
时间:2022-08-27 21:20:31

This page in the MS documentation, covering asynchrony in Windows Forms applications, states:


You can call EndInvoke to retrieve the return value from the delegate, if neccesary, but this is not required. (emphasis added)

如果需要,可以调用EndInvoke从委托中检索返回值,但这不是必需的。 (重点补充)

This page covering the general case of asynchronous delegates, states something different:


No matter which technique you use, always call EndInvoke to complete your asynchronous call.


These two seem to be in direct conflict.


Which is true? Can someone explain?


see also, a post by Phil Haack.

另见Phil Haack的帖子。

Related: Is EndInvoke optional, sort-of optional, definitely not optional?

相关:EndInvoke是可选的,sort-of optional,绝对不是可选的?

3 个解决方案



Unless the documentation for an interface explicitly says otherwise you must call EndInvoke for every place you call BeginInvoke. The primary reason is that EndInvoke is the only time where the owner can safely free certain resources that may be allocated for the BeginInvoke call (such as a WaitHandle).


But there are exceptions to this rule. APIs such as Control.BeginInvoke do not require an EndInvoke but it's explicit in the documentation.




Both are true - they're different calls.

两者都是真的 - 他们是不同的电话。

In general you should always call EndInvoke to ensure that any resources acquired by the asynchronous call are released.


However, the Windows Forms team has guaranteed that you don't need to do this for Control.Invoke. You may well need to do it for other implementations of ISynchronizeInvoke though.




I've used the fire-and-forget method with delegates before where the results were "useful if available, but not required". Just remember that you have no completion guarantees with that method. In particular, here's one place that I use it:


  • Start a delegate to check for application updates
  • 启动委托以检查应用程序更新
  • Delegate begins a web request with a timeout
  • 委托以超时开始Web请求
  • If an error/timeout occurs, or if the application is up-to-date, the method simply returns
  • 如果发生错误/超时,或者应用程序是最新的,则该方法只返回
  • If the application is out of date, I place a non-focus-stealing systray message stating so (no systray icon unless the update is available)
  • 如果应用程序已过期,我会发出一个非焦点窃取系统消息,表明这样做(除非更新可用,否则没有系统托盘图标)

Either way, the application continues uninterrupted.




Unless the documentation for an interface explicitly says otherwise you must call EndInvoke for every place you call BeginInvoke. The primary reason is that EndInvoke is the only time where the owner can safely free certain resources that may be allocated for the BeginInvoke call (such as a WaitHandle).


But there are exceptions to this rule. APIs such as Control.BeginInvoke do not require an EndInvoke but it's explicit in the documentation.




Both are true - they're different calls.

两者都是真的 - 他们是不同的电话。

In general you should always call EndInvoke to ensure that any resources acquired by the asynchronous call are released.


However, the Windows Forms team has guaranteed that you don't need to do this for Control.Invoke. You may well need to do it for other implementations of ISynchronizeInvoke though.




I've used the fire-and-forget method with delegates before where the results were "useful if available, but not required". Just remember that you have no completion guarantees with that method. In particular, here's one place that I use it:


  • Start a delegate to check for application updates
  • 启动委托以检查应用程序更新
  • Delegate begins a web request with a timeout
  • 委托以超时开始Web请求
  • If an error/timeout occurs, or if the application is up-to-date, the method simply returns
  • 如果发生错误/超时,或者应用程序是最新的,则该方法只返回
  • If the application is out of date, I place a non-focus-stealing systray message stating so (no systray icon unless the update is available)
  • 如果应用程序已过期,我会发出一个非焦点窃取系统消息,表明这样做(除非更新可用,否则没有系统托盘图标)

Either way, the application continues uninterrupted.
