如何使ASP.NET TextBox在AJAX UpdatePanel中触发onTextChanged事件?

时间:2022-08-25 17:26:20

I am trying to get an textBox to fire it's onTextChanged event every time a keystroke is made rather than only firing only when it looses focus. I thought that adding the AsyncPostBackTrigger would do this but it's still not working. Is what I'm trying to do even possible? The code is below:


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Items.aspx.cs" MasterPageFile="~/MMPAdmin.Master" Inherits="MMPAdmin.Items" %>
<asp:Content ID="content1" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="sm_Main" runat="server" />
    <div style="left:10px;position:relative;width:100%;overflow:hidden">
        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up_SearchText" runat="server">
                 <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="tb_Search" EventName="TextChanged" />
                <div style="position:relative;float:left">
                    <b style="font-size:xx-large">Items</b>(<a href="Item.aspx">Add New</a>)
                <div style="right:25px;position:absolute; top:30px">
                    Search: <asp:TextBox ID="tb_Search" runat="server" Width="200" OnTextChanged="UpdateGrid" AutoPostBack="true" />
                <br />
                    <asp:GridView runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="true" ID="gv_Items" AutoGenerateEditButton="true" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="true" />

3 个解决方案



  • You need to call the _postback() function for your textbox control when the onkeyup is raised using javascript.
  • 当使用javascript引发onkeyup时,需要为文本框控件调用_postback()函数。
  • However, since your textbox is inside your update panel, the textbox will get re-rendered everytime the user hits a key, causing the cursor to loose focus.
  • 但是,由于您的文本框位于更新面板中,因此每次用户按键时文本框都会重新呈现,从而导致光标失去焦点。
  • This will not be usable unless you get your textbox out of the the updatepanel. That may work out for you, as update panels tend to be a bit slow, you may still have usability issues. - I would suggest using an autocomplete component.
  • 除非您将文本框从更新面板中取出,否则这将无法使用。这可能对你有用,因为更新面板往往有点慢,你可能仍然有可用性问题。 - 我建议使用自动完成组件。

P.S : there is one in the asp.net control toolkit or you could use the jquery autocomplete plugin which I have found to be a bit better.




Dont Need use AJAX controls for checking the availability.. Its is not Compulsory to use it AJAX Controls.. We can use the Following Code..


<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" ontextchanged="TextBox1_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox>

 protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RequiredFieldValidator1.ErrorMessage = "";
        Label1.Text = "";
        string name = TextBox1.Text.ToString();
        string constr = "data Source=MURALY-PC\\SQLEXPRESS; database=Online; Integrated Security=SSPI";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
        string query = "select UserName from User_tab where UserName='" + name + "'";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
        SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        if (dr.Read())

            Label1.Text = "UserName Already Exists";
            Label1.Text = "";
            Label1.Text = "UserName Available";




All the AsyncPostBackTrigger does is make sure only that portion of the page refreshes when the event is fired, it does not change when the event is fired.


I think it's possible to do what you want, but you'd need to write some javascript code to manually fire the event... and I don't even want to think about making that work.




  • You need to call the _postback() function for your textbox control when the onkeyup is raised using javascript.
  • 当使用javascript引发onkeyup时,需要为文本框控件调用_postback()函数。
  • However, since your textbox is inside your update panel, the textbox will get re-rendered everytime the user hits a key, causing the cursor to loose focus.
  • 但是,由于您的文本框位于更新面板中,因此每次用户按键时文本框都会重新呈现,从而导致光标失去焦点。
  • This will not be usable unless you get your textbox out of the the updatepanel. That may work out for you, as update panels tend to be a bit slow, you may still have usability issues. - I would suggest using an autocomplete component.
  • 除非您将文本框从更新面板中取出,否则这将无法使用。这可能对你有用,因为更新面板往往有点慢,你可能仍然有可用性问题。 - 我建议使用自动完成组件。

P.S : there is one in the asp.net control toolkit or you could use the jquery autocomplete plugin which I have found to be a bit better.




Dont Need use AJAX controls for checking the availability.. Its is not Compulsory to use it AJAX Controls.. We can use the Following Code..


<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" ontextchanged="TextBox1_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox>

 protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RequiredFieldValidator1.ErrorMessage = "";
        Label1.Text = "";
        string name = TextBox1.Text.ToString();
        string constr = "data Source=MURALY-PC\\SQLEXPRESS; database=Online; Integrated Security=SSPI";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
        string query = "select UserName from User_tab where UserName='" + name + "'";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
        SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        if (dr.Read())

            Label1.Text = "UserName Already Exists";
            Label1.Text = "";
            Label1.Text = "UserName Available";




All the AsyncPostBackTrigger does is make sure only that portion of the page refreshes when the event is fired, it does not change when the event is fired.


I think it's possible to do what you want, but you'd need to write some javascript code to manually fire the event... and I don't even want to think about making that work.
