
时间:2022-08-26 11:58:53

I'm using AJAX query to get some long array from server side. The array is really big (let's say million elements), so even HTTP query takes a time, I see it in a console. But after the query is done, some time passes until I see an output which comes from a callback function of AJAX query.


I try to measure some time inside that function, but the time difference is miserable and doesn't look like referring to the whole process. (If I put time brackets outside AJAX querying function I get anyway a zero which is clear why) Inspecting of Firebug profiler results also didn't give me a glue..


Here is my code (I use jQuery):


    function(data) {
        var start = (new Date).getTime();
        var end = (new Date).getTime();
        console.log((end - start) /1000); // for 1M array gives something like 0.03 s

So I want to catch a time of the whole process happening in browser's engine related to dealing with that object. How can I do that?


3 个解决方案



Use ajax , not getJSON:


   url: 'some-url',
   dataType: 'text',
   success: function(jsonText) {           
       var start = (new Date).getTime();

       var data = $.parseJSON(jsonText);  

       var end = (new Date).getTime();
       console.log((end - start) /1000); // for 1M array gives something like 0.03 s



If I understand your answer correctly, you want to measure the time it takes to process the response. I looks like callback passed to $.getJSON is called after the response JSON is parsed. You will need to use a different method, perhaps $.ajax. The following code should also work (untested):


function initiateGetRequest(url, callback)
    var req;
    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.open("GET", url, true);
    req.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (req.readyState === 4) {
            callback(req.responseText, req.status);

function processMyJSONResponse(responseText, statusCode) {
    var startTime;        
    var myResponseObject;
    if (statusCode === 200) {
        startTime = Date.now();
        // Processing logic here
        myResponseObject = JSON.parse(responseText);

        console.log((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000);
    } else {
        console.log("Something went wrong, statusCode: " + statusCode);

// somewhere else
initiateGetRequest("myUrl", processMyJSONResponse);



The answer is simple: create a jsPerf test case. It allows running asynchronous or “deferred” tests.


Alternatively, you could use Benchmark.js and set up a test case manually.


Don’t simply compare two new Date timestamps, as this is not an accurate way of measuring things across all browsers and devices.




Use ajax , not getJSON:


   url: 'some-url',
   dataType: 'text',
   success: function(jsonText) {           
       var start = (new Date).getTime();

       var data = $.parseJSON(jsonText);  

       var end = (new Date).getTime();
       console.log((end - start) /1000); // for 1M array gives something like 0.03 s



If I understand your answer correctly, you want to measure the time it takes to process the response. I looks like callback passed to $.getJSON is called after the response JSON is parsed. You will need to use a different method, perhaps $.ajax. The following code should also work (untested):


function initiateGetRequest(url, callback)
    var req;
    req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    req.open("GET", url, true);
    req.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (req.readyState === 4) {
            callback(req.responseText, req.status);

function processMyJSONResponse(responseText, statusCode) {
    var startTime;        
    var myResponseObject;
    if (statusCode === 200) {
        startTime = Date.now();
        // Processing logic here
        myResponseObject = JSON.parse(responseText);

        console.log((Date.now() - startTime) / 1000);
    } else {
        console.log("Something went wrong, statusCode: " + statusCode);

// somewhere else
initiateGetRequest("myUrl", processMyJSONResponse);



The answer is simple: create a jsPerf test case. It allows running asynchronous or “deferred” tests.


Alternatively, you could use Benchmark.js and set up a test case manually.


Don’t simply compare two new Date timestamps, as this is not an accurate way of measuring things across all browsers and devices.
