I have the following code:
<div ng-repeat="module in modules" id="{{module.Id}}">
<ng-include ng-init="bootstrapModule(module.Id)" src=""></ng-include>
I want to be able to build a string in src like so:
But I keep hitting roadblocks. I've tried to use a call back function to build it,
$scope.constructTemplateUrl = function(id) {
return '/modules/' + id + '/' + id + '.tpl.html';
But this gets called over & over & over and it doesn't seem to like that. I've also tried to construct it like so:
但这被称为over & over,而且它似乎不喜欢这样。我也试着这样构建它:
But that isn't working either. Rather than spend hours beating around the bush, I wondered if anyone else has come up against something like this and has any ideas?
Also, when I grab the modules from $resource, I am returning them asynchronously with $q, so I can't seem to go through and add it into the modules before in the controller as $scope.modules
just equals a then
function at that point.
Any ideas?
1 个解决方案
ngInclude | src
directive requires an angular expression, which means you should probably write
ngInclude | src指令需要一个角表达式,这意味着您应该编写
ng-src="'/modules/' + module.Id + '/tpl.html'"
ng-src = " /模块/ +模块。Id + / tpl.html”
From http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngInclude
ngInclude|src string angular expression evaluating to URL. If the source is a string constant, make sure you wrap it in quotes, e.g. src="'myPartialTemplate.html'".
ngInclude|src字符串的角表达式计算到URL。如果源是字符串常量,请确保用引号括起来,例如src=" myPartialTemplate.html "。
It might be better if you construct the url in model instead of inline HTML
<div ng-repeat="module in modules" id="{{module.Id}}">
<ng-include src="module.url"></ng-include>
ngInclude | src
directive requires an angular expression, which means you should probably write
ngInclude | src指令需要一个角表达式,这意味着您应该编写
ng-src="'/modules/' + module.Id + '/tpl.html'"
ng-src = " /模块/ +模块。Id + / tpl.html”
From http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:ngInclude
ngInclude|src string angular expression evaluating to URL. If the source is a string constant, make sure you wrap it in quotes, e.g. src="'myPartialTemplate.html'".
ngInclude|src字符串的角表达式计算到URL。如果源是字符串常量,请确保用引号括起来,例如src=" myPartialTemplate.html "。
It might be better if you construct the url in model instead of inline HTML
<div ng-repeat="module in modules" id="{{module.Id}}">
<ng-include src="module.url"></ng-include>