200 [formated_start] => ¥1700元 [formated_end] => ¥3200元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=1700&price_max=3200&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [goods_num] => 1 [start] => 4700 [end] => 6200 [price_range] => 4700 - 6200 [formated_start] => ¥4700元 [formated_end] => ¥6200元 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=4700&price_max=6200&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) )
foreach ($price_grade as $key=>$val) {
$temp_key = $key + 1;
$price_grade[$temp_key]['goods_num'] = $val['goods_num'];
$price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] = $row['min'] + round($dx * $val['sn']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['end'] = $row['min'] + round($dx * ($val['sn'] + 1));
$price_grade[$temp_key]['price_range'] = $price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] . ' - ' . $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'];
$price_grade[$temp_key]['formated_start'] = price_format($price_grade[$temp_key]['start']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['formated_end'] = price_format($price_grade[$temp_key]['end']);
$price_grade[$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_grade[$temp_key]['start'], 'price_max'=> $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'], 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
/* 判断价格区间是否被选中 */
if (isset($_REQUEST['price_min']) && $price_grade[$temp_key]['start'] == $price_min && $price_grade[$temp_key]['end'] == $price_max) {
$price_grade[$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
else {
$price_grade[$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['start'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['end'] = 0;
$price_grade[0]['price_range'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$price_grade[0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>0, 'price_max'=> 0, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
$price_grade[0]['selected'] = empty($price_max) ? 1 : 0;
$smarty->assign('price_grade', $price_grade);
//====> ???db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat_id), array_keys(cat_list($cat_id, 0, false))))) . ")
//===> 品牌筛选功能:把该栏目下(其中包括扩展分类下的商品),所有商品的品牌获取,但不能重复。
//===> 品牌下有商品并且商品状态正常,才能把该品牌取出。没有商品的品牌不能取出
//===> TABLE:ecs_brand、ecs_goods 和 ecs_goods_cat
//===> SQL:SELECT b.brand_id, b.brand_name, COUNT(*) AS goods_num FROM `ecshop`.`ecs_brand`AS b, `ecshop`.`ecs_goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `ecshop`.`ecs_goods_cat` AS gc ON g.goods_id = gc.goods_id WHERE g.brand_id = b.brand_id AND (g.cat_id IN ('3') OR gc.cat_id IN ('3') ) AND b.is_show = 1 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 GROUP BY b.brand_id HAVING goods_num > 0 ORDER BY b.sort_order, b.brand_id ASC
//===> RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [brand_id] => 1 [brand_name] => 诺基亚 [goods_num] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [brand_id] => 2 [brand_name] => 摩托罗拉 [goods_num] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [brand_id] => 3 [brand_name] => 多普达 [goods_num] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [brand_id] => 4 [brand_name] => 飞利浦 [goods_num] => 2 ) [4] => Array ( [brand_id] => 5 [brand_name] => 夏新 [goods_num] => 1 ) [5] => Array ( [brand_id] => 6 [brand_name] => 三星 [goods_num] => 2 ) [6] => Array ( [brand_id] => 7 [brand_name] => 索爱 [goods_num] => 1 ) [7] => Array ( [brand_id] => 9 [brand_name] => 联想 [goods_num] => 1 ) [8] => Array ( [brand_id] => 10 [brand_name] => 金立 [goods_num] => 1 ) )
/* 品牌筛选 */
$sql = "SELECT b.brand_id, b.brand_name, COUNT(*) AS goods_num ".
"FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . "AS b, ".
$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g LEFT JOIN ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_cat') . " AS gc ON g.goods_id = gc.goods_id " .
"WHERE g.brand_id = b.brand_id AND ($children OR " . 'gc.cat_id ' . db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat_id), array_keys(cat_list($cat_id, 0, false))))) . ") AND b.is_show = 1 " .
" AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 ".
"GROUP BY b.brand_id HAVING goods_num > 0 ORDER BY b.sort_order, b.brand_id ASC";
$brands = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); //===> 把该分类下所有商品的品牌,组合成数组,给前台调用
//===> 方法build_uri()重要:要为每品牌,生成一个url超链接,以备前台点击搜索用
//===> 把数组注入模板文件
//====! 这样一种组织数组的方式,有它的缺陷:就是说不能够把每一个品牌下面的,商品的数量保存下来,同时也会有一些无用的数据,掺杂其中。
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [brand_id] => 1 [brand_name] => 全部 [goods_num] => 3 [url] => category.php?id=3&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [brand_id] => 2 [brand_name] => 诺基亚 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [brand_id] => 3 [brand_name] => 摩托罗拉 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=2&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [brand_id] => 4 [brand_name] => 多普达 [goods_num] => 2 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=3&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [brand_id] => 5 [brand_name] => 飞利浦 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=4&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [brand_id] => 6 [brand_name] => 夏新 [goods_num] => 2 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=5&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [brand_id] => 7 [brand_name] => 三星 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=6&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [brand_id] => 9 [brand_name] => 索爱 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=7&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [brand_id] => 10 [brand_name] => 联想 [goods_num] => 1 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=9&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [brand_name] => 金立 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=10&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) )
foreach ($brands AS $key => $val) {
$temp_key = $key + 1;
$brands[$temp_key]['brand_name'] = $val['brand_name'];
$brands[$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $cat_id, 'bid' => $val['brand_id'], 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=> $price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
/* 判断品牌是否被选中 */
if ($brand == $brands[$key]['brand_id']) {
$brands[$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
} else {
$brands[$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$brands[0]['brand_name'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$brands[0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $cat_id, 'bid' => 0, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=> $price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$filter_attr_str), $cat['cat_name']);
$brands[0]['selected'] = empty($brand) ? 1 : 0;
$smarty->assign('brands', $brands);
/* 属性筛选 */
$ext = ''; //商品查询条件扩展
if ($cat['filter_attr'] > 0) {
//===>需要筛选的属性,是人工在后台添加的,存放在ecs_category 表的中 filter_attr字段里面,格式如:185,189,120,190
//===>RETURN:Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 189 [2] => 173 [3] => 178 )
$cat_filter_attr = explode(',', $cat['filter_attr']); //提取出此分类的筛选属性 //===> 然后,对每一个属性(此属性是主属性,下面还有子属性),循环进行操作
//===> ①获取该属性的属性名
//===> ②获取该属性的所有子属性(子属性必须是有被商品在使用的,不然,不要将其显示出来)
//===> 意义:因为该属性涉及到搜索参数,如果该属性下本身没有商品,那么就没有显示出来的意义了。
//===> RETURN: Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 167 [attr_value] => 灰色 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 198 [attr_value] => 白色 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 197 [attr_value] => 金色 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 163 [attr_value] => 黑色 ) )
$all_attr_list = array();
foreach ($cat_filter_attr AS $key => $value) {
$sql = "SELECT a.attr_name FROM " . $ecs->table('attribute') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS ga, " . $ecs->table('goods') . " AS g WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ") AND a.attr_id = ga.attr_id AND g.goods_id = ga.goods_id AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND a.attr_id='$value'";
if($temp_name = $db->getOne($sql)) {
$all_attr_list[$key]['filter_attr_name'] = $temp_name; //获取该属性的所有子属性(子属性必须是有被商品在使用的,不然,不要将其显示出来)
//RETURN: Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 167 [attr_value] => 灰色 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 198 [attr_value] => 白色 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 197 [attr_value] => 金色 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_id] => 185 [goods_id] => 163 [attr_value] => 黑色 ) )
$sql = "SELECT a.attr_id, MIN(a.goods_attr_id ) AS goods_id, a.attr_value AS attr_value FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods') .
" AS g" .
" WHERE ($children OR " . get_extension_goods($children) . ') AND g.goods_id = a.goods_id AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 '.
" AND a.attr_id='$value' ".
" GROUP BY a.attr_value";
$attr_list = $db->getAll($sql); //如果后台指定该分类下,用于搜索的属性的组数,是跟地址栏中filter_attr= 中0的个数是一样的,而且顺序都是一样的
//!这里要作循环,是因为避免属性为0或者空时,导致出错,因为直接把$filter_attr 赋值给 $temp_arrt_url_arr会出错。
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => 163 [1] => 216 [2] => 160 [3] => 186 )
$temp_arrt_url_arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cat_filter_attr); $i++) {
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$i] = !empty($filter_attr[$i]) ? $filter_attr[$i] : 0;
} //这里是该属性下,选择全部时的数组形式
//DATA:Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 216 [2] => 160 [3] => 186 )
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$key] = 0; //“全部”的信息生成
$temp_arrt_url = implode('.', $temp_arrt_url_arr);
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['attr_value'] = $_LANG['all_attribute'];
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=>$price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$temp_arrt_url), $cat['cat_name']);
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][0]['selected'] = empty($filter_attr[$key]) ? 1 : 0; //循环计算子属性的相关数组:属性值,属性是否选择,属性的url
//RETURN:Array ( [0] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 颜色 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 灰色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 白色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => 金色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [attr_value] => 黑色 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 屏幕大小 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 1.75英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.0英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.2英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.6英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [attr_value] => 2.8英寸 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 手机制式 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => CDMA [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => GSM,850,900,1800,1900 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [attr_value] => GSM,900,1800,1900,2100 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [filter_attr_name] => 外观样式 [attr_list] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [attr_value] => 全部 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [attr_value] => 滑盖 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [attr_value] => 直板 [url] => category.php?id=3&brand=1&price_min=200&price_max=1700&filter_attr= [selected] => 1 ) ) ) )
foreach ($attr_list as $k => $v) {
$temp_key = $k + 1;
$temp_arrt_url_arr[$key] = $v['goods_id']; //为url中代表当前筛选属性的位置变量赋值,并生成以‘.’分隔的筛选属性字符串
$temp_arrt_url = implode('.', $temp_arrt_url_arr); $all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['attr_value'] = $v['attr_value'];
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id, 'bid'=>$brand, 'price_min'=>$price_min, 'price_max'=>$price_max, 'filter_attr'=>$temp_arrt_url), $cat['cat_name']); if (!empty($filter_attr[$key]) AND $filter_attr[$key] == $v['goods_id']) { //处理已被选择的子属性
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['selected'] = 1;
else {
$all_attr_list[$key]['attr_list'][$temp_key]['selected'] = 0;
$smarty->assign('filter_attr_list', $all_attr_list); /* 扩展商品查询条件 */
if (!empty($filter_attr)) {
$ext_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(b.goods_id) FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS a, " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS b " . "WHERE ";
$ext_group_goods = array();
foreach ($filter_attr AS $k => $v) { // 查出符合所有筛选属性条件的商品id */
if (is_numeric($v) && $v !=0 ) {
$sql = $ext_sql . "b.attr_value = a.attr_value AND b.attr_id = " . $cat_filter_attr[$k] ." AND a.goods_attr_id = " . $v;
$ext_group_goods = $db->getColCached($sql);
$ext .= ' AND ' . db_create_in($ext_group_goods, 'g.goods_id');
assign_template('c', array($cat_id)); //RETURN:Array ( [title] => 夏新_GSM手机_手机类型_ECSHOP演示站 - Powered by ECShop [ur_here] => 首页 > 手机类型 > GSM手机 > 夏新 )
$position = assign_ur_here($cat_id, $brand_name); $smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']); // 页面标题
$smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']); // 当前位置 $smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree($cat_id)); // 分类树
$smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help()); // 网店帮助
$smarty->assign('top_goods', get_top10()); // 销售排行
$smarty->assign('show_marketprice', $_CFG['show_marketprice']); //是否显示市场价
$smarty->assign('category', $cat_id);
$smarty->assign('brand_id', $brand);
$smarty->assign('price_max', $price_max);
$smarty->assign('price_min', $price_min);
$smarty->assign('filter_attr', $filter_attr_str);
$smarty->assign('feed_url', ($_CFG['rewrite'] == 1) ? "feed-c$cat_id.xml" : 'feed.php?cat=' . $cat_id); // RSS URL if ($brand > 0) {
$arr['all'] = array('brand_id' => 0,
'brand_name' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['all_goods'],
'brand_logo' => '',
'goods_num' => '',
'url' => build_uri('category', array('cid'=>$cat_id), $cat['cat_name'])
} else {
$arr = array();
} $brand_list = array_merge($arr, get_brands($cat_id, 'category'));
$smarty->assign('data_dir', DATA_DIR); //网站data目录
$smarty->assign('brand_list', $brand_list);
$smarty->assign('promotion_info', get_promotion_info()); //获取推荐信息 /* 调查 */
$vote = get_vote();
if (!empty($vote)) {
$smarty->assign('vote_id', $vote['id']);
$smarty->assign('vote', $vote['content']);
} //获取最热销、推荐和最热卖商品
$smarty->assign('best_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('best', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$smarty->assign('promotion_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('promote', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$smarty->assign('hot_goods', get_category_recommend_goods('hot', $children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext));
$count = get_cagtegory_goods_count($children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext);
$max_page = ($count> 0) ? ceil($count / $size) : 1;
if ($page > $max_page) {
$page = $max_page;
} //获取该栏目下的所有商品
$goodslist = category_get_goods($children, $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $ext, $size, $page, $sort, $order); //判断选择了列表还是图片方式显示方式
if($display == 'grid') {
if(count($goodslist) % 2 != 0) {
$goodslist[] = array();
} $smarty->assign('goods_list', $goodslist); //注入商品列表
$smarty->assign('category', $cat_id); //注入分类id
$smarty->assign('script_name', 'category'); //注入该脚本的名称 assign_pager('category', $cat_id, $count, $size, $sort, $order, $page, '', $brand, $price_min, $price_max, $display, $filter_attr_str); // 分页
assign_dynamic('category'); // 动态内容
$smarty->display('category.dwt', $cache_id);
① 对Ecshop商品主要数据表的设计有了了解。(下一篇会简单介绍)
② 原来这里的要对商品的那些属性进行筛选,并不是程序自动处理,而是管理员后台指定的。
③ 价格区间的计算,是按照一定的算法计算出来的,比较智能,但数字不太好看(另外一种策略,是自己后台为每一个商品分类,都指定一个价格区间,也是可以的。)
④ 品牌、价格区间和属性,都是按照一定的原则从数据库抽取出来的。即,这些说有的分类或者属性下,必须是有商品的,才会把它获取出来。比如,如果颜色为黑色的属性下面是没有任何商品的,那么黑色这个属性,就不应该显示出来。其他依次类推。
⑤ 对于一些较为复杂的mysql语句查询,有了一些了解(希望不断提高啦。。)
ecshop商品属性一直是使用问题的难点,而“属性筛选”更是ecshop属性中的难点,那么下面来详细说明一下 属性筛选功能 第一,属性筛选的特点: 属性筛选必须是分类页才会显示,列出所有商品的唯一属性 ...
其实分类页面里面本来就有相关的品牌.属性.分类的筛选功能在category.php和模板加上相应的功能即可 1.读出当前分类的所有下级分类 $chlidren_category = $GLOBALS[ ...
Ecshop、Discuz! 等开源产品的局限
Ecshop.Discuz! 等开源产品的局限 记得今年年初,我初次接触Discuz!和Ecshop时,一阵阵地惊叹:成熟度这么高的产品,居然是免费的.我们这些搞传统软件开发的要怎么活?另外也奇怪,做 ...
求解:php商品条件筛选功能你是怎么做出来的? 2013-09-25 13:43 chenhang607 | 浏览 2756 次 资源共享 求思路或者方法,最好能有些代码 2013-09-25 14: ...
php商品条件筛选功能你是怎么做出来的? php按条件筛选商品的功能,还是比较简单的.其实就是根据不同的条件组成SQL查询条件,从数据库里查出不同的商品出来.举个例子:用户可以按价格范围.按品牌.按商 ...
一.简单的单条件查询 工作都是从简单的开始,先从最简单的单表查询开始,这个一般用在首页以及一些比较独立的页面,只需要查找几个符合条件的产品展示出来即可,可以使用分页或者不使用分页.下面这个是产品控制器 ...
[转载]ecshop 实现订单导出功能 指定订单导出 EXCEL 数据文件
当下很多功能都觉得理所当然,但是实际作为2012年停更的ECSHOP来说,很多功能其实都是缺少的,好比今天的要说的功能 订单导出 这个功能对于现在的产品设计来说,应该属于一个比较常规的功能,但是ECS ...
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