I am trying to create a directive that will remove the attribute disabled="disabled" from all input field contained in a form by clicking an edit link.
我正在尝试创建一个指令,通过单击编辑链接从表单中包含的所有输入字段中删除属性disabled =“disabled”。
The problem I am facing is that when I click on the link, even though the directive code is being called, I am not passing the form fields, the only thing that the code has access to is the link element.
If anyone could help me to make this work, that would be sweet.
Here is the work I have done so far.
My html with directive as attribute:
我的html with directive作为属性:
<a title="Edit record" ab-toggle-fields ng-click="pc.toggle()">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i>
The toggle function in controller, I am not sure if I need this part, took it from an example:
vm.toggle = function () {
The directive code:
(function (define, angular) {
'use strict';
define(function () {
var toggleFieldsDirective = function () {
return {
scope: {
'ngClick': '&'
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.bind('click', function () {
if (scope.ngClick){
var fields = elem.find(':input').not('button');
angular.forEach(fields, function (field) {
return [
})(define, angular);
1 个解决方案
Really the cleanest way is to simply use the ng-disabled directive on your inputs. Set the value to some variable that gets toggled on the click of your link. Like this:
<a href="#" title="Edit record" ng-click="isDisabled = !isDisabled" ng-init="isDisabled=false">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i>
<input name="inputA" type="text" ng-disabled="isDisabled" />
<input name="inputB" type="text" ng-disabled="isDisabled" />
Really the cleanest way is to simply use the ng-disabled directive on your inputs. Set the value to some variable that gets toggled on the click of your link. Like this:
<a href="#" title="Edit record" ng-click="isDisabled = !isDisabled" ng-init="isDisabled=false">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i>
<input name="inputA" type="text" ng-disabled="isDisabled" />
<input name="inputB" type="text" ng-disabled="isDisabled" />