Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting - LeetCode

时间:2022-08-26 14:59:05


Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting - LeetCode


  • 长度一样的字符串要按字典序返回较小的



class Solution {
string findLongestWord(string s, vector<string>& d) {
string ret = "";
int i,m,n = d.size();
for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
int j = 0;
m = d[i].size();
for(char c:s)
if(j < m && c == d[i][j]) j++;
if(j == m)
if(m > ret.size()) ret = d[i];
else if(m == ret.size() && ret > d[i]) ret = d[i];
return ret;

Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting - LeetCode


  • 一开始没看懂题目是什么意思,理解成最长前缀了,其实题目是问能否将s中的某些字母删除而得到字典中的单词

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