
时间:2021-07-01 19:43:57

element is formed but as if there exists within theHave this markup


<g id="g-svg_el_obj921" style="top: 300px; left: 550px;">
  <circle r="95.12" fill="rgb(50, 149, 196)" class="some_class" id="svg_el_obj921" priority="4" position="300_550" cx="550" cy="300"></circle>

i need to insert some div element into g or circle element, so i do this:


    var feel_el = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'div');
    var $feel_el = $(feel_el);


element is formed but seems like not exist... Can anybody help?


1 个解决方案



All foreign content must be a child of a <foreignObject> element in SVG. Additionally a <circle> element can't have rendered children, but a <g> element can.

所有外部内容必须是SVG中 元素的子元素。另外, 元素不能有渲染子元素,但 元素可以。

So you'd have to change your function so that it firstly creates a <foreignObject> element, gives that element a width and height and then creates a <div> element and makes it a child of the <foreignObject> element, so that you create markup that looks like this.

因此,您必须更改函数,以便首先创建一个 元素,为该元素提供宽度和高度,然后创建一个

元素并使其成为 元素的子元素,以便您创建看起来像这样的标记。

<g id="g-svg_el_obj921" style="top: 300px; left: 550px;">
  <circle r="95.12" fill="rgb(50, 149, 196)" class="some_class" id="svg_el_obj921" priority="4" position="300_550" cx="550" cy="300"></circle>
  <foreignObject width="100" height="100">



All foreign content must be a child of a <foreignObject> element in SVG. Additionally a <circle> element can't have rendered children, but a <g> element can.

所有外部内容必须是SVG中 元素的子元素。另外, 元素不能有渲染子元素,但 元素可以。

So you'd have to change your function so that it firstly creates a <foreignObject> element, gives that element a width and height and then creates a <div> element and makes it a child of the <foreignObject> element, so that you create markup that looks like this.

因此,您必须更改函数,以便首先创建一个 元素,为该元素提供宽度和高度,然后创建一个

元素并使其成为 元素的子元素,以便您创建看起来像这样的标记。

<g id="g-svg_el_obj921" style="top: 300px; left: 550px;">
  <circle r="95.12" fill="rgb(50, 149, 196)" class="some_class" id="svg_el_obj921" priority="4" position="300_550" cx="550" cy="300"></circle>
  <foreignObject width="100" height="100">