
时间:2022-08-25 23:06:46

I just can't find a satisfying way to handle the Browser's History. Sure there are lovely plugins like History.js, which works fine for smaller things. But let me give you an example:


I have a multi-paged form that asks the user for different things. After every submit to the next page (actually the same, it just changes the view depending on HTTP-POST variables), there are some animations and changes on the page:


  • the main content changes to the next form (with a slideUp/slideDown)
  • 主要内容更改为下一个表单(使用slideUp / slideDown)
  • the progress bar changes it's state with an animation
  • 进度条通过动画更改其状态
  • below this bar, some information about some of the input fades in
  • 在这个栏下面,有关输入淡入的一些信息

So that's pretty basic right now, but I'm already struggling, because all the animations (the last 2 parts) are different on every state (different div, different input-sources) and I have no idea how to make them so generic, that I have not to specify them separatly.


I could live with that though, but when a user hits the back button I have to redefine all those animations again (in reverse). The content-load sure is no problem, it basically just reloads the file with an ajax-load:


  • I execute a pushstate with the input data as the stateObj on submit
  • 我使用输入数据执行一个pushstate作为提交时的stateObj
  • so I can execute the content-load in the bound 'statechange' event
  • 所以我可以在绑定的'statechange'事件中执行content-load

As said though, the rest drives me insane.


4 个解决方案



I would highly recommend grabbing and learning Backbone.js. It plays great with jQuery and sets up your website in a modified MVC pattern. It also has a great system for handling URL changes and executing the appropriate code.


As for sliding, if you want to reverse animations, that could be a bit of a pain to keep track of. What I did with my app when I was sliding between screens is instead of sometimes sliding up and sometimes sliding down, I would always move the element in the DOM that I was sliding to so that it was after the element I was sliding from. That way the slide was always going in the same direction and my animations wouldn't get all goofy.




You could try JavaScriptMVC, which includes jQuery. Not sure if it meets your exact requirements but it is JavaScript and MVC...

您可以尝试JavaScriptMVC,其中包括jQuery。不确定它是否符合您的确切要求,但它是JavaScript和MVC ......



Although not quite strictly MVC (of which there are several for JavaScript) I think backbone js is a great framework, that is based around the concepts of MVC, but re-worked to better suit the JavaScript language and environment.




Well after a lot of punching around and stuff, I decided to degrade to the simplest and best solution for my problem: Using the basics.


Instead of animating everything backwards/forwards when the user hits the back/forward buttons, I just reloaded the whole site with ajax so I can use the HTML/PHP fallback with the stateObj of the selected site.

当用户点击后退/前进按钮时,我不是向前/向后动画所有内容,而是使用ajax重新加载整个站点,这样我就可以使用所选站点的stateObj进行HTML / PHP回退。

Problem with History.js though is that it can't distinguish between pushState and back/forward button in the onstatechange-event. So I degraded from History.js to the standard W3C behaviour with pushstate. There will be an update with 1.8.0 that allows to distinguish between internal and external statechanges.

History.js的问题是它无法区分onstatechange事件中的pushState和back / forward按钮。所以我使用pushstate从History.js降级为标准的W3C行为。 1.8.0的更新将允许区分内部和外部状态变化。

Thanks for all the answers, but I guess this is the most accurate way of dealing with it, while using MVC alone doesn't solve the problem - why I didn't accept any other answer!

感谢所有答案,但我想这是处理它的最准确方法,而单独使用MVC并不能解决问题 - 为什么我不接受任何其他答案!



I would highly recommend grabbing and learning Backbone.js. It plays great with jQuery and sets up your website in a modified MVC pattern. It also has a great system for handling URL changes and executing the appropriate code.


As for sliding, if you want to reverse animations, that could be a bit of a pain to keep track of. What I did with my app when I was sliding between screens is instead of sometimes sliding up and sometimes sliding down, I would always move the element in the DOM that I was sliding to so that it was after the element I was sliding from. That way the slide was always going in the same direction and my animations wouldn't get all goofy.




You could try JavaScriptMVC, which includes jQuery. Not sure if it meets your exact requirements but it is JavaScript and MVC...

您可以尝试JavaScriptMVC,其中包括jQuery。不确定它是否符合您的确切要求,但它是JavaScript和MVC ......



Although not quite strictly MVC (of which there are several for JavaScript) I think backbone js is a great framework, that is based around the concepts of MVC, but re-worked to better suit the JavaScript language and environment.




Well after a lot of punching around and stuff, I decided to degrade to the simplest and best solution for my problem: Using the basics.


Instead of animating everything backwards/forwards when the user hits the back/forward buttons, I just reloaded the whole site with ajax so I can use the HTML/PHP fallback with the stateObj of the selected site.

当用户点击后退/前进按钮时,我不是向前/向后动画所有内容,而是使用ajax重新加载整个站点,这样我就可以使用所选站点的stateObj进行HTML / PHP回退。

Problem with History.js though is that it can't distinguish between pushState and back/forward button in the onstatechange-event. So I degraded from History.js to the standard W3C behaviour with pushstate. There will be an update with 1.8.0 that allows to distinguish between internal and external statechanges.

History.js的问题是它无法区分onstatechange事件中的pushState和back / forward按钮。所以我使用pushstate从History.js降级为标准的W3C行为。 1.8.0的更新将允许区分内部和外部状态变化。

Thanks for all the answers, but I guess this is the most accurate way of dealing with it, while using MVC alone doesn't solve the problem - why I didn't accept any other answer!

感谢所有答案,但我想这是处理它的最准确方法,而单独使用MVC并不能解决问题 - 为什么我不接受任何其他答案!