
时间:2022-08-25 23:02:09

I have several different processes within a single project that I work on. I am constantly opening and closing tabs(java files) in the code editor for that particular process. Each process almost always uses the same java files.


I was wondering if it is possible to save what files are opened as part of the working set so I can select what working set I want and have all the java files open that I will need to work with. Currently the working set just sets the tree to these files, but I am looking to also have it open the files I need.


I hope this makes sense...


7 个解决方案



Mylyn should be your answer here.


Mylyn is a task-focused interface for Eclipse that makes working with very large workspaces as easy as working with small ones.
Mylyn extends Eclipse with mechanisms for keeping track of the tasks that you work on.


Mylyn monitors your work activity on those tasks to identify information relevant to the task-at-hand. Mylyn monitors Eclipse and captures your interaction in a task context.
System artifacts such as files, types, methods, and fields get assigned a degree-of-interest based on how recently and frequently you interact with them.
This results in uninteresting elements being filtered from view within Eclipse, allowing you to focus in on what is important.




Eclipse provides multiple ways of structuring the IDE desktop:


  • Perspectives: Customization of the positions of open and closed views and editors. You can copy and rename existing perspectives like the Java perspective and suit them to your needs by customizing them. See the Window menu or right-click on the perspective icon in the upper right corner
  • 透视图:定制开放和封闭视图和编辑器的位置。您可以复制和重命名现有的透视图,如Java透视图,并通过定制它们来满足您的需要。查看窗口菜单或右键单击右上角的透视图图标
  • Task Management Tools like Mylyn: see answer by VonC
  • 任务管理工具,如Mylyn:参见VonC的答案
  • Multiple Windows: You can open new windows and move them to your second monitor. Select Window > New Window to open a new window. Each window keeps track of its own open editors.
  • 多窗口:您可以打开新的窗口,并将它们移动到第二个监视器。选择窗口>新窗口打开新窗口。每个窗口都跟踪自己的打开编辑器。
  • Multiple Instances of Eclipse: You can always use multiple workspaces and multiple instances of Eclipse. However, this is only recommended when working on different projects, as both instances would overwrite each others files when rebuilding.
  • Eclipse的多个实例:您总是可以使用多个工作区和多个Eclipse实例。但是,只有在处理不同的项目时才建议这样做,因为这两个实例在重新构建时将相互覆盖文件。
  • Hotkeys: By using shortcuts like Ctrl-T and Alt-Left/Alt-Right and Ctrl-Q you can quickly jump to previous locations where you have edited source files. This is a great help in navigating the open workspace.
  • 热键:通过使用诸如Ctrl-T、Alt-Left/Alt-Right和Ctrl-Q之类的快捷方式,您可以快速跳转到先前编辑过源文件的位置。这对于在打开的工作区中导航有很大的帮助。



Extended VS Presentation provides capabilities to save sessions.


Unluckily, it only works with Eclipse 3.1 to 3.8:

不幸的是,它只适用于Eclipse 3.1到3.8:

Project page at Eclipse Marketplace





The accepted answer tells us which tool could be used but does not provide a quick and dirty explanation on how to use it.


In my case, I hadn't finished researching a large code base but I needed to save my progress so I could return to it later hence the need to save all open tabs using Mylyn.


  1. If you already have Mylyn installed, navigate to Window -> Show View -> Task List to view the list of tasks. If you've never used it before, the list will be empty.


  2. Right-click inside the Task List view then New -> Category to create a new category. Right-click again New -> Task to create a new task.

    在任务列表视图中右键单击,然后新建->类别来创建一个新的类别。再次右键单击New ->任务以创建新任务。

  3. Double-click on the task you just created then click on the Context tab at the bottom left of the view.


  4. Now navigate to each tab which you would like Mylyn to save by clicking on the tab name. Notice how an entry for the source file for that tab is added in Context tab of the Task List view.


Once you've cycled through all the tabs you'd like to save, you can confirm they were saved by closing each one and double-clicking the source file in the Task List to restore the tab.




You need a Macro. Searching using this term at Eclipse plugin sites like eclipseplugincentral.com and so on must yield enough suggestions, for example Practically Macro. Good luck.




I've edited this answer as per below comment (include essential parts of answer in this post).


Yes, you can save off groups of tabs in Eclipse by installing this Session Manager plug-in.


I've wanted this functionality in Eclipse as well. I recently wrote a feature and have been successfully using it for a few months now. It is a new OSGi type extension and works with Eclipse Neon and above.

我也想在Eclipse中使用这个功能。我最近写了一个特性,现在已经成功地使用了几个月了。这是一个新的OSGi类型扩展,可以使用Eclipse Neon和其他东西。

Here's how to install it.


  • In Eclipse, go to Help → Install New Software
  • 在Eclipse中,去帮助→安装新软件
  • Click “Add”, enter a name like “Editor Sessions” and the following URL. http://spillikinaerospace.com/eclipseInstall/
  • 单击“添加”,输入一个名称,如“编辑器会话”和以下URL。http://spillikinaerospace.com/eclipseInstall/
  • Unckeck “Group items by category” to see the feature.
  • Unckeck“按类别分组”查看特性。
  • Check the box that says “Editor Sessions Manager” and click Next.
  • 选中“编辑器会话管理器”的复选框,然后单击Next。
  • Read and agree to the short license agreement.
  • 阅读并同意简短的许可协议。
  • Click the remaining install buttons.
  • 单击其余的安装按钮。
  • Allow Eclipse to restart.
  • 允许重新启动Eclipse。

Full set of instructions are here: http://chrishull.com/projects/eclipse/


Please give it a try and send comments. I've found it a very useful tool as I work with several Eclipse projects at once and need to recall file groups.


Hope you enjoy it;




In addition to all mentioned... Did you try Bookmarks? You can save multiple bookmarks into one set, there are bookmark sets management option and you can add descriptions with prefixes to group bookmarks on the same set. Finally and more important: you can select multiple bookmarks, select goto and multiple editors will be opened at once.




Mylyn should be your answer here.


Mylyn is a task-focused interface for Eclipse that makes working with very large workspaces as easy as working with small ones.
Mylyn extends Eclipse with mechanisms for keeping track of the tasks that you work on.


Mylyn monitors your work activity on those tasks to identify information relevant to the task-at-hand. Mylyn monitors Eclipse and captures your interaction in a task context.
System artifacts such as files, types, methods, and fields get assigned a degree-of-interest based on how recently and frequently you interact with them.
This results in uninteresting elements being filtered from view within Eclipse, allowing you to focus in on what is important.




Eclipse provides multiple ways of structuring the IDE desktop:


  • Perspectives: Customization of the positions of open and closed views and editors. You can copy and rename existing perspectives like the Java perspective and suit them to your needs by customizing them. See the Window menu or right-click on the perspective icon in the upper right corner
  • 透视图:定制开放和封闭视图和编辑器的位置。您可以复制和重命名现有的透视图,如Java透视图,并通过定制它们来满足您的需要。查看窗口菜单或右键单击右上角的透视图图标
  • Task Management Tools like Mylyn: see answer by VonC
  • 任务管理工具,如Mylyn:参见VonC的答案
  • Multiple Windows: You can open new windows and move them to your second monitor. Select Window > New Window to open a new window. Each window keeps track of its own open editors.
  • 多窗口:您可以打开新的窗口,并将它们移动到第二个监视器。选择窗口>新窗口打开新窗口。每个窗口都跟踪自己的打开编辑器。
  • Multiple Instances of Eclipse: You can always use multiple workspaces and multiple instances of Eclipse. However, this is only recommended when working on different projects, as both instances would overwrite each others files when rebuilding.
  • Eclipse的多个实例:您总是可以使用多个工作区和多个Eclipse实例。但是,只有在处理不同的项目时才建议这样做,因为这两个实例在重新构建时将相互覆盖文件。
  • Hotkeys: By using shortcuts like Ctrl-T and Alt-Left/Alt-Right and Ctrl-Q you can quickly jump to previous locations where you have edited source files. This is a great help in navigating the open workspace.
  • 热键:通过使用诸如Ctrl-T、Alt-Left/Alt-Right和Ctrl-Q之类的快捷方式,您可以快速跳转到先前编辑过源文件的位置。这对于在打开的工作区中导航有很大的帮助。



Extended VS Presentation provides capabilities to save sessions.


Unluckily, it only works with Eclipse 3.1 to 3.8:

不幸的是,它只适用于Eclipse 3.1到3.8:

Project page at Eclipse Marketplace





The accepted answer tells us which tool could be used but does not provide a quick and dirty explanation on how to use it.


In my case, I hadn't finished researching a large code base but I needed to save my progress so I could return to it later hence the need to save all open tabs using Mylyn.


  1. If you already have Mylyn installed, navigate to Window -> Show View -> Task List to view the list of tasks. If you've never used it before, the list will be empty.


  2. Right-click inside the Task List view then New -> Category to create a new category. Right-click again New -> Task to create a new task.

    在任务列表视图中右键单击,然后新建->类别来创建一个新的类别。再次右键单击New ->任务以创建新任务。

  3. Double-click on the task you just created then click on the Context tab at the bottom left of the view.


  4. Now navigate to each tab which you would like Mylyn to save by clicking on the tab name. Notice how an entry for the source file for that tab is added in Context tab of the Task List view.


Once you've cycled through all the tabs you'd like to save, you can confirm they were saved by closing each one and double-clicking the source file in the Task List to restore the tab.




You need a Macro. Searching using this term at Eclipse plugin sites like eclipseplugincentral.com and so on must yield enough suggestions, for example Practically Macro. Good luck.




I've edited this answer as per below comment (include essential parts of answer in this post).


Yes, you can save off groups of tabs in Eclipse by installing this Session Manager plug-in.


I've wanted this functionality in Eclipse as well. I recently wrote a feature and have been successfully using it for a few months now. It is a new OSGi type extension and works with Eclipse Neon and above.

我也想在Eclipse中使用这个功能。我最近写了一个特性,现在已经成功地使用了几个月了。这是一个新的OSGi类型扩展,可以使用Eclipse Neon和其他东西。

Here's how to install it.


  • In Eclipse, go to Help → Install New Software
  • 在Eclipse中,去帮助→安装新软件
  • Click “Add”, enter a name like “Editor Sessions” and the following URL. http://spillikinaerospace.com/eclipseInstall/
  • 单击“添加”,输入一个名称,如“编辑器会话”和以下URL。http://spillikinaerospace.com/eclipseInstall/
  • Unckeck “Group items by category” to see the feature.
  • Unckeck“按类别分组”查看特性。
  • Check the box that says “Editor Sessions Manager” and click Next.
  • 选中“编辑器会话管理器”的复选框,然后单击Next。
  • Read and agree to the short license agreement.
  • 阅读并同意简短的许可协议。
  • Click the remaining install buttons.
  • 单击其余的安装按钮。
  • Allow Eclipse to restart.
  • 允许重新启动Eclipse。

Full set of instructions are here: http://chrishull.com/projects/eclipse/


Please give it a try and send comments. I've found it a very useful tool as I work with several Eclipse projects at once and need to recall file groups.


Hope you enjoy it;




In addition to all mentioned... Did you try Bookmarks? You can save multiple bookmarks into one set, there are bookmark sets management option and you can add descriptions with prefixes to group bookmarks on the same set. Finally and more important: you can select multiple bookmarks, select goto and multiple editors will be opened at once.
