使用as.Date(x) - as.Date(y)后,数字后面有“天”

时间:2022-05-14 19:42:55

Hopefully this is a simple question:


I'm creating a column in my data_frame that takes the date fifference of two date columns.


I get the correct result but when I call on this data frame again, in this new column, I get "days" written after the number.


 my code is:

 temp <- temp %>%
 mutate(AGEMOS = as.numeric(as.Date(temp$INTERVIEWDATE,"%m/%d/%Y")-
                 as.Date(temp$BDAY,"%m/%d/%Y")) / 30.475)

and, to re-iterate, AGEMOS now has "days written after each numeric value.


Is there any way to get rid of this or change it to Years?



3 个解决方案



You can use function as.numeric with parameter units:


as.numeric(as.Date("2017-08-20")-as.Date("2017-09-03"), units = "days")



To understand the behavior, you need to recognize that subtracting two dates does not return a numeric vector. It returns a vector of class difftime


x <- as.Date("2017-05-11")
y <- as.Date("2017-01-23")

z <- x - y 

class(x) # Date
class(y) # Date
class(z) # difftime

The difftime object has its own print method that prints the units attribute for clarity. This can generate confusion because subsequent operations don't can change the units, but the units attribute of the difftime object won't change.


z / 30
Time difference of 3.6 days

I recommend a slightly safer approach to calculating time differences


as.numeric(difftime(x, y, units = "days"))

I actually do recommend specifying the units argument; depending on how close the objects are, the auto selection of the units in R may not always be the same (this is more likely to be true with POSIXct variables, which are date/time objects. By specifying the units you want to work with, you can avoid confusion.




You can also use difftime and specify the units you are interested in. i.e. difftime(temp$BDAY, temp$INTERVIEWDATE, units = "days" as long as they parameters are a date class.

您也可以使用difftime并指定您感兴趣的单位,即difftime(temp $ BDAY,temp $ INTERVIEWDATE,units =“days”,只要它们的参数是日期类。



You can use function as.numeric with parameter units:


as.numeric(as.Date("2017-08-20")-as.Date("2017-09-03"), units = "days")



To understand the behavior, you need to recognize that subtracting two dates does not return a numeric vector. It returns a vector of class difftime


x <- as.Date("2017-05-11")
y <- as.Date("2017-01-23")

z <- x - y 

class(x) # Date
class(y) # Date
class(z) # difftime

The difftime object has its own print method that prints the units attribute for clarity. This can generate confusion because subsequent operations don't can change the units, but the units attribute of the difftime object won't change.


z / 30
Time difference of 3.6 days

I recommend a slightly safer approach to calculating time differences


as.numeric(difftime(x, y, units = "days"))

I actually do recommend specifying the units argument; depending on how close the objects are, the auto selection of the units in R may not always be the same (this is more likely to be true with POSIXct variables, which are date/time objects. By specifying the units you want to work with, you can avoid confusion.




You can also use difftime and specify the units you are interested in. i.e. difftime(temp$BDAY, temp$INTERVIEWDATE, units = "days" as long as they parameters are a date class.

您也可以使用difftime并指定您感兴趣的单位,即difftime(temp $ BDAY,temp $ INTERVIEWDATE,units =“days”,只要它们的参数是日期类。