sockets,包括那个用于连接voip 服务的socket。因此,当程序运行时,它需要一直从头创建socket。
- - (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didConnectToHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)connectedPort{
- [socket performBlock:^{
- [socket enableBackgroundingOnSocket];
- }];
- }
- BOOL backgroundAccepted = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setKeepAliveTimeout:600 handler:^{ [self backgroundHandler]; }];
- if (backgroundAccepted)
- {
- NSLog(@"VOIP backgrounding accepted");
- }
you want to let your VOIP application run in background , except those
base settings in plist file, you need a TCP socket who's property is set
to VOIP, than the iOS system will
take care this socket for you, when your application enter background ,
every thing was 'sleep' except that tcp socket. and if VOIP server send
some data thought that TCP socket, your application will be awake up
for 10 secs. during this time, you can post
a local notification.
Tcp socket can be set as VOIP Socket. But from i know , mostly VOIP
application are based on UDP socket. if you do not want to separate the
control socket from the data socket.
you should create another tcp socket which is focus on 'awake' your
application , and from my personal experience , it's very hard to keep
this 'awake' signal and the real sip control signal synchronize, the
application always miss the sip invite request.
best way is separating the sip control single from the UDP data socket ,
make it as a tcp socket , this is the best solution , but never use tcp
socket to transfer voice data.
dirty way: keep the application awake all the time. As i said , each
TCP single the application received thought that 'VOIP' tcp socket ,
will keep application awake for
10 seconds, so at the end of this duration(after 9 secs) , you can send
a response to the server to ask for another signal , when the next
signal arrived, the application will be awake again,after 9 secs , send
response again. keep doing this, your application
will awake forever.
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