
时间:2022-08-26 21:39:54

I have a Tab Bar controller with 4 tabs. I am displaying different set of data on each tab in table view. I need to set the badge values of each tab bar item with the number of rows present in the respective tab.


When the tab bar controller is loaded, the first tab is the default tab shown to the user.


Now, how can I set the badge values of all other 3 tabs with the number of records??


1 个解决方案



let num = "your num need show" print(num) let tabArray = self.tabBarController?.tabBar.items as NSArray! let chatTab = tabArray.objectAtIndex(3) as! UITabBarItem if num == 0{ chatTab.badgeValue = nil }else{ chatTab.badgeValue = "\(num)" }

让num = "your num need show" print(num)让tabArray = self。tabbarcontroller ?。tabbar。项目NSArray !让chatTab = tabArray.objectAtIndex(3) as!UITabBarItem if num = 0。badgeValue = nil。badgeValue = " \(num)"}



let num = "your num need show" print(num) let tabArray = self.tabBarController?.tabBar.items as NSArray! let chatTab = tabArray.objectAtIndex(3) as! UITabBarItem if num == 0{ chatTab.badgeValue = nil }else{ chatTab.badgeValue = "\(num)" }

让num = "your num need show" print(num)让tabArray = self。tabbarcontroller ?。tabbar。项目NSArray !让chatTab = tabArray.objectAtIndex(3) as!UITabBarItem if num = 0。badgeValue = nil。badgeValue = " \(num)"}