
时间:2022-08-27 18:04:27

I have some data for my sites statistics in a SQL DB:

我在SQL DB中有一些我的网站统计数据:

date:          visits:        pageviews:
12-12-12       34             21
12-12-13       31             22
12-12-14       33             2445
12-12-15       35             2422
12-12-16       36             232

//ect ect

I'm trying to create a Multidimensional array that contains all the dates info from the DB and where the date will be the key (selector,name of the array inside the multi array), so as the end result, I should be able to just do this:


print_r $my_multi_array[12-05-12];

And I should see the statistics for that date on the screen.


Now I know how to do all the loops and stuff, and I even have a good idea about how to do multidimensional arrays, it's just that I think I'm doing something wrong:


//first things first, define the array:

//then, in a loop, append to the array:

Now when I print_r that array, everything looks good:


Array ( [0] => Array ( [11-12-24] => Array ( [visits] => 1 [pageviews] => 0) ) [1] => Array ( [11-12-25] => Array ( [visits] => 1 [pageviews] => 0) ) [2] => Array ( [11-12-26] => Array ( [visits] => 1 [pageviews] => 0)))1

Notice the 1 at the end ^^. That seemed to be in the result (not a typo).

注意结尾的^ ^^。这似乎是结果(不是拼写错误)。

Now when I try printing a certain array out (using the date as the key):


print_r $my_multi_array['11-12-24'];

I get:


So then i try:


print_r $my_multi_array[2];

and that works fine.


For some reason, it wont let me select an array from $my_multi_array using the date as the key.

出于某种原因,它不会让我使用日期作为键从$ my_multi_array中选择一个数组。

Any ideas on how to fix this?



2 个解决方案



You have to put the date as the array key, like so:



Notice the $my_multi_array[$date].

注意$ my_multi_array [$ date]。

By doing $my_multi_array[] = ... you are just creating a new numerical index on the array with the content on the right side. That's why when you access the array with the numerical index, like $my_multi_array[2], it works.

通过执行$ my_multi_array [] = ...您只是在数组上创建一个新的数字索引,其内容位于右侧。这就是为什么当您使用数字索引访问数组时,如$ my_multi_array [2],它可以工作。

On the other hand, by doing $my_multi_array[$date]you are treating the array like an hash table, where you associate a key (in this case a string containing a date) with a value.

另一方面,通过执行$ my_multi_array [$ date],您将数组视为哈希表,其中您将一个键(在本例中为包含日期的字符串)与值相关联。



Everything is correct, because you don't have array('key' => 'value') style array, instead of that you've got array( [0] => array( 'key' => 'value' ) ) that's why you're getting correct result on accessing numeric key of the array.

一切都是正确的,因为你没有数组('key'=>'value')样式数组,而不是你有数组([0] =>数组('key'=>'value'))这就是为什么你在访问数组的数字键时得到正确的结果。



You have to put the date as the array key, like so:



Notice the $my_multi_array[$date].

注意$ my_multi_array [$ date]。

By doing $my_multi_array[] = ... you are just creating a new numerical index on the array with the content on the right side. That's why when you access the array with the numerical index, like $my_multi_array[2], it works.

通过执行$ my_multi_array [] = ...您只是在数组上创建一个新的数字索引,其内容位于右侧。这就是为什么当您使用数字索引访问数组时,如$ my_multi_array [2],它可以工作。

On the other hand, by doing $my_multi_array[$date]you are treating the array like an hash table, where you associate a key (in this case a string containing a date) with a value.

另一方面,通过执行$ my_multi_array [$ date],您将数组视为哈希表,其中您将一个键(在本例中为包含日期的字符串)与值相关联。



Everything is correct, because you don't have array('key' => 'value') style array, instead of that you've got array( [0] => array( 'key' => 'value' ) ) that's why you're getting correct result on accessing numeric key of the array.

一切都是正确的,因为你没有数组('key'=>'value')样式数组,而不是你有数组([0] =>数组('key'=>'value'))这就是为什么你在访问数组的数字键时得到正确的结果。