
时间:2022-08-25 21:49:03

In my ASCX, I have an hidden field defined as <asp:HiddenField ID="hdnNewAsset" runat="server" />.


In the Code Behind I have the following code:

在Code Behind中我有以下代码:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        _service = new ArticleDataService(PortalId);

        if (!IsPostBack)
            string rawId = Request[ArticleQueryParams.ArticleId];

        if (hdnNewAsset.Value.Trim() != string.Empty)

Now, in my frontend, I have a javascript function to react to an event and set the hidden field and trigger a postback:


function assetSelected(assetGuid) {

What's happening is that my hidden field is being set in the markup (chrome shows [ <input type=​"hidden" name=​"dnn$ctr466$Main$ctl00$hdnNewAsset" id=​"dnn_ctr466_Main_ctl00_hdnNewAsset" value=​"98d88e72-088c-40a4-9022-565a53dc33c4">​ ] for $('input[id*="hdnNewAsset"]')).

发生的事情是我的隐藏字段正在标记中设置(chrome显示[] for $('input [id * =”hdnNewAsset“]'))。

However, when the postback occurs, hdnNewAsset.Value is an empty string.


What's even more puzzling is that at the beginning of Page_Load Request.Params["dnn$ctr466$Main$ctl00$hdnNewAsset"] shows 98d88e72-088c-40a4-9022-565a53dc33c4, and after the postback my hidden field has the same value (so the hidden field is persisting across postbacks), yet I cannot access this value via hdnNewAsset.Value.

更令人费解的是,在Page_Load Request.Params [“dnn $ ctr466 $ Main $ ctl00 $ hdnNewAsset”]的开头显示了98d88e72-088c-40a4-9022-565a53dc33c4,并且在回发后我的隐藏字段具有相同的值(所以隐藏字段在回发中持续存在),但我无法通过hdnNewAsset.Value访问此值。

Can anyone see what I"m doing wrong?


1 个解决方案



Ok I figured out the the issue.


The issue is that the code posted above was part of an ASCX user control. That user control was being loaded dynamically into an placeholder during the Page_Load event of the parent control.


Therefore, it seems that since both of these calls were in Page_Load of their respective calls, the inner control did not have it's values bound in the inner control's page_load. Modifying it so my inner control is loaded in Page_Init instead of Page_Load fixed all bindings.


Not sure if I wrote that in a way that makes sense to the general public.


Edit: It seems this part of the MSDN documentation is relevant to my issue:

If controls are created dynamically at run time or declaratively within templates of data-bound controls, their events are initially not synchronized with those of other controls on the page. For example, for a control that is added at run time, the Init and Load events might occur much later in the page life cycle than the same events for controls created declaratively. Therefore, from the time that they are instantiated, dynamically added controls and controls in templates raise their events one after the other until they have caught up to the event during which it was added to the Controls collection.




Ok I figured out the the issue.


The issue is that the code posted above was part of an ASCX user control. That user control was being loaded dynamically into an placeholder during the Page_Load event of the parent control.


Therefore, it seems that since both of these calls were in Page_Load of their respective calls, the inner control did not have it's values bound in the inner control's page_load. Modifying it so my inner control is loaded in Page_Init instead of Page_Load fixed all bindings.


Not sure if I wrote that in a way that makes sense to the general public.


Edit: It seems this part of the MSDN documentation is relevant to my issue:

If controls are created dynamically at run time or declaratively within templates of data-bound controls, their events are initially not synchronized with those of other controls on the page. For example, for a control that is added at run time, the Init and Load events might occur much later in the page life cycle than the same events for controls created declaratively. Therefore, from the time that they are instantiated, dynamically added controls and controls in templates raise their events one after the other until they have caught up to the event during which it was added to the Controls collection.
