This seems a simple question, so I hope its a simple answer. I am plotting my points and fitting a linear model, which I can do OK. I then want to plot some summary statistics, for example the R Squared value, on the plot also. I can only seem to get the R Squared value at the command line. Any advice; do I need to be looking at ggplot or anything else? Thanks in advance.
这似乎是一个简单的问题,所以我希望它是一个简单的答案。我正在绘制我的点并拟合线性模型,我可以做到。然后,我想在图上绘制一些汇总统计数据,例如R Squared值。我似乎只能在命令行中获得R Squared值。任何建议;我需要查看ggplot或其他什么吗?提前致谢。
#Does the plot
plot(df$VAR1, df$VAR2)
#Adds the line
abline(lm(df$VAR2~df$VAR1), col="red")
#Shows stats on command line
2 个解决方案
You can abuse legend()
because it has the handy logical placement:
R> DF <- data.frame(VAR1=rnorm(100), VAR2=rnorm(100))
R> with(DF, plot(VAR1, VAR2))
R> abline(fit <- lm(VAR2 ~ VAR1, data=DF), col='red')
R> legend("topright", bty="n", legend=paste("R2 is",
+ format(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits=4)))
Here bty="n"
suppresses the box, and you need format()
to shorten the display. Other text()
is good, as are arguments main=
and sub=
to plot()
这里bty =“n”禁止显示框,你需要format()来缩短显示。其他text()也很好,参数main =和sub = to plot()。
The text
function places text into the current plot, it is one option for adding the r-squared value to a plot. Also look at the grconvertX
and grconvertY
functions for ways to find the location to place the text.
The corner.label
and emptyspace
functions in the plotrix
package may also help.
You can abuse legend()
because it has the handy logical placement:
R> DF <- data.frame(VAR1=rnorm(100), VAR2=rnorm(100))
R> with(DF, plot(VAR1, VAR2))
R> abline(fit <- lm(VAR2 ~ VAR1, data=DF), col='red')
R> legend("topright", bty="n", legend=paste("R2 is",
+ format(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits=4)))
Here bty="n"
suppresses the box, and you need format()
to shorten the display. Other text()
is good, as are arguments main=
and sub=
to plot()
这里bty =“n”禁止显示框,你需要format()来缩短显示。其他text()也很好,参数main =和sub = to plot()。
The text
function places text into the current plot, it is one option for adding the r-squared value to a plot. Also look at the grconvertX
and grconvertY
functions for ways to find the location to place the text.
The corner.label
and emptyspace
functions in the plotrix
package may also help.